

百般思念 提交于 2020-02-26 13:23:56
关键字: 驰骋工作流程快速开发平台 工作流程管理系统 工作流引擎 asp.net工作流引擎 java工作流引擎. 开发者表单 拖拽式表单 工作流系统CCBPM节点访问规则接收人规则 适配数据库: oralce,mysql,sqlserver,Informix, PostgreSQL 达梦 接受人规则,就是为了解决下一步发送人的范围所制定的各种规则。审批、生产环境有很多的不确定性,更多的时候需要自动确定接受人的范围,为了适应不同场合下的需要我的制定了如下接收人规则。 由上一节点发送人通过“人员选择器”选择接受人 设置方式: 此此节点的上一个节点中启用【接受人】按钮,本步骤设置按接受人选择,上一个用户在发送前通过点【接受人】按钮选择指定的接受人(类于发送邮件时的接受人员选择)。 选择此项后系统就会自动在功能按钮栏显示一个选择接受人功能按钮, 点击这里查看如何设置接收人选择器 。 技术细节: 1, 当前节点的上一节点会有选择人的范围过滤问题,如果您在此节点上设置了岗位集合CCBPM在上一个节点弹出选择人的对话框时,就会按当前的岗位集合来过滤人员。 2, 在当前节点的上一个节点可能存在多个节点点分支。这个时间打开选择接受人对话框,就会出来首先要用户选择到那里去,然后在列出为这个节点的人员来。 设置接受人选择器的人员范围 新版本接受人选择器样式: 接收人的范围需要确定下来

Informix: UPDATE with SELECT - syntax?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-02-02 16:26:20
问题 I wanna update my table for all persons whoes activity lasted toooo long. The update should correct one time and for the subsequent rows I need to deal with new result. So thought about something like UPDATE summary_table st SET st.screen_on=newScreenOnValue st.active_screen_on=st.active_screen_on-(st.screen_on-newScreenOnValue) --old-value minus thedifference FROM ( SUB-SELECT with rowid, newScreenOnValue ... JOIN ... WHERE.... ) nv WHERE (st.rowid=nv.rowid) I know that I can update the

Informix: UPDATE with SELECT - syntax?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-02-02 16:26:07
问题 I wanna update my table for all persons whoes activity lasted toooo long. The update should correct one time and for the subsequent rows I need to deal with new result. So thought about something like UPDATE summary_table st SET st.screen_on=newScreenOnValue st.active_screen_on=st.active_screen_on-(st.screen_on-newScreenOnValue) --old-value minus thedifference FROM ( SUB-SELECT with rowid, newScreenOnValue ... JOIN ... WHERE.... ) nv WHERE (st.rowid=nv.rowid) I know that I can update the

Hibernate HQL Query with outer join

无人久伴 提交于 2020-01-28 11:23:28
问题 I would like to ask how to change the OUTER from Informix to HQL query. Currently facing error with unexpected token:outer SQL query: select a.SC_OB_PROFILE_CODE, b.SC_ORIG_SF_GROUP_CODE, f.SC_ORIG_SAC, f.SC_ORIG_FAC,b.SC_PROD_CONT_GROUP_CODE, d.SC_PROD_CONT_CODE, e.GP_CD, a.SC_ORIG_COUNTRY, a.SC_DEST_COUNTRY, a.SC_DEST_SAC, a.SC_DEST_FAC, a.SC_SEND_DOW, a.SC_OB_SORT_CODE, a.ORIG_OB_SORT_CODE, a.TARGET_OB_SORT_CODE, a.SC_TIMESTAMP from SC_OB_TEMP_AUDIT2 a, SC_OB_ALLOCATION b, outer SC_FAC

Calculate 8 working days in past in Informix

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-01-17 02:59:26
问题 I'm trying to write a script in C shell for selecting data from Informix database 8 working days in past. So far I have sql code that calculate 8 days in past + Sunday and Saturday it looks like this: select * from ekzo where datzah = today- (case when weekday(today) = 1 then 12 when weekday(today) = 2 then 12 when weekday(today) = 3 then 12 when weekday(today) = 4 then 10 when weekday(today) = 5 then 10 when weekday(today) = 6 then 10 when weekday(today) = 0 then 11 end) I have created table

Calculate 8 working days in past in Informix

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-01-17 02:59:04
问题 I'm trying to write a script in C shell for selecting data from Informix database 8 working days in past. So far I have sql code that calculate 8 days in past + Sunday and Saturday it looks like this: select * from ekzo where datzah = today- (case when weekday(today) = 1 then 12 when weekday(today) = 2 then 12 when weekday(today) = 3 then 12 when weekday(today) = 4 then 10 when weekday(today) = 5 then 10 when weekday(today) = 6 then 10 when weekday(today) = 0 then 11 end) I have created table

informix ODBC stored procedure always return incorrect same value

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-01-16 18:07:50
问题 I have a simple sp created in Informix create procedure test(arg1 int) returning int; if arg1 > 1 then return 10; else return 0; end if; end procedure; It works as expected when called directly into Informix but when I call it from VB.NET using ODBC, it returns always 1. Here's my vb code Dim cmd As OdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand("{call test()}", conn) With cmd .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure .Parameters.AddWithValue("@arg1", 0) End With conn.Open() Dim dt As DataTable = New System

2 queries that should return the same data but don't

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-16 06:27:11
问题 I have 2 Informix queries that I believe should return the same data but do not. The first query uses a subquery as a filter and improperly returns no rows. The second is performed using a left outer join checking for null on the same column used in the subquery and it properly returns the correct data set. Am I missing something or is this a bug? select i.invoice_date, oe.commit_no from oe join invoice i on oe.invoice_no = i.invoice_no where i.invoice_date > today - 60 and oe.commit_no not

How to calculate the difference between two dates with a return value type of integer in Informix?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-01-15 07:06:00
问题 I am using an Informix database. I want to get the difference between two dates, and the data type of return value must be an integer. The SQL looks like: select (today - to_date('20121201','%Y%m%d')) from your_table_name However, when I execute the SQL it returns 45 and certainly the computed value is not the integer type. What's the date type of the value? How can I cast the value to integer? 回答1: The TO_DATE function is an Oracle import, and returns an Oracle DATE type in Oracle (hence the

How to calculate the difference between two dates with a return value type of integer in Informix?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-01-15 07:03:10
问题 I am using an Informix database. I want to get the difference between two dates, and the data type of return value must be an integer. The SQL looks like: select (today - to_date('20121201','%Y%m%d')) from your_table_name However, when I execute the SQL it returns 45 and certainly the computed value is not the integer type. What's the date type of the value? How can I cast the value to integer? 回答1: The TO_DATE function is an Oracle import, and returns an Oracle DATE type in Oracle (hence the