

百般思念 提交于 2020-02-26 05:20:48
多年以来,我一直无法获得以下问题的正确答案:为什么某些开发人员如此反对检查异常? 我进行了无数次对话,阅读了博客上的东西,阅读了布鲁斯·埃克尔(Bruce Eckel)所说的话(我看到的第一个反对他们的人)。 我目前正在编写一些新代码,并非常注意我如何处理异常。 我正在尝试查看“我们不喜欢检查的异常”人群的观点,但我仍然看不到它。 我的每一次对话都以相同的问题为结尾而结束...让我进行设置: 总体而言(根据Java的设计方式), Error 是针对不应该被抓到的东西(VM有花生过敏症,有人在上面撒了一罐花生) RuntimeException 适用于程序员做错的事情(程序员走出了数组的结尾) Exception ( RuntimeException 除外)适用于程序员无法控制的事情(写入文件系统时磁盘已满,已达到该进程的文件句柄限制,并且您无法打开其他文件) Throwable 只是所有异常类型的父级。 我听到的一个常见论点是,如果发生异常,那么开发人员要做的就是退出程序。 我听到的另一个常见论点是,检查异常会使重构代码更加困难。 对于“我要做的就是退出”参数,我说即使您要退出,也需要显示一条合理的错误消息。 如果您只是在处理错误,那么当程序退出时如果没有明确说明原因的话,您的用户将不会过分高兴。 对于“它很难重构”人群,这表明未选择适当的抽象级别。 与其声明一个方法抛出

Mainframes JCL Record transposing using SORT

自作多情 提交于 2020-01-23 01:16:09
问题 I want to do following transposing of records into column using SORT (snycsort or DFSORT). It should be scalable to any number of records .Is this possible ? DE001XYX A CD100000 B CD200000 C DE001KKK A CD100000 B DE003ZZZ A DE001XYX A CD100000 B CD200000 C DE001KKK A CD100000 B ........ Transpose DE001XYX CD100000 CD200000 DE001KKK CD100000 DE003ZZZ DE001XYX CD100000 CD200000 DE001KKK CD100000 ..... 回答1: This is one question which I Favorited and longed to solve it myself for quite some time.


本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-01-07 18:12:50
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> SLF4J全称The Simple Logging Facade for Java,Java简易日志门面,将接口抽象与实现隔离开,在不修改代码的情况下使用不同的日志实现。 SLF4J支持的日志实现有: log4j logback(推荐实现) java.util.logging simple(全部输出到System.err) Jakarta Commons Logging nop(忽略所有日志) 使用SLF4J 只要在项目中引入SLF4J的jar包就能开启SLF4J: 1 2 3 4 5 <dependency> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-api</artifactId> <version>1.7.25</version> </dependency> 然后写一个最简单的输出日志的程序: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { Logger logger = LoggerFactory


百般思念 提交于 2020-01-07 07:18:22
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 本文是一个系列,欢迎关注 日志到底是何方神圣?为什么要使用日志框架? 想必大家都有过使用 System.out 来进行输出调试,开发开发环境下这样做当然很方便,但是线上这样做就有麻烦了: 系统一直运行,输出越来越多,磁盘空间逐渐被写满 不同的业务想要把日志输出在不同的位置 有些场合为了更高性能,尽量控制减少日志输出,需要动态调整日志输出量 自动输出日志相关信息,比如:日期、线程、方法名称等等 显然 System.out 解决不了我们的问题,但是我们遇到的问题一定会有前人遇到过,日志也不例外,其中就有一个大牛 Ceki ,整个Java的日志体系几乎都有Ceki参与或者受到了Ceki的深度影响。当然Java日志体系的复杂度也有一部分原因是拜这位大牛所赐。 Java日志的恩怨情仇 1996年早期,欧洲安全电子市场项目组决定编写它自己的程序跟踪API(Tracing API)。经过不断的完善,这个API终于成为一个十分受欢迎的Java日志软件包,即Log4j(由Ceki创建)。 后来Log4j成为Apache基金会项目中的一员,Ceki也加入Apache组织。后来Log4j近乎成了Java社区的日志标准。据说Apache基金会还曾经建议Sun引入Log4j到Java的标准库中,但Sun拒绝了。 2002年Java1

Incude the year from last month's date in the DSN using JCL

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-06 08:15:42
问题 I have a request similar to the "JCL for previous month-year in dataset name" question. The answer to that question used an ALTER statement, which assumes knowledge of the date. I have JCL to append the year to the DSN, however in January, I need the previous year. I think this is possible with the help of SYNCSORT or DFSORT, but am not experienced with either of these. Any assistance is appreciated. Here is the current JCL: //B999999X JOB (80594,XXX),'MAKE DATE', // CLASS=C,MSGCLASS=C,NOTIFY

Incude the year from last month's date in the DSN using JCL

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-01-06 08:14:04
问题 I have a request similar to the "JCL for previous month-year in dataset name" question. The answer to that question used an ALTER statement, which assumes knowledge of the date. I have JCL to append the year to the DSN, however in January, I need the previous year. I think this is possible with the help of SYNCSORT or DFSORT, but am not experienced with either of these. Any assistance is appreciated. Here is the current JCL: //B999999X JOB (80594,XXX),'MAKE DATE', // CLASS=C,MSGCLASS=C,NOTIFY

How to use period in PARM parameters (JCL)?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-01-06 08:04:24
问题 The situation is the following. I have PARM parameters: CSQ1 - Queue manager name CARD.PAYMENTS - Request queue name CCD3050.REPLY - Reply queue name CCD3050 - Contestant user ID 400.05 - Payment amount "MY PAYMENT" - Payment description In my JCL I wrote this so: //PAYMENT EXEC PGM=PAYMENT,REGION=1024K, // PARM='CSQ1,CARD.PAYMENTS,CCD3050.REPLY,CCD3050, // 400.05,"MY PAYMENT"' I had a trouble. I wrote: // PARM=('CSQ1,CARD.PAYMENTS,CCD3050.REPLY,CCD3050', // '400.05,MY PAYMENT') And had a

JCL for previous month-year in dataset name

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-25 18:31:29
问题 I need to run a job on the first work day of the month with accounting data for the month-end close(previous month) to be used in some year end jobs. I would like to run the same job each month, with no operator intervention and have the closing month and year in the dataset name so it will be easily identifiable for what closing period the dataset was ceated. Currently run 8 separate jobs to accomplish this task. Please provide specific JCL samples. 回答1: It's not clear why you are running 8

My output file has an input file which i need to point to another step as input file in JCL SORT ? How can I proceed?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-25 17:19:58
问题 In First step in my jcl i have an output file example ABC.DEF inside this i have another file XYZ.DEF in next step i need to point XYZ.DEF as SORTIN file how to proceed with this ? 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58993624/my-output-file-has-an-input-file-which-i-need-to-point-to-another-step-as-input

PARM value not interpreted as expected

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-25 16:57:49
问题 Working in z/os mainframe, I have the following situation 1) That's my JCL, which I've submited: //PAYMENT JOB MSGCLASS=H //****************************************************************** //* //* This job can be used to run an MQ application that //* communicates with a transaction running in a CICS region. //* The CICS transaction records a credit card payment in DB2. //* The payment description has a maximum length of 35 characters. //* It is enclosed within quotes below so that you may