

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-16 09:12:53
常用端口号: IIS(HTTP):80 SQLServer:1433 Oracle:1521 MySQL:3306 FTP:21 SSH:22 Tomcat:8080 常用和不常用端口一览表 端口:0 服务:Reserved 说明:通常用于分析操作系统。这一方法能够工作是因为在一些系统中“0”是无效端口,当你试图使用通常的闭合端口连接它时将产生不同的结果。一种典型的扫描,使用IP地址为0.0.0.0,设置ACK位并在以太网层广播。 端口:1 服务:tcpmux 说明:这显示有人在寻找SGI Irix机器。Irix是实现tcpmux的主要提供者,默认情况下tcpmux在这种系统中被打开。Irix机器在发布是含有几个默认的无密码的帐户,如:IP、GUEST UUCP、NUUCP、DEMOS 、TUTOR、DIAG、OUTOFBOX等。许多管理员在安装后忘记删除这些帐户。因此HACKER在INTERNET上搜索tcpmux并利用这些帐户。 端口:7 服务:Echo 说明:能看到许多人搜索Fraggle放大器时,发送到X.X.X.0和X.X.X.255的信息。 端口:19 服务:Character Generator 说明:这是一种仅仅发送字符的服务。UDP版本将会在收到UDP包后回应含有垃圾字符的包。TCP连接时会发送含有垃圾字符的数据流直到连接关闭

Unable to stop Kerberos debug logging

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2021-02-11 13:01:35
问题 I'm using a Kerberos enabled Spark cluster for running our Spark applications. The Kerberos has been setup previously by other members of the organization, and I have no idea how it works. In the initial days, we had used the Kerberos debug logs to understand the exception "Unable to obtain password from user" which was being raised due to absence of a JCE certificate in the cacerts folder of jre security. However, we no longer require the logs and thus, used the

IBM developer:Kafka ACLs

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-09 05:25:25
Overview In Apache Kafka, the security feature is supported from version 0.9. When Kerberos is enabled, we need to have the authorization to access Kafka resources. In this blog, you will learn how to add authorization to Kafka resources using Kafka console ACL scripts. In addition, when SSL is enabled in Kafka, ACLs (access control list) can be enabled to authorize access to Kafka resources. Kafka ACLs are defined in the general format of “Principal P is [Allowed/Denied] Operation O From Host H On Resource R”. Kafka resources that can be protected with ACLS are: Topic Consumer group Cluster

How to solve 'Cannot authenticate using Kerberos' issue doing EF Core database scaffolding in Linux(Ubuntu 18.04)? Are there any solutions?

走远了吗. 提交于 2021-02-09 01:47:28
问题 everyone. I've been trying to develop simple starting AspNetCore application with EntityFrameworkCore to connect and work with MS SQL server database. And manage all this by Rider IDE, tool for Database client(DBeaver) and dotnet command line interface(dotnet ef). I'm using database first approach(create database on mssql server, fill it with tables and then build Models based on tables). My STEP-by-STEP actions: 1)install and set up mssql server for my machine working on Ubuntu 18.04.

How to solve 'Cannot authenticate using Kerberos' issue doing EF Core database scaffolding in Linux(Ubuntu 18.04)? Are there any solutions?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-02-09 01:43:29
问题 everyone. I've been trying to develop simple starting AspNetCore application with EntityFrameworkCore to connect and work with MS SQL server database. And manage all this by Rider IDE, tool for Database client(DBeaver) and dotnet command line interface(dotnet ef). I'm using database first approach(create database on mssql server, fill it with tables and then build Models based on tables). My STEP-by-STEP actions: 1)install and set up mssql server for my machine working on Ubuntu 18.04.

Python program to connect to HBase via thrift server in Http mode

孤街醉人 提交于 2021-02-08 13:10:15
问题 I am trying to write a simple program to connect to HBase server through thrift which is started in Http mode.(cluster is kerberized ) but I always gets 'read zero bytes error message' I have refered below links but those examples work only if the thrift server starts in Binary mode (??), I did Klist and Kinit everything looks fine and also I have followed below HDP documentation and my setup is correct https:/

Verify credentials using krb5 and GSSAPI Python

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-02-08 10:38:15
问题 I'm working on a project for university where I have to verify credentials as a last step. I should verify if those credentials are valid and I don't have to connect to any service or gain any rights. I'm a bloody beginner in this feeld so please be patient if I fail to provide enough information. If you ask I will do my best to update this post with the requested information. I'm working on Ubuntu Server 18.04. with Python 3.6. I have the kerberos 5 client software successfully installed on

Connecting oracle database using spark with Kerberos authentication?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-02-07 09:01:15
问题 My jdbc is connected to oracle database using krb5loginmodule without any issue, by giving keytab file or ticket cache.But, due to performance, I want to connect my oracle database using Spark. If I use simple username and password, I am able to connect my spark application to Oracle database using below snippet: Dataset<Row> empDF ="jdbc") .option("url", "jdbc:oracle:thin:hr/1234@//") .option("dbtable", "hr.employees") //.option("user", "hr") //

Connecting oracle database using spark with Kerberos authentication?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-02-07 08:57:15
问题 My jdbc is connected to oracle database using krb5loginmodule without any issue, by giving keytab file or ticket cache.But, due to performance, I want to connect my oracle database using Spark. If I use simple username and password, I am able to connect my spark application to Oracle database using below snippet: Dataset<Row> empDF ="jdbc") .option("url", "jdbc:oracle:thin:hr/1234@//") .option("dbtable", "hr.employees") //.option("user", "hr") //


∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2021-01-30 06:52:21
Linux系统目录结构图 / 根目录 目录名 描述 /bin 执行文件目录 /boot 开机文件目录 /dev 驱动设备目录 /etc 配置文件目录 /home 用户主文件夹 /lib 系统函数库 /lost+found 丢失内容修复目录 /media 媒体设备暂挂区 /mnt 额外设备暂挂区 /opt 第三方软件安装目录 /proc 虚拟文件系统目录 /root 管理员主文件夹 /sbin 重要系统执行文件目录 /srv 服务数据存放目录 /sys 虚拟文件系统目录 /tmp 临时文件存放目录 /usr 系统软件资源目录 /var 常态可变动文件目录 /etc/ 目录 目录名 描述 /rc.d 启动的配置文件和脚本 /hosts 本地域名解析文件 /sysconfig/network IP、掩码、网关、主机名配置 /resolv.conf DNS服务器配置 /fatab 开机自动挂载系统 /inittab 初始化配置文件 /exports 设置NFS系统用的配置文件路径 /profile 全局系统环境变量配置 /bashrc 全局环境变量路径 /init.d 存放系统启动脚本 /motd 登录后显示的输出信息 /issue 认证前的登录信息, 默认输出版本内核信息 /visudoes 可以Visudo的配置文件 /passwd 用户账号信息文件 /shadow 用户密码信息文件