
Lerna specify run order

蓝咒 提交于 2021-02-18 20:50:46
问题 In my monorepo, I have 3 packages package1 , package2 , package3 , each package contains a npm script named build . However, these packages are not linked together. I.e. there are no require() in any of those packages linking to a sibling package. From the root folder, I run lerna run build . It seems to run build of the packages in the alphabetically order. Is there a way to specify the order to run the build commands of these packages? --sort won't work because they are not linked. 回答1: You

微软 WinGet 抄袭 AppGet 始末,个人开源的困境该如何破?

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-18 15:58:37
点击上方蓝色“ 程序猿DD ”,选择“设为星标” 回复“ 资源 ”获取独家整理的学习资料! 开源抄袭、原创洗稿、昨天还在朋友圈疑似某大厂的付费课程抄袭。关于版权问题,似乎一直萦绕在我们周围,对于“抄”,我们好像一直无能为力,因为就个人而言,维权的精力成本和财力成本,注定了我们大多时候都处于弱势群体,所以这个问题在国内一直都没有很好的解决。以前我们总觉得是我们没有这个土壤,国外就好很多,但是真的是这样吗?今天就来八一八微软WinGet项目的抄袭始末! 以下内容来源: 公众号「开源中国」 近日,开源项目 AppGet 作者 Keivan Beigi 与微软 WinGet 项目的“抄袭纠纷”事件迎来了最新进展。微软方面做出回应,坦承“辜负了 Keivan 和 AppGet”,并肯定了 Keivan 与 AppGet 对微软新项目的贡献。 今年 5 月,微软在 Build 2020 大会上发布了新的软件包管理工具 WinGet,并将其开源。而就在 WinGet 发布之后不久,开源软件包管理工具 AppGet 项目作者 Keivan Beigi 发文宣布 AppGet 项目“死亡”,矛头直指微软的 WinGet 抄袭了 AppGet 。 AppGet 是一款开源的 Windows 软件包管理工具,它可以在 Windows PC 上自动安装软件。作者 Keivan Beigi

微软抄袭 AppGet 始末,开源普法任重道远

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2021-02-18 15:50:50
本文作者:o****0 近日,开源项目 AppGet 作者 Keivan Beigi 与微软 WinGet 项目的“抄袭纠纷”事件迎来了最新进展。微软方面做出回应,坦承“辜负了 Keivan 和 AppGet”,并肯定了 Keivan 与 AppGet 对微软新项目的贡献。 今年 5 月,微软在 Build 2020 大会上发布了新的软件包管理工具 WinGet ,并将其开源。 而就在 WinGet 发布之后不久,开源软件包管理工具 AppGet 项目作者 Keivan Beigi 发文宣布 AppGet 项目“死亡”,矛头直指微软的 WinGet 抄袭了 AppGet 。 AppGet 是一款开源的 Windows 软件包管理工具,它可以在 Windows PC 上自动安装软件。作者 Keivan Beigi 是一名居住在加拿大温哥华的软件工程师。去年 7 月,微软 App 事业部产品经理 Andrew Clinick 开始主动接触 Keivan,表达了微软对于 AppGet 的兴趣,并表示可以给 Keivan 提供在微软的职位,共同开发 Windows 系统的软件包管理项目。期间,Andrew 多次与 Keivan 以交换意见为由进行面试沟通,获取了 AppGet 的开发思路。去年 12 月,Keivan 在微软位于西雅图的总部接受了一整天的采访,事情本来正向着好的方向发展。

AWS Lambda packaging with dependencies

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2021-02-11 17:11:33
问题 Further outlining is in the context of NodeJS and Monorepo (based on Lerna). I have AWS stack with several AWS Lambda inside deployed by means of AWS CloudFormation. Some of the lambdas are simple (the single small module) and could be inlined: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/latest/docs/@aws-cdk_aws-lambda.Code.html#static-from-wbr-inlinecode const someLambda = new Function(this, 'some-lambda', { code: Code.fromInline(fs.readFileSync(require.resolve(<relative path to lambda module>),

AWS Lambda packaging with dependencies

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-02-11 17:06:17
问题 Further outlining is in the context of NodeJS and Monorepo (based on Lerna). I have AWS stack with several AWS Lambda inside deployed by means of AWS CloudFormation. Some of the lambdas are simple (the single small module) and could be inlined: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/latest/docs/@aws-cdk_aws-lambda.Code.html#static-from-wbr-inlinecode const someLambda = new Function(this, 'some-lambda', { code: Code.fromInline(fs.readFileSync(require.resolve(<relative path to lambda module>),

Lerna + TypeScript + npm: How do I properly setup the config so that @projectName/package paths through the dist directory?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-02-08 02:21:14
问题 I'm trying to get my project setup as a monorepo but I'm running into an annoying issue of pathing with TypeScript & Lerna. I have 2 react projects, an API, and a core project which warehouses my domain model & typescript definitions. For right now, I need to be able to use the code from the core in my API and the definitions across my 2 react projects. The issue that I'm running into that is that I have to path from the root of each package. For example, @projectName/core/src/models/myModel

Lerna + TypeScript + npm: How do I properly setup the config so that @projectName/package paths through the dist directory?

久未见 提交于 2021-02-08 02:20:31
问题 I'm trying to get my project setup as a monorepo but I'm running into an annoying issue of pathing with TypeScript & Lerna. I have 2 react projects, an API, and a core project which warehouses my domain model & typescript definitions. For right now, I need to be able to use the code from the core in my API and the definitions across my 2 react projects. The issue that I'm running into that is that I have to path from the root of each package. For example, @projectName/core/src/models/myModel

Using Lerna.js and Azure Devops Pipeline

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-01-29 21:37:00
问题 I'm studying about azuredevops pipelines to a new project. I'm totally new about devops. In this project, I want to use lerna.js to manage my monorepo and my packages. Considering that I have those three projects inside my monorepo: Package 1 (1.0.1) Package 2 (1.0.0) Package 3 (1.0.3) And I want to create a new TAG, which will increase the Package 3 to (1.0.4). How can I trigger an Azure Pipeline just to Package 3? There is any guide? I watched one talk about monorepos with lerna.js and I'm

Yarn workspaces: nohoist exclude

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-01-29 20:29:11
问题 In my package.json, I currently have "workspaces": { "nohoist": ** } I would like to specify JUST TWO packages to hoist, and nohoist on everything else. Is there a simple way to do this without pasting all of my packages except those two into nohoist ? 回答1: After days of digging I ended up with the following configuration. Yarn seems to use some kind of Bash glob pattern matching (see this Linux journal article for a tutorial). In this configuration the "nohoist" rule disables hoisting for

lerna import always returns EDESTDIR

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2021-01-28 03:23:44
问题 I have a pre-existing project that I'd like to import into my existing lerna monorepo that uses yarn workspaces. Command(s): I've tried running all of the following commands. The error remains stubbornly unchanged. Also, petstore has a package.json file and is a git repo. lerna import ./petstore --dest="./packages/" lerna import ./petstore --dest="./packages/api/" ERROR: lerna notice cli v3.20.2 lerna ERR! EDESTDIR --dest does not match with the package directories: packages/** Also, lerna