
Cookie not setted or not working the first time

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-02-17 06:49:06
问题 On every page I set a cookie to color the header button corresponding to that session. The problem is that the first time I open a page in a different section, the cookie remains the old, and the colored button too. Then if I click another time the same button, the cookie is correctly setted. Why? Here my code: <?php include $_SERVER['PERCORSO_GLOBALS']; $pagelevel = '1'; require_once ROOT_DIR.'/administrator/flock/session_users.php'; setcookie('lng', 'it'); ?> <head> ... </head> <body> <?php

Shipping options depending on cart weight and shipping class

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2021-02-08 07:51:19
问题 I am working on a WordPress site that uses WooCommerce. I found this piece of code that allows me to set a freight shipping option based on weight. It worked great until the client also wanted the same freight shipping option if a freight shipping class is selected on a product. add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'bbloomer_woocommerce_tiered_shipping', 10, 2 ); function bbloomer_woocommerce_tiered_shipping( $rates, $package ) { if ( WC()->cart->cart_contents_weight < 300 ) { if ( isset(

Shipping options depending on cart weight and shipping class

蓝咒 提交于 2021-02-08 07:51:18
问题 I am working on a WordPress site that uses WooCommerce. I found this piece of code that allows me to set a freight shipping option based on weight. It worked great until the client also wanted the same freight shipping option if a freight shipping class is selected on a product. add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'bbloomer_woocommerce_tiered_shipping', 10, 2 ); function bbloomer_woocommerce_tiered_shipping( $rates, $package ) { if ( WC()->cart->cart_contents_weight < 300 ) { if ( isset(

Shipping options depending on cart weight and shipping class

随声附和 提交于 2021-02-08 07:51:05
问题 I am working on a WordPress site that uses WooCommerce. I found this piece of code that allows me to set a freight shipping option based on weight. It worked great until the client also wanted the same freight shipping option if a freight shipping class is selected on a product. add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'bbloomer_woocommerce_tiered_shipping', 10, 2 ); function bbloomer_woocommerce_tiered_shipping( $rates, $package ) { if ( WC()->cart->cart_contents_weight < 300 ) { if ( isset(

Shipping options depending on cart weight and shipping class

眉间皱痕 提交于 2021-02-08 07:50:32
问题 I am working on a WordPress site that uses WooCommerce. I found this piece of code that allows me to set a freight shipping option based on weight. It worked great until the client also wanted the same freight shipping option if a freight shipping class is selected on a product. add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'bbloomer_woocommerce_tiered_shipping', 10, 2 ); function bbloomer_woocommerce_tiered_shipping( $rates, $package ) { if ( WC()->cart->cart_contents_weight < 300 ) { if ( isset(

PHP: Notice Undefined index even using isset

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2021-01-29 09:28:21
问题 i'm getting this even using 'isset': Notice: Undefined index it's giving the error at: returnifisset($_COOKIE["miceusername"], ' value="', '"'); even though i am checking if the cookie isset or not. The function is: function returnifisset($variable, $first = '', $last = ''){ if(isset($variable) and !empty($variable)){ return $first.$variable.$last; } } how i should modify this function to make it work and not give that error! 回答1: You are actually accessing the variable by passing it with

Posting custom MyCred transfer form value to WP database

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-01-29 07:23:37
问题 Using this tutorial, I am able to add to the transfer function like this: add_action( 'mycred_transfer_form_start', 'mycred_pro_transfer_message_field' ); function mycred_pro_transfer_message_field() { echo '<label>Custom Message</label><input type="text" name="custom_transfer-message" id="custom_mycred-transfer-message" value="" placeholder="Custom field placeholder" />'; } Then I use the following to get the data from the form. add_filter( 'mycred_transfer_data', 'mycred_pro_save_transfer


▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-04-07 07:14:15
Prestashop Css Layout 图 : 这是PrestaShop的Css Layout,方便大家知道主要的结构: 关于设计整合 PrestaShop 的介 绍 : 网页设计师只需要掌握好比较好的HTML和CSS技术便能改变Prestashop的外观,如果想进一步的改变,甚至加些比默认模版更绚丽的效果,你需要掌握好JQuery(Javascript库)和Smarty(PHP模版语言)。 听到这或许你会觉得非常的困难,甚至强调着“我只是个设计师,不是个程序员”。不用怕,把握JQuery和Smarty这两种工具其实是比你想象中的简单的,如果不想花精力去使外观和互动性能更出色、更多变的话,当然完全可以完整的用CSS来改变模版,下面将会提到是如何去实现的过程。 在这个设计者指导手册开始前,请确认你具备着比较好的XHTML和CSS这两种技术,如果你还不会的话,可以先从这两种技术慢慢学起再来看此篇手册。 在我们跳到Prestashop模版设计前,我们先来看看Prestashop的文件结构有些什么。当你计划去着手改变一个模版,清楚地了解文件的结构是非常重要的,我们接下来还会有一篇15分钟的文章引导,让你分别对Smarty 和JQuery 有个大概的了解,如果你从没有用过PHP Frameword 或者是Javascript 库德化,我建议你还是不要跳过这两篇文章引导。 准备好了么?好的


[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-03-30 03:44:42
PHP+mysql数据库开发类似百度的搜索功能:中英文分词+全文检索 中文分词: a) robbe PHP中文分词扩展: i. Robbe完整版本下载:Robbe完整版本(PHP测试程序, 开发帮助文档, WinNT下php各版本的dll文件)下载: (“谷歌”无法使用) b) SCWS(简易中文分词) 基于HTTP/POST的分词 : c) MFSOU中文分词PHP扩展: (网站打不开,无法访问) 综上:只能使用SCMS中文分词了。 3. 全文检索 a) MySQL全文检索(支持英文分词) i. ii. 需要进一步学习MySQL全文检索 b) Sphinx:基于SQL的全文检索引擎 i. ii. Sphinx是一个基于SQL的全文检索引擎,可以结合MySQL,PostgreSQL做全文搜索,它可以提供比数据库本身更专业的搜索功能

判断是手机端还是电脑端 isMobile()

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-03-26 12:03:27
1.在PublicController控制器中写好判断手机端方法。 <?php namespace Home\Controller; use Think\Controller; class PublicController extends Controller { //判断是否是手机端还是电脑端 function isMobile(){ // 如果有HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE则一定是移动设备 if (isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE'])){ return true; } // 如果via信息含有wap则一定是移动设备,部分服务商会屏蔽该信息 if (isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'])){ // 找不到为flase,否则为true return stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'], "wap") ? true : false; } // 脑残法,判断手机发送的客户端标志,兼容性有待提高 if (isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ $clientkeywords = array ('nokia', 'sony', 'ericsson', 'mot', 'samsung', 'htc', 'sgh', 'lg', 'sharp', 'sie-',