

自作多情 提交于 2020-08-17 13:09:02
本文梗概: 1、测试人员的工作有哪些? 2、测试人员的必备技能有哪些? 3、资深测试员的心德体会。 做了那么久测试,你真的知道测试是做什么的吗? 测试人员的工作 看到这个问题,你是不是觉得有点傻?事实上,其实有很多与我们合作的同事并不清楚。下面我们以一个完整的项目,来介绍一下测试人员的工作究竟有哪些。 (1)项目立项,需求产出 很多人都在强调要测试前置,可是这是有条件的,如果你不按项目流程来走,都开发完相应的功能了才告诉测试,测试如何前置啊?所以在项目立项后,需求产出阶段要进行需求评审,确定好开发人员,测试人员,一起参与需求评审会议,此时三方人员根据各自的经验和专长,来讨论一下需求。开发从技术实现角度,测试从用户角度来对需求提出自己的意见,力争通过需求评审达到三方意见一致。一起排出项目周期及各个环节的关键日期,交付物等。 (2)需求开发,测试用例编写 在开发人员开发需求的时候,测试人员必须确定测试方案,编写相应的测试用例,通过xmind, excel编写冒烟测试用例,或者通过编码来编写冒烟测试用例,以供开发提测的时候进行自测;同时编写全面的测试用例,组织三方人员进行用例评审,进行测试必要的前期准备,如测试数据,测试环境等,监控项目周期各个环节执行的情况,如果出现任何风险及时预警。 (3)代码提测,测试阶段 在开发提测后,需要进行测试验收,验证冒烟测试用例的执行情况。如果冒烟测试通过


拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-07-25 16:05:23
本文梗概: 1、测试人员的工作有哪些? 2、测试人员的必备技能有哪些? 3、资深测试员的心德体会。 做了那么久测试,你真的知道测试是做什么的吗? 测试人员的工作 看到这个问题,你是不是觉得有点傻?事实上,其实有很多与我们合作的同事并不清楚。下面我们以一个完整的项目,来介绍一下测试人员的工作究竟有哪些。 (1)项目立项,需求产出 很多人都在强调要测试前置,可是这是有条件的,如果你不按项目流程来走,都开发完相应的功能了才告诉测试,测试如何前置啊?所以在项目立项后,需求产出阶段要进行需求评审,确定好开发人员,测试人员,一起参与需求评审会议,此时三方人员根据各自的经验和专长,来讨论一下需求。开发从技术实现角度,测试从用户角度来对需求提出自己的意见,力争通过需求评审达到三方意见一致。一起排出项目周期及各个环节的关键日期,交付物等。 (2)需求开发,测试用例编写 在开发人员开发需求的时候,测试人员必须确定测试方案,编写相应的测试用例,通过xmind, excel编写冒烟测试用例,或者通过编码来编写冒烟测试用例,以供开发提测的时候进行自测;同时编写全面的测试用例,组织三方人员进行用例评审,进行测试必要的前期准备,如测试数据,测试环境等,监控项目周期各个环节执行的情况,如果出现任何风险及时预警。 (3)代码提测,测试阶段 在开发提测后,需要进行测试验收,验证冒烟测试用例的执行情况。如果冒烟测试通过

Removing iOS permission alert for local notifications when running app in simulator

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-31 20:07:29
问题 I'm trying to write an acceptance test in KIF on an app that asks for local notification permissions pretty early on. Unfortunately due to iOS simulator security reasons it isn't possible to automate accepting iOS permission alerts using KIF. Per it looks like there are ways to disable the permission alerts for location, address book, calendar, and photos, but I couldn't find a way to disable the local notification permission. I tried the entitlement

Error “library not found for -lPods-MyProjectTests-KIF” when installing KIF in existing workspace

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-25 08:52:47
问题 I run into this error when adding KIF to an existing Xcode 6 workspace: ld: library not found for -lPods-MyProjectTests-KIF What may be special about my situation that MyProject.xcworkspace/ resides in the parent directory of MyProject.xcproject/ (and depends on several other sibling projects as well): ./MyProject.xcworkspace/ ./MyProject/ ./MyProject/MyProject.xcworkspace/ ./MyProject/Podfile My Podfile is as follows: target 'MyProjectTests', :exclusive => true do pod 'KIF', '~> 3.0',

Linker error comes while running as well as testing the Xcode workspace after updating KIF framework via cocoapods

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-23 10:22:02
问题 I have an Xcode workspace in which I have updated to KIF 2.0(pod update via terminal & pod 'KIF' in the podfile) after that I have configured the workspace as per the instructions provided in with Cocoapods section).But when I tried to execute the project as well as Run my test target it throws an error, ld: building for iOS Simulator, but linking against dylib built for MacOSX file '/Applications/

How do I turn off the Accessibility Inspector in the iOS 9 simulator?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-22 09:58:08
问题 The accessibility inspector is turned on by my KIF tests (apparently it's necessary for KIF to work.) Problem is, its window occludes controls some subsequent UI tests need to tap on and those tests fail. How can I turn the Accessibility Inspector off when my KIF tests are done with it so my UI Tests can run? (Turning it off "manually" from the simulator's Settings app is not a solution—I'm looking for something I can call from code, set in the target or...?) 回答1: It is not on by default. You

How pick image on Albums - iOS testing KIF

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-12 04:53:09
问题 Faced with this problem, when you select an image from the album comes not click on the image. At point pressure also occurs. What to do? used:[tester choosePhotoInAlbum:@"Moments" atRow:0 column:0]; As well as: [tester tapScreenAtPoint:CGPointMake(47, 150)]; 回答1: I was trying to figure this out as well. Solved it by adding a [tester waitForTimeInterval:1] before [tester tapScreenAtPoint:CGPointMake(47, 150)] Like this: [tester tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Camera Roll"]; //Album Name

Feature tests with KIF: beforeEach is called after my view controller is loaded?

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-11 10:43:45
问题 i have got simple (i guess) question. I want to make a feature test in my app with Specta and KIF. The problem is that i am setting dependency in viewDidLoad method of my View Controller, and in beforeEach method of my spec i'm injecting fake object just to not hit the network. The result is wrong because viewDidLoad is being called before beforeEach method in specs. Is there a possibility to set dependencies before AppDelegate loads root view controller so everything is set up properly? 回答1:

How to mock location service using KIF-framework

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-09 12:14:23
问题 I use KIF framework ( for UI Tests and I need to mock location service. The problem is location service starts BEFORE KIF method -beforeAll invoked. So it's too late to mock. Any suggestions would be appreciated. 回答1: In my KIF target I have a BaseKIFSearchTestCase : KIFTestCase , where I overwrite CLLocationManager`s startUpdatingLocation in a category. Note that this is the only category overwrite I ever made as this is really not a good idea in general.

How to acknowledge system alerts automatically using KIF test framework?

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-05 23:17:09
问题 I use KIF to test the UI for continuous integration. When the app is the first launch on a device (or iOS Simulator ), the system will show some alert views for security. How can KIF automatically acknowledge system alerts to prevent test from failure? 回答1: The best way is to use [tester acknowledgeSystemAlert] . It will click the last button in the system alert :) For more information see this github thread. 来源: