
Inline JqGrid save button click issue

百般思念 提交于 2020-01-16 05:02:08
问题 I was brainstorming almost a day on how to invoke my MVC controller action with inline edit jQgrid save button. Please see the below screenshot I have tried the following configuration for jqGrid $("#tbl-items").CreateGrid({ url: '@Url.Action("ItemList", "Item")', editurl: '@Url.Action("Create", "Item")', jsonReader: { id: "ItemID" }, prmNames: { id: "ItemID" }, colNames: ['Item ID', Item Name], colModel: [{ name: 'ItemID', index: 'ItemID', sorttype: 'integer', hidden: true, key: true }, {

Datatable activate single cell editing onclick

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-06 08:38:34
问题 I was unable to utilize the jQuery datatable plugin here: I kept getting an error, so I just dropped it and decided to do it myself. Starting with the datatable: $.ajax({ url: 'api/searchVoyageInfo.php', type: 'POST', data: '', dataType: 'html', success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){ var jsonObject = JSON.parse(data); var table = $('#example1').DataTable({ "data": jsonObject, "columns": [{ { "data": "COLUMN1" }, { "data":

EditText that looks like TextView inside a ListView

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-01-05 03:33:09
问题 I am developing an application where the user can edit the data in the ListView . I want to have an EditText inside that ListView, this edittext should behave like TextView but when the user clicks it it should look like EditText , How can i achieve this functionality? Actually the EditText inside the ListView looks ugly & i want that the EditText should look like a TextView bydefault but when the user try to Edit the data then it should look like the EditText. I hope that my question is

Inline editing - save new values on button click

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-25 16:39:54
问题 I have following code for jQuery DataTables: Contact.DataTable = $('#otable').DataTable( { "ajax": { "url" : '/Contact/' +, "dataSrc": function(check) { return; }, }, "responsive": true, "columns": [ { "data": "id"}, { "data": "category", "sClass": "category" }, { "data": "name", "sClass": "name" }, { "data": "lname" }, { "render": function ( data, type, method, meta ) { return Contact.saveContact(method); } }, ] } ); Datatable - dropdown - inline edit: $('#otable tbody'

jqGrid 4.3.2 Failures

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-25 08:49:30
问题 Trying this version of jqGrid out and experiencing problems. ESC key is not programmed properly for Chrome and 'editRow' events. Major pain. ENTER key does not save on editRow select elements with Firefox setting a column to have editrules: required blows out with Javascript error missing isEmpty Makes this version almost unusable. 回答1: Try the demo where I made the fixes which I described here and here. The problems which you described in your question can't reproduced on the demo. Currently

Autocomplete dataInit

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-25 03:58:30
问题 I'm trying to use jQuery UI Autocomplete inside a jqGrid in the dataInit . I'm doing it like this: { name:'ac_fin_g', index:'ac_fin_g', width:75, editable: true, edittype: 'text', editoptions: { dataInit: function (elem) { $(elem).autocomplete({ source: 'autocomplete.php', select: function (event, ui) { #('ac_fin_g').val(ui.item.value); } }); } }} And in the function ondblClickRow I'm passing select like a parameter: ondblClickRow: function (id, select) { if (id) { if (id !== lastSel) { $('

jqGrid - disabling inline dropdown on “edit” but not on “add”

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-25 03:53:40
问题 It looks as if this question has been asked at least once before but was not answered. I have also seen this question answered regarding standard "form" based editing, but not inline. Code $(function() { var lastSel; var MSVendors = {'9990':'XXXXXX - LEXI','9991':'XXXXXX - RICH','9992':'XXXXXX - BIRM','9993':'XXXXXX - PEMB' }; $('#special_dialog').dialog({ width:'auto', height:'auto', resizable:true }); $.extend($.jgrid.defaults,{ rowNum:250, rowList:[1000,2500,5000], viewrecords:true,

Clear all the existing content in a row in jqgrid inline edit and open fresh input data fields.

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-25 01:58:02
问题 My requirement is, If I click a row in jqgrid with inline edit feature. In edit mode, I don't want the existing cell content to be present. Instead the cell contents should be blank, so that user enters anything, that gets saved . I am able to access cell contents using selected Id, but how do I clear it and set it in the edit mode. 回答1: It's not clear for me why you need to have implemented such strange behavior. Probably an example could clear all. Nevertheless the requirements is not

Inline form editing on client side

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-23 05:29:22
问题 I see some web sites use dynamic forms(I am not sure about how to call them!) to edit a group of data. For example: there is a group of data such as name, last name, city, country.etc. when user clicks on EDIT button, instead of doing postback, a form, consisisting of 2 textboxes + 2 comboboxes, dynamically opens to edit,And then when you click on Save button, edit form disappears, and all data updates.. Now, I know what happens over here is using Ajax for server calls and some javascript for