
Is JPath the same as JSONPath in JSON.NET?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-02-19 00:37:28
问题 Although the names look similar, small changes could be tricky. Unfortunately I cannot find decent info about JPath. The docs of JSON.NET are talking about JPath and JSONPath and I think there are the same. Am I correct? A String that contains a JPath expression. from JToken.SelectToken (see also source code) This sample loads JSON and then queries values from it using SelectToken(String) with a JSONPath query. Which is using JObject.SelectToken (inherited from JToken ) from Querying JSON

Is JPath the same as JSONPath in JSON.NET?

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-19 00:34:31
问题 Although the names look similar, small changes could be tricky. Unfortunately I cannot find decent info about JPath. The docs of JSON.NET are talking about JPath and JSONPath and I think there are the same. Am I correct? A String that contains a JPath expression. from JToken.SelectToken (see also source code) This sample loads JSON and then queries values from it using SelectToken(String) with a JSONPath query. Which is using JObject.SelectToken (inherited from JToken ) from Querying JSON


不想你离开。 提交于 2021-02-17 13:38:13
问题背景: 在测试&部署监控过程中,我们常常会遇到外部接口返回数据不靠谱的时候。最常见的场合是从某个http获取如json和xml等结构化的结果,进行解析并处理,在这时候出现以下这几种常见类型的错误: (1)整个结构不完整。直接无法解析json/xml。 (2)编码错误,常见的gbk/utf8错误 (3)超长数据/非法字符。 (4)数据类型不匹配。需要是数字的给了字符串,该是数组的给了字符串等,对json本身来说没问题,程序处理就会错误或者崩溃。 (5)字段缺失或者为空,这个情况对json本身来说也是没问题的,处理进程固定要去取这里的字段就会出问题,或者进程本身没问题,但实际展现出问题。 例如json描述一个商品最近30天的售价,提供一个数组里有30个数据来画点,json里这个数组为空,从数据格式上来说没问题,但实际画点时展现即为空。 截图是来自一份合作方的数据,箭头指向的是上证指数曲线的点,如果点数据完全缺失(为空)则画曲线的界面会显示为空。在json结构上则仍然验证为合法。 解决问题的现状: 对上述问题,我们有一些简单的自动化监控手段,通过定期抓取http接口再获取其中内容这一步比较简单,接下来我们会验证http状态码(200正常,非200认为是有问题)和长度,如果过短(例如少于20字节)则认为是无效。 还有一些自动化case会先人工看一下接口返回的具体内容

kubectl 命令

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-02-13 09:49:05
https://jimmysong.io/kubernetes-handbook/guide/using-kubectl.html 零、Options 选项 https://www.kubernetes.org.cn/doc-45 功能: 使用kubectl来管理Kubernetes集群。 可以在 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes 找到更多的信息。 选项: --kubeconfig="": 命令行请求使用的配置文件路径。 --api-version="": 和服务端交互使用的API版本。 --certificate-authority="": 用以进行认证授权的.cert文件路径。 --client-certificate="": TLS使用的客户端证书路径。 --client-key="": TLS使用的客户端密钥路径。 --cluster="": 指定使用的kubeconfig配置文件中的集群名。 --context="": 指定使用的kubeconfig配置文件中的环境名。 --user="": 指定使用的kubeconfig配置文件中的用户名。 --insecure-skip-tls-verify[=false]: 如果为true,将不会检查服务器凭证的有效性,这会导致你的HTTPS链接变得不安全。 --match

How to flatten a json with nested lists by Jayway JsonPath?

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-09 08:28:11
问题 Currently I need to process some json results based on configuration but not hard code. For example, with the json as follows { data: [{ orderNo: "CG8310150", details: [{ skuId: 4384, amount: 2 }, { skuId: 4632, amount: 5 }] }, { orderNo: "CG8310151", details: [{ skuId: 4384, amount: 3 }] }] } I want the result as follows [{ orderNo: "CG8310150", skuId: 4384, amount: 2 }, { orderNo: "CG8310150", skuId: 4632, amount: 5 }, { orderNo: "CG8310151", skuId: 4384, amount: 3 }] If anyone has the

How to flatten a json with nested lists by Jayway JsonPath?

房东的猫 提交于 2021-02-09 08:27:29
问题 Currently I need to process some json results based on configuration but not hard code. For example, with the json as follows { data: [{ orderNo: "CG8310150", details: [{ skuId: 4384, amount: 2 }, { skuId: 4632, amount: 5 }] }, { orderNo: "CG8310151", details: [{ skuId: 4384, amount: 3 }] }] } I want the result as follows [{ orderNo: "CG8310150", skuId: 4384, amount: 2 }, { orderNo: "CG8310150", skuId: 4632, amount: 5 }, { orderNo: "CG8310151", skuId: 4384, amount: 3 }] If anyone has the

Karate API framework how to match the response values with the table columns?

五迷三道 提交于 2021-02-08 07:21:44
问题 I have below API response sample { "items": [ { "id":11, "name": "SMITH", "prefix": "SAM", "code": "SSO" }, { "id":10, "name": "James", "prefix": "JAM", "code": "BBC" } ] } As per above response, my tests says that whenever I hit the API request the 11th ID would be of SMITH and 10th id would be JAMES So what I thought to store this in a table and assert against the actual response * table person | id | name | | 11 | SMITH | | 10 | James | | 9 | RIO | Now how would I match one by one ? like

How to get in Java all output paths of a JSONpath in order to replace existing values by a function of themseleves

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-02-05 08:00:51
问题 Let's say I have this .json on witch I want to apply a function that round up the price of the book: { "store": { "book": [ { "category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95 }, { "category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99 }, { "category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99 }, { "category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",

How to get in Java all output paths of a JSONpath in order to replace existing values by a function of themseleves

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-05 08:00:31
问题 Let's say I have this .json on witch I want to apply a function that round up the price of the book: { "store": { "book": [ { "category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95 }, { "category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99 }, { "category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99 }, { "category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",

滴滴 Flink-1.10 升级之路

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-02-03 11:02:07
简介: 滴滴实时计算引擎从 Flink-1.4 无缝升级到 Flink-1.10 版本,做到了完全对用户透明。并且在新版本的指标、调度、SQL 引擎等进行了一些优化,在性能和易用性上相较旧版本都有很大提升。 一、 背景 在本次升级之前,我们使用的主要版本为 Flink-1.4.2,并且在社区版本上进行了一些增强,提供了 StreamSQL 和低阶 API 两种服务形式。现有集群规模达到了 1500 台物理机,运行任务数超过 12000 ,日均处理数据 3 万亿条左右。 不过随着社区的发展,尤其是 Blink 合入 master 后有很多功能和架构上的升级,我们希望能通过版本升级提供更好的流计算服务。今年 2 月份,里程碑版本 Flink-1.10 发布,我们开始在新版上上进行开发工作,踏上了充满挑战的升级之路。 二、 Flink-1.10 新特性 作为 Flink 社区至今为止的最大的一次版本升级,加入的新特性解决了之前遇到很多的痛点。 1. 原生 DDL 语法与 Catalog 支持 Flink SQL 原生支持了 DDL 语法,比如 CREATE TABLE/CREATE FUNCTION,可以使用 SQL 进行元数据的注册,而不需要使用代码的方式。 也提供了 Catalog 的支持,默认使用 InMemoryCatalog 将信息临时保存在内存中,同时也提供了