
How can I list data from another endpoint inside show option in react-admin?

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-08 09:58:16
问题 React-Admin version: 2.4.0 I have a list with a info of wallets that I can list using this endpoint: http://myHost:8080/api/v1/private/wallets Now I want to show data of the movements of each wallet when I click in the wallet of the list. So, for obtain the data of the movements of the wallet I need to call to another endpoint, sending the get with this format: ${apiUrl}/${resource}/${params.id}/movements For example: http://myHost:8080/api/v1/private/wallets/cd496094-a77a-4e4e-bcd9

Concurrently node exits with status 1. This halts Teamcity leading it to believe that the tests failed

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-06 15:36:51
I am trying to run two scripts at once with concurrently . The basic command looks something like this: concurrently -k --success first "node ./tools/mock-webapi/mock-webapi.js" "npm run test-single-run" Which in turn calls (local): "test-single-run": "karma start --single-run --browsers ChromeHeadless" Or on remote (teamcity host): "test-teamcity": "karma start --reporters teamcity --single-run --browsers ChromeHeadless", The tests run just fine (local & remote). However, I keep getting exit code 1. Even if I use concurrently -k --success first I still get a code 1 even with --success first .

How add headers on json-server?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-01 09:30:12
I have frontend and backend on different servers. I need make crossdomain request. On localhost:4200 i use angular2. On localhost:3000 i use json-server . Еhe server should give the header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * But I do not know how to turn it on. try adding this in your server.js file, this code precisely will make your server cors enabled and then you will be able to send correct response. Mind about your variable names, and port number rest everything should be identical, var express = require('express'), app = express(), port = process.env.PORT || 8080; app.listen(port); app.use

json-server cannot access via local IP

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-11-30 05:25:57
I'm using npm json-server from here . It used to work great for my needs: run a server on my PC and do GET requests to local IP (192.168.1.XX). I reinstalled it and now I can do requests only to localhost or . Can't do requests to local IP (cmd ipconfig) anymore. I'm getting this error: As @fvu mentioned here this means that the server software is configured to listen on the localhost interface only. This is a configuration item and to avoid exposing a potentially unsecure server many server programs come preconfigured to listen on localhost only. So is there a way to access this

json-server cannot access via local IP

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-11-29 01:42:20
问题 I'm using npm json-server from here. It used to work great for my needs: run a server on my PC and do GET requests to local IP (192.168.1.XX). I reinstalled it and now I can do requests only to localhost or . Can't do requests to local IP (cmd ipconfig) anymore. I'm getting this error: As @fvu mentioned here this means that the server software is configured to listen on the localhost interface only. This is a configuration item and to avoid exposing a potentially unsecure server