
Python - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-01-03 06:18:13
问题 I'm new in Python and I'm having the following error with this simple example: This is my project structure: python_project . ├── lib │ ├── │ └── └── src ├── └── And this is the error when I execute the src/ file: ☁ python_project python src/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "src/", line 3, in <module> from lib import my_custom_lib ImportError: No module named lib If I move the file to the root and then I

Python - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-01-03 06:16:19
问题 I'm new in Python and I'm having the following error with this simple example: This is my project structure: python_project . ├── lib │ ├── │ └── └── src ├── └── And this is the error when I execute the src/ file: ☁ python_project python src/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "src/", line 3, in <module> from lib import my_custom_lib ImportError: No module named lib If I move the file to the root and then I

How to create master branch in remote repositories?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-06-13 06:16:32
问题 I encounter an issue when I create a bare repository. Here is my step: Create a folder named Test in a C:\ as a remote repository Create repository in sourcetree and select C:\Test Input command git init --bare in terminal Clone C:\Test to my local folder D:\Test However, I can't see master branch in both C:\Test and D:\Test . How can I create a master branch? Thanks PS: my C:\Test has hooks, info, objects, refs, config, description, HEAD. Do I need to check in them and make them as master does not discover tests without file in sub directories

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-05-29 10:31:30
问题 When I run coverage for python, I always need an empty file in the tests sub-directory to get coverage to run the tests. This is a requirement for python2 packages, but not for python3. To reproduce, I did the following (pre-requisites are python3, pip3 and brew): Run the following terminal command: pip3 install coverage Create the following directory structure: example\ tests\ #!/usr/bin/env python3 class Example: value = 3 def update(self):

Why do we need __init__ to initialize a python class

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-05-11 10:27:59
问题 I'm pretty new to OOP and I need some help understanding the need for a constructor in a python class. I understand init is used to initialize class variables like below: class myClass(): def __init__ (self): self.x = 3 print("object created") A = myClass() print(A.x) A.x = 6 print(A.x) Output: object created 3 6 but, I could also just do, class myClass(): x = 3 print("object created") A = myClass() print(A.x) A.x = 6 print(A.x) which prints out the same result. Could you please explain why

Why do we need __init__ to initialize a python class

五迷三道 提交于 2020-05-11 10:22:06
问题 I'm pretty new to OOP and I need some help understanding the need for a constructor in a python class. I understand init is used to initialize class variables like below: class myClass(): def __init__ (self): self.x = 3 print("object created") A = myClass() print(A.x) A.x = 6 print(A.x) Output: object created 3 6 but, I could also just do, class myClass(): x = 3 print("object created") A = myClass() print(A.x) A.x = 6 print(A.x) which prints out the same result. Could you please explain why

android init进程说明

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-04-07 12:04:39
android是基于linux内核的,因此android的init进程是android应用程序的第1个进程。下面简要说明一下该进程的处理流程,后续还要进一步细化。 1.注册处理子进程的信号处理函数 2.在根目录下创建系统目录以及mount必要的文件系统 3.在/dev目录下创建null和kmsg设备节点 4.解析/init.rc文件 5.解析/proc/cmdline文件获取必要的参数,如:qmeu, console, bootloader等 6.通过分析/proc/cpuinfo获取硬件类型,从而进一步解析/init.硬件类型.rc文件 7.执行early-init部分的服务 8.根据netlink(/sys/block,/sys/class,/sys/devices)在/dev目录下生成设备节点 9.读取/default.prop文件描述的属性 10.对于启动内核的cmdline中有console的情况则在/dev/目录下创建该设备节点 11.在屏幕上显示“ANDROID”字样(android虚拟机上能看到) 12.进一步解析/proc/cmdline文件且设置对应的属性和值 13.根据第5步骤分析的参数设置指定的属性和值 14.执行init部分的服务 15.读取系统属性文件且创建socket监听 16.创建本地socket监听退出的子进程 17.执行early


被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-03-16 10:51:49
JQuery插件开发 github教程 : jQuery插件开发 一般来说,jQuery插件的开发分为两种:一种是挂在jQuery命名空间下的全局函数,也可称为静态方法;另一种是jQuery对象级别的方法,即挂在jQuery原型下的方法,这样通过选择器获取的jQuery对象实例也能共享该方法。 一、 在讲解jQuery插件基本结构和模式前,先介绍下两个重要的方法,还有不知啥原因,代码无法折叠,导致整体篇幅稍微有点长,阅读时请加点耐心: 1、$.extend(target, [object1], [objectN]) 该方法主要用于合并两个或更多对象的内容(属性)到第一个对象,并返回合并后的第一对象。如果该方法只有一个参数target,则该参数将扩展jQuery的命名空间,即作为静态方法挂在jQuery全局对象下,如jQuery里的$.ajax、$.getJSON全局函数等: // 将hello方法挂在jquery全局对象下,作为静态方法 $.extend({ hello: function() {alert("hello");} }); 又如


风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-03-07 04:00:49
使用正则表达式 4.1 问题 本案例要求熟悉正则表达式的编写,完成以下任务: 利用egrep工具练习正则表达式的基本用法 提取出httpd.conf文件的有效配置行 编写正则表达式,分别匹配MAC地址、E-Mail邮箱地址 4.2 方案 表-1 基本正则列表 表-1 扩展正则列表 4.3 步骤 实现此案例需要按照如下步骤进行。 步骤一:正则表达式匹配练习 1)典型的应用场合:grep、egrep检索文本行 使用不带-E选项的grep命令时,支持基本正则匹配模式。比如“word”关键词检索、“^word”匹配以word开头的行、“word$”匹配以word结尾的行……等等。 输出以“r”开头的用户记录: [root@svr5 ~]# grep '^r' /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash rpc:x:32:32:Portmapper RPC user:/:/sbin/nologin rpcuser:x:29:29:RPC Service User:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin 输出以“localhost”结尾的行: [root@svr5 ~]# grep 'localhost$' /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost