
LazyInitializationException trying to get lazy initialized instance

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-05-11 07:42:49
问题 I see the following exception message in my IDE when I try to get lazy initialized entity (I can't find where it is stored in the proxy entity so I can't provide the whole stack trace for this exception): Method threw 'org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException' exception. Cannot evaluate com.epam.spring.core.domain.UserAccount_$$_jvste6b_4.toString() Here is a stack trace I get right after I try to access a field of the lazy initialized entity I want to use: org.hibernate

LazyInitializationException trying to get lazy initialized instance

你。 提交于 2020-05-11 07:42:25
问题 I see the following exception message in my IDE when I try to get lazy initialized entity (I can't find where it is stored in the proxy entity so I can't provide the whole stack trace for this exception): Method threw 'org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException' exception. Cannot evaluate com.epam.spring.core.domain.UserAccount_$$_jvste6b_4.toString() Here is a stack trace I get right after I try to access a field of the lazy initialized entity I want to use: org.hibernate

How to apply lazy loading in flatlist in react native

无人久伴 提交于 2020-05-10 02:44:34
问题 What is the best possible way to apply lazy load in Flatlist in react native. Currently there is infinite scroll in the flatlist. I am new to React native so i dont have any idea. 回答1: You should use <FlatList .... onEndReached={this.endReached} onEndReachedThreshold={.7} .../> the onEndReached : Called once when the scroll position gets within onEndReachedThreshold of the rendered content. and onEndReachedThreshold : How far from the end (in units of visible length of the list) the bottom

How to apply lazy loading in flatlist in react native

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-05-10 02:42:16
问题 What is the best possible way to apply lazy load in Flatlist in react native. Currently there is infinite scroll in the flatlist. I am new to React native so i dont have any idea. 回答1: You should use <FlatList .... onEndReached={this.endReached} onEndReachedThreshold={.7} .../> the onEndReached : Called once when the scroll position gets within onEndReachedThreshold of the rendered content. and onEndReachedThreshold : How far from the end (in units of visible length of the list) the bottom

How to solve data loading issue in React redux

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-05-09 10:19:32
问题 I am trying to figure out how can i manage/display this component when data is still loading. I am using react redux for this case. any suggestion for solving this out? Although I wrapped this with lazy loading but it seems it is not that much working in this case. Any suggestion for this. //Actions.js export const getContact= () => dispatch => { dispatch(setResumesLoading()); axios .get('/api/contacts') .then(res => dispatch({ type: GET_CONTACTS, payload: }) ).catch (err => dispatch limit maxdepth when serializing

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-05-09 02:09:07
问题 We're using Asp.Net WebAPI with Entity Framework (with lazy loading) and using for serializing the data to json before returning the data to the client. We are experiencing intermittent sudden spikes in memory usage which we suspect might originate with not recognizing reference loops when serializing data (since Entity Framework might be doing some lazy loading voodoo with proxy classes which goes under the radar of I thought I'd limit how deep was limit maxdepth when serializing

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-05-09 02:08:10
问题 We're using Asp.Net WebAPI with Entity Framework (with lazy loading) and using for serializing the data to json before returning the data to the client. We are experiencing intermittent sudden spikes in memory usage which we suspect might originate with not recognizing reference loops when serializing data (since Entity Framework might be doing some lazy loading voodoo with proxy classes which goes under the radar of I thought I'd limit how deep was

Risks of native lazy loading with the HTML loading attribute?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-04-30 06:38:10
问题 Browsers started recently supporting native lazy loading via the loading attribute. However, many image heavy sites like and don't use native lazy loading. Obviously, not all browsers support native lazy loading, but what are the risks of using loading="lazy" in addition to other options for lazy loading? That is, if you accept that unsupported browsers won't lazy load images, is there any downside to adding loading="lazy" to img tags? 来源:

IntersectionObserver callback firing immediately on page load

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-03-17 04:54:44
问题 I'm very new to the IntersectionObserver API, and I've been experimenting with this code: let target = document.querySelector('.lazy-load'); let options = { root: null, rootMargin: '0px', threshold: 0 } let observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options); observer.observe(target); function callback() { console.log('observer triggered.'); } This seems to work as it should, and callback() is called whenever .lazy-load element enters the viewport, but callback() also fires once when the

Perfomance issue - .Count in MVC view

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-03-06 07:35:31
问题 For several pages I use a .Count inside a foreach loop @model ICollection<Item> foreach(var item in Model) { @item.Flight.FlightReservations.count } Because of lazy loading the EF makes a round trip to the database for this. Now I want to fix this by using this or linq version: Include("List.Flight.FlightReservations") Doing this makes loading my dbSet take even longer than those foreach round trips How can I 'load' parts of only 1 object? I would like to use context.Items.Single(p => ==