
What are the pros and cons of java serialization vs kryo serialization?

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-01-27 19:12:26
问题 In spark, java serialization is the default, if kryo is that efficient then why it is not set as default. Is there some cons using kryo or in what scenarios we should use kryo or java serialization? 回答1: Here is comment from documentation: Kryo is significantly faster and more compact than Java serialization (often as much as 10x), but does not support all Serializable types and requires you to register the classes you’ll use in the program in advance for best performance. So it is not used


断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-10-30 15:34:39
红米k30s至尊纪念版:采用了一块6.67英寸的屏幕,有着2400x1800像素的分辨率同时是支持7档变速,最高支持144Hz刷新率  红米k30s至尊纪念版新品活动优惠力度空前 荣耀x10更多使用感受和评价 荣耀 X10配备6.63 英寸升降式全面屏,180Hz/90Hz全速屏,分辨率1080x2400像素,触控采样率180Hz的,92%的高屏占比,德国莱茵 TüV 低蓝光认证,支持电子书模式等,可以带给用户舒适的沉浸式体验,提供竞速蓝、探速黑、光速银、燃力橙四种配色可供选择。 红米k30s至尊纪念版采用高通骁龙™865,CPU 架构工艺:Kryo585 架构,7nm FFP工艺制程,CPU 主频:八核处理器,最高主频可达:2.84GHz,GPU :Adreno650 图形处理器,最高频率可达587MHz 荣耀 X10搭载麒麟820旗舰级芯片,7nm工艺,SA/NSA 双模全网通,9个5G频段,双卡双待单通,电池容量4300mAh,支持 22.5W 快充。 来源: oschina 链接:


主宰稳场 提交于 2020-10-07 03:22:55
realmeX7pro采用一块6.55英寸的AMOLED柔性挖孔屏,2400x1080像素分辨率,120Hz屏幕刷新率,分辨率为FHD+,采用COP封装工艺,机身整体重184克,厚8.5mm,拥有黑、白、紫三种配色。 OPPOReno4SE更多使用感受和评价: realmeX7pro更多使用感受和评价: opporeno4pro正面采用了一块6.5英寸的AMOLED极点全面屏,刷新率90HZ的高感曲面屏,重量约为172g。 realmeX7pro后置搭载6400万像素主摄+800万像素超广角+200万像素微距镜头+200万像素景深镜头,前置搭载3200万像素高清主摄opporeno4pro搭载4800万主摄+1200万超广角+1300万长焦镜头+激光对焦,主摄、超广角、前置都支持超级防抖算法;前置搭载3200万像素摄像头,利用AI智能识别面部轮廓,和背景自然分割,突出脸庞,自拍也有背景虚化。 opporeno4的前置更加优秀一些,realmex7pro的后置则更胜一筹。而realmeX7Pro通过多帧技术进行画面降噪,提升清晰度,从而大大的扩展了直出6400万超清照片的场景范围。 realmeX7 Pro搭载了天玑性能最强的天玑1000+处理器,采用了7nm制程工艺


半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-10-01 04:45:10
骁龙865对比天玑1000+性能较好,无论在单核还是多核的跑分表现上都略优于天玑1000+,其中骁龙865芯片的Geekbench跑分为:单核891,多核3116,而天玑1000+ Geekbench跑分为:单核784,多核3043,跑分上两个CPU差距并不大。2020年下半年,这几款手机值得入手,懂手机的人会选最后一款!!! 骁龙865,国内手机使用的处理器基本都是他家的,最突出就是他家的GPU强悍。采用高通7nm制作工艺,架构为一大核Kryo 585(A77改)+三中核Kryo 585(A77改)+四小核Kryo 585(A55改),频率2.84+2.42+1.80GHz,GPU Adreno 650,内存LPDDR4X-2133 LPDDR5-2750,基带X55 5G 7.5Gbps/3Gbps。 天玑1000+,目前只有VIVO 的 IQOO Z1这款手机和红米K30至尊纪念版搭载了。采用联发科7nm制作工艺,架构为四核A77+四核A55,频率 2.6+2.0GHz,GPU Mali-G77 MC9,内存 四通道LPDDR4X,基带 Helio M70 5G 4.7Gbps/2.5Gbps。 骁龙865采用的是A77魔改的Kryo585,最高主频2.84GHz,打2.6GHz的天玑1000+也是不在话下,所以骁龙865性能较好


↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-08-18 23:20:05
如果应用使用的google protobuf 或 apache thrift序列器工具, 你是需要注册自已的序列化工具的。以protobuf和thrift为例,示例如下: 譬如 google protobuf 样例: 注册ProtobufSerializer序列化器: final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); env.getConfig().registerTypeWithKryoSerializer(PbSdkStat.DataRecords.class, ProtobufSerializer.class); 添加maven依赖 <dependency>   <groupId>com.twitter</groupId>   <artifactId>chill-protobuf</artifactId>   <version>0.7.6</version>   <!-- exclusions for dependency conversion -->   <exclusions>   <exclusion>    <groupId>com.esotericsoftware.kryo</groupId>    <artifactId>kryo


蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-08-10 13:57:17
最近一直在老家远程办公,微信突然响了下,有同事说遇到了一个奇怪的问题,让我帮忙看下。 现象就是标题所说的缓存获取不到的问题,我一听感觉这个问题挺有意思的,决定一探究竟。 下面给出部分代码还原下案发现场: @CreateCache(name = "demo", expire = 600) private Cache<String, ThirdPartyEventResponse> cache; @Test public void test() { ThirdPartyEventResponse eventResponse = new ThirdPartyEventResponse(); eventResponse.setTicketCategories(Arrays.asList(ticketCategoryResponse)); // 省略 ..... // 添加 cache.put(DisChannelType.PIAONIU.getValue(), eventResponse); // 获取 ThirdPartyEventResponse resp = cache.get(DisChannelType.PIAONIU.getValue()); } Put 之后马上 Get,居然获取不到值。 这就有点匪夷所思了,我们来好好排查下。 首先过期时间为 600 秒

Does Kryo help in SparkSQL?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-06-25 02:30:29
问题 Kryo helps improve the performance of Spark applications by the efficient serialization approach. I'm wondering, if Kryo will help in the case of SparkSQL, and how should I use it. In SparkSQL applications, we'll do a lot of column based operations like$"c1", $"c2") , and the schema of DataFrame Row is not quite static. Not sure how to register one or several serializer classes for the use case. For example: case class Info(name: String, address: String) ... val df = spark

Does Kryo help in SparkSQL?

北城以北 提交于 2020-06-25 02:28:11
问题 Kryo helps improve the performance of Spark applications by the efficient serialization approach. I'm wondering, if Kryo will help in the case of SparkSQL, and how should I use it. In SparkSQL applications, we'll do a lot of column based operations like$"c1", $"c2") , and the schema of DataFrame Row is not quite static. Not sure how to register one or several serializer classes for the use case. For example: case class Info(name: String, address: String) ... val df = spark

No such property: ToInputStream for class: Script4

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-05-17 08:54:07
问题 I have a situation where I want to import my graph data to database.I am having janusgraph(latest version) running with cassandra(version 3) and elasticsearch(version 6.6.0) using Docker.I have been suggested to use gryo format.So I have tried this command"my_graph.kryo"), graph); but ended up with an error No such property: ToInputStream for class: Script4 The documentation I am following is here.Please take a look and

No such property: ToInputStream for class: Script4

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-05-09 06:58:05
问题 I have a situation where I want to import my graph data to database.I am having janusgraph(latest version) running with cassandra(version 3) and elasticsearch(version 6.6.0) using Docker.I have been suggested to use gryo format.So I have tried this command"my_graph.kryo"), graph); but ended up with an error No such property: ToInputStream for class: Script4 The documentation I am following is here.Please take a look and