
Use different optimizers depending on a if statement in TENSORFLOW

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-24 01:47:24
问题 I'm currently trying to implement a neural network with two training steps. First i want to reduce the loss_first_part function and then i want to reduce the loss_second_part. tf.global_variable_initializer().run() for epoch in range(nb_epochs) if epoch < 10 : train_step = optimizer.minimize(loss_first_part) else : train_step = optimizer.minimize(loss_second_part) The problem is that the initializer should be defined after the optimizer.minimize call . Indeed i've the following error

How to set seed value of kernel initializer (glorot_uniform) in Keras

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-24 00:54:56
问题 I'd like to set seed value of glorot_uniform kernel initializer in Keras. model.add(Dense(50, input_dim=self.state_size, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform(seed=0)')) When I use above code, error message is below. ValueError: Unknown initializer: glorot_uniform(seed=0) If I remove "(seed=0)" like as below model.add(Dense(50, input_dim=self.state_size, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform')) It works well without setting a seed value. How can I set a seed

using Rails to_prepare event

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-23 17:43:57
问题 I'm trying to get the to_prepare event to work on a new Rails 3.2.1 project. I've placed the following: Rails.application.config.to_prepare do puts 'here i am before a request' end into an initializer under config/initializers. According to the documentation here, this block should run on every request to the app when running in development mode, and only once in production. I'm working in development mode, and this block does not run on every request, instead it runs only when I boot up the

C# how to invoke a field initializer using reflection?

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-23 16:33:40
问题 Say I have this C# class public class MyClass { int a; int[] b = new int[6]; } Now say I discover this class using reflection and while looking at the fields I find that one of them is of type Array (ie: b) foreach( FieldInfo fieldinfo in classType.GetFields() ) { if( fieldInfo.FieldType.IsArray ) { int arraySize = ?; ... } } I know it's not guaranteed that the array has a field initializer that creates the array but if it does I would like to know the size of the array created by the field

Inheritance when __new__() doesn't return instance of class

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-23 01:42:10
问题 When __new__ return instance of class, everything is ok, we can create subclass with no problems: class A: def __new__(cls, p1, p2): self = object.__new__(cls) return self def __init__(self, p1, p2): self.p1 = p1 self.p2 = p2 class B(A): def __new__(cls, p3): self = super().__new__(cls, 1, 2) return self def __init__(self, p3): super().__init__(1, 2) self.p3 = p3 a = A(1, 2) print(a.p2) # output: 2 b = B(3) print(b.p3) # output: 3 But, If __new__() does not return an instance of cls , then

How to initialize CBCentralManager in Swift when a self reference is necessary

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-22 09:00:10
问题 What are good ways to initialize an instance of CBCentralManager, which requires a delegate and is often pointing to the owning class? I could declare the property as an implicitly unwrapped optional but doing so as a general practice seems rather not Swift-like and not very safe. Alternatively, I can declare the property as an optional. But since CBCentralManager's initializers are not declared as failable, it doesn't seem to make sense to declare the instance as such. Implicitly Unwrapped

Why it is called the Memberwise Initialiser

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-21 20:09:53
问题 Quote from the office Swift Document All structure have an automatically-generated memberwise initializer , which you can use to initialize the member properties of new structure instances ... Question 1 : What is so special about the default initializer, why can't it be simply called the default initializer? Why adding the "memberwise"? Is it because it lists out all the member properties defined in the Structure. And you also have to follow the order defined inside the Structure when

static initializers in objective C

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-21 04:12:08
问题 How do I make static initializers in objective-c (if I have the term correct). Basically I want to do something like this: static NSString* gTexts[] = { @"A string.", @"Another string.", } But I want to do this more struct-like, i.e. have not just an NSString for each element in this array, but instead an NSString plus one NSArray that contains a variable number of MyObjectType where MyObjectType would contain an NSString, a couple ints, etc. 回答1: Since NSArrays and MyObjectTypes are heap

static initializers in objective C

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-21 04:12:04
问题 How do I make static initializers in objective-c (if I have the term correct). Basically I want to do something like this: static NSString* gTexts[] = { @"A string.", @"Another string.", } But I want to do this more struct-like, i.e. have not just an NSString for each element in this array, but instead an NSString plus one NSArray that contains a variable number of MyObjectType where MyObjectType would contain an NSString, a couple ints, etc. 回答1: Since NSArrays and MyObjectTypes are heap

Static initialisation block in Kotlin

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-20 10:28:52
问题 What is the equivalent of a static initialisation block in Kotlin? I understand that Kotlin is designed to not have static things. I am looking for something with equivalent semantics - code is run once when the class is first loaded. My specific use case is that I want to enable the DayNight feature from Android AppCompat library and the instructions say to put some code in static initialisation block of Application class. 回答1: From some point of view, companion objects in Kotlin are