
To inline or not to inline

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-05 01:27:33
I've been writing a few classes lately; and I was wondering whether it's bad practice, bad for performance, breaks encapsulation or whether there's anything else inherently bad with actually defining some of the smaller member functions inside a header (I did try Google!). Here's an example I have of a header I've written with a lot of this: class Scheduler { public: typedef std::list<BSubsystem*> SubsystemList; // Make sure the pointer to entityManager is zero on init // so that we can check if one has been attached in Tick() Scheduler() : entityManager(0) { } // Attaches a manager to the

Why after changing a static readonly field via reflection the output of that readonly field is old?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-04 13:43:52
Why is the "someValue" variable which is readonly (but we still can change its value via reflection) output as "10", although it actually did change to 55? static class Program { static readonly int someValue = 10; static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(someValue); // 10 typeof(Program) .GetField("someValue", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .SetValue(null, 55); // change readonly field via reflection to 55 Console.WriteLine(someValue); // output in console 10, // but in visual studio debugger it shows 55 Console.ReadKey(); } } Probably just a JIT optimization to

Property / Method inlining and impact on Reflection

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-04 02:50:37
My answer to one of the question on SO was commented by Valentin Kuzub, who argues that inlining a property by JIT compiler will cause the reflection to stop working. The case is as follows: class Foo { public string Bar { get; set; } public void Fuzz<T>(Expression<Func<T>> lambda) { } } Fuzz(x => x.Bar); Fuzz function accepts a lambda expression and uses reflection to find the property. It is a common practice in MVC in HtmlHelper extensions. I don't think that the reflection will stop working even if the Bar property gets inlined, as it is a call to Bar that will be inlined and typeof(Foo)

Are functors actually faster than pointers to functions?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-03 04:02:37
问题 According to Scott Meyers, one area where C++ shines over C is that function objects are faster than function pointers. He says this is because function objects are inlined, which increases speed. I have two questions about this: How can we verify that function objects are, in fact, inlined? Can we verify this in practice? Does the inlining of function objects depend on the compiler we use, or do all compilers behave like this? 回答1: The C++ and C standards leaves a bunch of freedom to

adapting a non-constexpr integral value to a non-type template parameter, and code bloat

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-01 05:53:56
Consider a function object F taking a constexpr size_t argument I struct F { template <size_t I> constexpr size_t operator()(size <I>) const { return I; } }; wrapped within a type size <I> , where (for brevity) template <size_t N> using size = std::integral_constant <size_t, N>; Of course, we could pass I directly but I want to emphasize that it is constexpr by using it as a template argument. Function F is dummy here but in reality it could do a variety of useful stuff like retrieving information from the I th element of a tuple. F is assumed to have the same return type regardless of I . I

What are good heuristics for inlining functions?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-01 04:41:56
Considering that you're trying solely to optimize for speed, what are good heuristics for deciding whether to inline a function or not? Obviously code size should be important, but are there any other factors typically used when (say) gcc or icc is determining whether to inline a function call? Has there been any significant academic work in the area? Wikipedia has a few paragraphs about this, with some links at the bottom: In addition to memory size and cache issues, another consideration is register pressure . From the compiler's point of view "the added variables from the inlined procedure

Inlining Functions [closed]

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-01 03:29:16
What is inlining? What is it used for? Can you inline something in C#? cgreeno What it is In the terms of C and C++ you use the inline keyword to tell the compiler to call a routine without the overhead of pushing parameters onto the stack. The Function instead has it's machine code inserted into the function where it was called. This can create a significant increase in performance in certain scenarios. Dangers The speed benefits in using "inlining" decrease significantly as the size of the inline function increases. Overuse can actually cause a program to run slower. Inlining a very small

How can I prevent Postgres from inlining a subquery?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-11-28 07:30:44
问题 Here's a slow query on Postgres 9.1.6, even though the maximum count is 2, with both rows already identified by their primary keys: (4.5 seconds) EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl WHERE id IN ('6d48fc431d21', 'd9e659e756ad') AND data ? 'building_floorspace' AND data ?| ARRAY['elec_mean_monthly_use', 'gas_mean_monthly_use']; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Inlining CSS in C#

不问归期 提交于 2019-11-28 04:23:01
I need to inline css from a stylesheet in c#. Like how this works. The css is simple, just classes, no fancy selectors. I was contemplating using a regex (?<rule>(?<selector>[^{}]+){(?<style>[^{}]+)})+ to strip the rules from the css, and then attempting to do simple string replaces where the classes are called, but some of the html elements already have a style tag, so I'd have to account for that as well. Is there a simpler approach? Or something already written in c#? UPDATE - Sep 16, 2010 I've been able to come up with a simple CSS inliner

What is inlining?

梦想与她 提交于 2019-11-27 13:10:07
I am referring to this discussion . I have never written any code in C or in C++ . I do not have any CS background. However I have been working as Java developer for 5 years and now I have decided to learn more about CS and do some catching up. When executing a given piece of code, whenever you call a standard function the execution time is slightly higher than dumping there the code contained into that function. Dumping every time the whole code contained in a function is on the other end unmainteinable because it obviously leads to a whole mess of duplication of code. Inlining solves the