
opening a file based on user input c++

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-02-11 08:01:31
问题 I am trying to make a program that would open a file based on the users input. Here`s my code: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string filename; ifstream fileC; cout<<"which file do you want to open?"; cin>>filename;; fileC<<"lalala"; fileC.close; return 0; } But when I compile it, it gives me this error: [Error] no match for 'operator<<' (operand types are 'std::ifstream {aka std::basic_ifstream<char>}' and 'const

Why is pandas.read_fwf not skipping the blank line as instructed?

二次信任 提交于 2021-02-11 01:55:15
问题 I'm reading a fixed width format (full source file) full of missing data, so pandas.read_fwf comes in handy. There is an empty line after the header, so I'm passing skip_blank_lines=True , but this appears to have no effect, as the first entry is still full of NaN/NaT: import io import pandas s="""USAF WBAN STATION NAME CTRY ST CALL LAT LON ELEV(M) BEGIN END 007018 99999 WXPOD 7018 +00.000 +000.000 +7018.0 20110309 20130730 007026 99999 WXPOD 7026 AF +00.000 +000.000 +7026.0 20120713 20170822

How to implement the keyboard key press in Windows Form Application

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-10 22:32:44
问题 I want to implement the keyboard button press commands inside a c# windows form application. Suppose if some value is reached I want to implement the key "L" pressed using the windows form application.Is this possible ? How to do it ? 回答1: This might do the trick for you However, a better way is probably to set your form's KeyPreview property to true , and then put your code into the form's keyDown event (and set e.Handled = true as well, to prevent the key event from being passed on to

How to implement the keyboard key press in Windows Form Application

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-02-10 22:30:25
问题 I want to implement the keyboard button press commands inside a c# windows form application. Suppose if some value is reached I want to implement the key "L" pressed using the windows form application.Is this possible ? How to do it ? 回答1: This might do the trick for you However, a better way is probably to set your form's KeyPreview property to true , and then put your code into the form's keyDown event (and set e.Handled = true as well, to prevent the key event from being passed on to

python input() takes old stdin before input() is called

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-02-10 17:35:42
问题 Python3's input() seems to take old std input between two calls to input() . Is there a way to ignore the old input, and take new input only (after input() gets called)? import time a = input('type something') # type "1" print('\ngot: %s' % a) time.sleep(5) # type "2" before timer expires b = input('type something more') print('\ngot: %s' % b) output: $ python3 type something got: 1 type something more got: 2 回答1: You can flush the input buffer prior to the second input() , like

Java - atomically delete a (non-empty) directory

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-08 14:04:39
问题 In a Java application, is there a way to atomically (with regards to other running processes) delete a non-empty directory? 回答1: The OS (Windows, Unix) doesn't support this operation, but what you can do is rename the directory or even move it away and then delete it later. 来源:

XSLT loop over a set of files in the directory?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-02-08 10:38:44
问题 I have a situation where I have a directory full of xsd files that need conversion done to them generate a output file for each of them. I have my stylesheet operating on a single document fine, but I'd like to extend that. Well, for now I haven't using a xslt editor, saxon has installed. here is xslt file: <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xsd="" > <xsl:output method="text"/> <!--* Ignore anything that looks

Backspace does not seem to work in python

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-02-08 07:43:47
问题 network={1:[2,3,4],2:[1,3,4], 3:[1,2], 4:[1,3,5], 5:[6,7,8], 6:[5,8],7:[5,6], 8:[5,6,7]} str1='network.csv' output = open(str1,'w') for ii1 in network.keys(): output.write(repr(ii1)+":[") for n in network[ii1]: output.write(' %s,'%(repr(n))) output.write('\b'+']\n') output.close() What I expect is something like: 1:[ 2, 3, 4] 2:[ 1, 3, 4] 3:[ 1, 2] 4:[ 1, 3, 5] 5:[ 6, 7, 8] 6:[ 5, 8] 7:[ 5, 6] 8:[ 5, 6, 7] but what I get is: 1:[ 2, 3, 4,] 2:[ 1, 3, 4,] 3:[ 1, 2,] 4:[ 1, 3, 5,] 5:[ 6, 7, 8,] 6

Spark: write JSON several files from DataFrame based on separation by column value

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-08 06:24:35
问题 Suppose I have this DataFrame ( df ): user food affinity 'u1' 'pizza' 5 'u1' 'broccoli' 3 'u1' 'ice cream' 4 'u2' 'pizza' 1 'u2' 'broccoli' 3 'u2' 'ice cream' 1 Namely each user has a certain (computed) affinity to a series of foods. The DataFrame is built from several What I need to do is create a JSON file for each user , with their affinities. For instance, for user 'u1', I want to have file for user 'u1' containing [ {'food': 'pizza', 'affinity': 5}, {'food': 'broccoli', 'affinity': 3}, {

Using MPI-IO to write Fortran-formatted files

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-08 03:21:14
问题 I am trying to save a solution using the OVERFLOW-PLOT3D q-file format (defined here: For a single grid, it is basically, READ(1) NGRID READ(1) JD,KD,LD,NQ,NQC READ(1) REFMACH,ALPHA,REY,TIME,GAMINF,BETA,TINF, & IGAM,HTINF,HT1,HT2,RGAS1,RGAS2, & FSMACH,TVREF,DTVREF READ(1) ((((Q(J,K,L,N),J=1,JD),K=1,KD),L=1,LD),N=1,NQ) All of the variables are double precision numbers, excepts for NGRID, JD, KD, LD, NQ, NQC and IGAM which are