
INotifyDataErrorInfo not raising error changed in code behind

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-13 07:08:17
问题 I am experiencing issued performing validation from the codebehind. My data is displayed in a datagrid. One of the columns (type) is a drop down and when the drop down menu is changed it triggers a DropDownClosed Event which is handled in the code behind. What I am trying to achieve is to validate the content of the following column to match the newly selected type in the drop down. If it does not match i want a validation error to be displayed on the grid. I implemented my validation using

Correct property name for nested property and INotifyDataErrorInfo

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-10 17:06:14
问题 I'm using the INotifyDataError interface for async validation in WPF. I have a property <TextBox Grid.Column="5" Text="{Binding XXX.Name, ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors=True}"/> On my view model I have a property public SomeType XXX and on the type SomeType I have the property public string Name now my ViewModel implements INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyDataError and validation is done asynchronously in my viewmodel class. SomeType only implements INotifyPropertyChanged. My questions is this.

INotifyDataErrorInfo ArgumentOutOfRangeException when raising ErrorsChanged event

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-08 23:27:59
问题 This is a wierd one and at this point I am thinking that it may have something to do with my machines configuration. Basically I have created a pretty standard implementation of INotifyDataErrorInfo and in certain circumstances, when raising the ErrorsChanged event I get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException . This exception doesn't contain much info; it gives me ArgumentOutOfRangeException crossed a native/managed boundary plus the standard ArgumentOutOfRangeException description regarding non

How to properly implement INotifyDataErrorInfo?

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-06 04:30:31
问题 I'm a little confused by MSDN example. It's not clear how to treat and set entity realted errors. Code in example: public System.Collections.IEnumerable GetErrors(string propertyName) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) || !errors.ContainsKey(propertyName)) return null; return errors[propertyName]; } but documentation for GetErrors() states: propertyName - The name of the property to retrieve validation errors for; or null or Empty, to retrieve entity-level errors . Another example

How to properly implement INotifyDataErrorInfo?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-04 09:14:12
I'm a little confused by MSDN example . It's not clear how to treat and set entity realted errors. Code in example: public System.Collections.IEnumerable GetErrors(string propertyName) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) || !errors.ContainsKey(propertyName)) return null; return errors[propertyName]; } but documentation for GetErrors() states: propertyName - The name of the property to retrieve validation errors for; or null or Empty, to retrieve entity-level errors . Another example suggests just returning _errors.Values of the dictionary. And this is just all properties errors but again

How to implement INotifyDataErrorInfo in WPF 4.5? [closed]

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-11-27 19:02:42
I realized that appears this interface in .NET Framework 4.5 I was looking first for about how to implemented in Silverlight (I can imagine that it's implemented in the same way), but I can't find a compact demo of this new interface. Is it possible to show how can I use it? I really want to find a small demo to understand it Beside the very detailed description on MSDN about the Silverlight version of INotifyDataErrorInfo There are already some blog posts with samples how to use/implement it in WPF 4.5: WPF 4.5 – Asynchronous validation (original link no longer working) Wayback Link WPF 4.5 –

How to implement INotifyDataErrorInfo in WPF 4.5? [closed]

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-11-26 22:45:20
问题 I realized that appears this interface in .NET Framework 4.5 I was looking first for about how to implemented in Silverlight (I can imagine that it's implemented in the same way), but I can't find a compact demo of this new interface. Is it possible to show how can I use it? I really want to find a small demo to understand it 回答1: Beside the very detailed description on MSDN about the Silverlight version of INotifyDataErrorInfo There are already some blog posts with samples how to use