
How to zoom in on plots inside an Rmarkdown presentation

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-06 05:11:17
问题 I am creating my first HTML - presentation with rmarkdown (ioslides) and would like to be able to manually zoom into a slide and navigate to an object. Zooming works fine in a browser (crtl +, crtl mouse wheel) but I can not move the slide. Neither with the mouse nor with scrollbars. The latter do not appear as they do e.g. on a website. Is there an appropriate way to implement such a thing or are ioslides not meant to be used like this? I am using Ubuntu 16.04 (LXDE) and rstudio (R version 3

References page truncated in RMarkdown ioslides presentation

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-05 05:39:57
I prepare a ioslides presentation in RMarkdown via RStudio. As the presentation contains a lot of references they are truncated: With {.allowframebraks} there seems to be a quick solution for beamer presentations as this answer shows. Is there one for ioslides, too? This isn't exactly what you're asking for, but it might be the best you can do. Insert the following inline CSS at the end of your document (i.e. just before where the references will be inserted), and instead of truncating them, it will add a scroll bar (the first part) and suppress the page number (the second part). <style>

How to make scrollable slides in an ioslides presentation with rmarkdown

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-05 00:15:44
I am using RMarkdown to create an ioslide presentation with shiny. Some of my slides do not actually fit on one page and are truncated. Since this is a HTML output, I would like to add a scroll bar to make my long slides scrollable. I have been googling a lot and found a partial solution to make R code chunks scrollable . However I want to make my slides scrollable regardless of the content. This is a toy Rmd example giving slides not fitting on one page: --- title: "Untitled" date: "30 October 2018" output: ioslides_presentation runtime: shiny --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk

Disable mouse click to show another slide in rmarkdown slidy_presentation

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-04 19:36:09
I'm wondering how to disable left mouse click to show another slide in rmarkdown slidy_presentation. If I'm trying to disable/enable some category in plotly chart, it'll skip to another slide. Is there any option how to handle it. Many thanks for your suggestions in forward. rasnes In my current version of slidy (rmarkdown 1.6) you can disable/enable mouse click advance by pressing key 'k' , when viewing the presentation. To change the default (on file open) behavior I had to change line 55 in [R package library]/rmarkdown/rmd/slidy/Slidy2/scripts/slidy.js to mouse_click_enabled: false, //