

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-01-13 17:49:57
简介 单体服务如果想要突破到高并发服务就需要升级为集群服务。同时集群化也为高可用打下了坚实的基础。纵观现在比较流行的服务或者中间件,不管是RabbitMQ还是redis都提供了集群的功能。 作为硬核工业代表的wildfly也不例外,最近研究了一下keycloak的集群,发现它的底层服务器用的也是wildfly,本文将会和大家探讨一下keycloak的集群的架构思路。 keycloak中的集群 我们知道,keycloak中有两种模式,一种叫做Standalone,一种叫做domain。 这两种模式的区别只是在于部署文件是否被集中管理,如果部署文件需要一个一个的手动拷贝,那么就是standalone模式。如果是一键化的自动安装,那么就是domain模式。 standalone模式下有一个配置文件叫做 /standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml,这个就是在standalone模式下配置集群的xml文件了。 而domain模式下,配置文件都是在domain controller这个机子上进行配置的,具体的文件是 domain/configuration/domain.xml 。 我们看下ha具体是用的集群相关的组件: <profile name="full-ha"> ... <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain

ff4j 一些高级概念

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-04-21 16:13:08
feature groups 通过feature groups 我们可以将同一个release 实例的feature 聚合起来,灵活管理 参考配置 <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> < features > <!-- Sample Feature Group --> < feature - group name = "release-2.3" > < feature uid = "users-story1" enable = "false" /> < feature uid = "users-story2" enable = "false" /> < /feature-group> ​ < feature uid = "featA" enable = "true" /> < feature uid = "featB" enable = "false" /> < /features> 代码访问 @ Test public void myGroupTest() { FF4j ff4j = new FF4j( "ff4j-groups.xml"); ​ // Check features loaded assertEquals( 4, ff4j. getFeatures(). size()); assertTrue( ff4j.

JBoss 系列十一:JBoss Cluster Framework Demo 介绍

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-02-28 21:59:40
内容概要 JBoss Cluster Framework Demo包括JGruops、JBossCache、Infinispan,我们在随后的系列中会使用和运行这些示例来说明JGroups、JBossCache、Infinispan等的主要API和使用方法。本部分从三个方面介绍JBoss Cluster Framework Demo: Demo源代码 Demo下载 编译打包生成Demo Demo源代码 Demo源代码位于github,地址 https://github.com/kylinsoong/cluster Demo下载 我们可以从SourceForge下载,点击链接 https://sourceforge.net/projects/jbossclusterframeworkdemo/files ,选择合适自己操作系统的示例.zip文件下载,如下图: 下载完成解压,生成了示例代码运行环境主目录Demo,该目录结构如下: 如上图,示例代码运行环境主目录Demo包括: bin - 示例代码启动脚本,我们可以修改此目录下run.conf,run.conf.bat来改变JVM初始启动参数,及远程调试功能 jboss-modules-1.1.2.GA.jar - 我们使用模块化类加载机制启动示例代码,此为模块化类加载机制的包 conf - 示例代码运行所需的配置文件,log4j配置文件

Communication between 2 nodes in a cluster

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-04 06:00:39
问题 I am trying to figure out how this will work out: client-server communication via NIO/BIO Server-server communication (replication, membership etc) via JGroups (replication of data can be a pain?) What are your suggestion, pros/cons of using such an architecture, why go for jgroups, any alternatives? Should I go with native NIO or use some libraries like Mina or Netty? Update No REST, it's not a web server. I am building a dynamo like distributed database. activeMQ is like JMS I think, where

Infinispan Jgroups Crashes after war deploying

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-29 09:52:17
问题 I'm working on Wildfly 9 with Infinispan 7.2.3. I'm facing up to a strange problem related to distributed cache: On the application server i have N deployed wars exposing REST services Each service code has the common duty to check if a CacheManager si already present on JNDI, if yes, it uses it otherwise i creates a new one and the bind it to the JNDI. So every war works with a unique CacheManager instance. The Infinispan CacheManager is configured in distributed mode. The infinispan and

Playing streamed mp3 data repeatedly with jlayer

可紊 提交于 2019-12-24 16:42:46
问题 I am working on an mp3 streaming application in Java. The user at the server end plays a music file at the server end (although the server is just currently sending the file) and the player at the client end reads the stream and plays the music. I'm using JLayer to play the music file. The server sends the files in chunks and also receives the file in chunks and plays it. I'm using jgroups library for group membership management as I plan to scale the application to be used by many clients.

How to open a JChannel (JGroups) using Openshift Wildfly 8 Cartridge

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-24 14:34:46
问题 We are developing a Java-EE Application running on Wildfly 8 in the Wildfly-Openshift-Cartridge. The Openshift Application is set to scaled, therefore, more than one JVM node will be running as a cluster. The communicate between the different nodes, I like to use JGroups. However, I fail to open a new JChannel even though the JGroups itself seems to work. The application itself does also work, if I deploy the application locally to e.g. 3 wildfly standalone instances. The default standalone

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when running maven jgroups project build with netbeans

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-24 11:28:02
问题 I am making a chat project. When i run it inside ide (netbeans) it opens normally and works great. But when i run it from terminal i'm getting error like this: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jgroups/Receiver at com.mycompany.chatapp1.ChatWindow.<init>(ChatWindow.java:32) at com.mycompany.chatapp1.Main.main(Main.java:10) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jgroups.Receiver at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:372) at java.net

How Fast Might RMI Be?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-21 05:21:15
问题 I have seen the question: Communication between two separate Java desktop applications (answer: JGroups) and I'm thinking about implementing something with JavaGroups or straight RMI but speed is of the essence. I'm not sending large amounts of data around (content of MIDI Messages, so 3 bytes each, no more than say two messages every three milliseconds) and this will be all on the same machine. Is it daft to think that RMI/JGroups on the same physical machine will be slow? (My thought is

jGroups is not finding other computers

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-13 03:47:41
问题 I am using jGroups to be able to determine the master for multiple instances of of an app I have, however, all works well on the same computer, but other computers on the same subnet does not get notified. I tried many options I found on the net such as starting with -Djgroups.bind.addr= I also started two instances on different machines (windows) and the other machine does not get notified: java -cp jgroups-4.0.3.Final.jar -Djgroups.bind_addr= -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true org