
Pagination with Firebase firestore - swift 4

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-08-21 04:54:32
问题 I'm trying to paginate data (infinitely scroll my tableview) using firestore. I've integrated the code google gives for pagination as best I can, but I'm still having problems getting the data to load in correctly. The initial set of data loads into the tableview as wanted. Then, when the user hits the bottom of the screen, the next "x" amount of items are load in. But when the user hits the bottom of the screen the second time, the same "x" items are simply appended to the table view. The

Why my ajax function are not working on infinite scrolling?

好久不见. 提交于 2020-07-09 13:53:39
问题 I am building a webpage having infinite scroll using waypoints.js with backend as Django.The problem is, my jquery and ajax functions are not working on newly generated content while they are working with content on first page. **EDIT:-**I am updating my code so that it will be easier to undertsand my question. <div class="infinite-container"> {%if result %} {% for c in result %} <div class="infinite-item"> <img class="likebutton" value="{{}}" id="{{}}" src="{%static "/images/icons

Why my ajax function are not working on infinite scrolling?

感情迁移 提交于 2020-07-09 13:52:06
问题 I am building a webpage having infinite scroll using waypoints.js with backend as Django.The problem is, my jquery and ajax functions are not working on newly generated content while they are working with content on first page. **EDIT:-**I am updating my code so that it will be easier to undertsand my question. <div class="infinite-container"> {%if result %} {% for c in result %} <div class="infinite-item"> <img class="likebutton" value="{{}}" id="{{}}" src="{%static "/images/icons

How to maintain Scroll Position When Adding Content to the Top of a Container in React

一世执手 提交于 2020-07-07 08:35:54
问题 I am trying to create messaging app in react. When ever the scroll is at the top, it dispatch an action to fetch older messages but the scroll still stays at top even after the messages are fetched so it keeps on firing the dispatch action to get more messages. Does any one know how to main the scroll position when adding content to the top of parent containers's children so that scroll position doesn't stay at top and stops firing request. <Fragment> {messagesLoading && messages.length > 0 &

How to maintain Scroll Position When Adding Content to the Top of a Container in React

北城余情 提交于 2020-07-07 08:31:56
问题 I am trying to create messaging app in react. When ever the scroll is at the top, it dispatch an action to fetch older messages but the scroll still stays at top even after the messages are fetched so it keeps on firing the dispatch action to get more messages. Does any one know how to main the scroll position when adding content to the top of parent containers's children so that scroll position doesn't stay at top and stops firing request. <Fragment> {messagesLoading && messages.length > 0 &

why scrollbar resting on top in react native infinite scrolling using react-native-tab-view

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-06-17 04:20:33
问题 I'm using react-native-tab-view in my App in which I have 2 tabs. I am loading Tab data via API call for creating infinite scroll pagination in side Tab , when data is concatenating in my FlatList data from API then each time my scroll bar reset to top position . I currently have snack demo like so: I don't want to reset my scroll bar on top in each API call i have search a lot for this issue but not find my solution. can any one help me to resolve my

Infinite List in Flutter Application

不羁的心 提交于 2020-02-27 03:49:51
问题 I am migrating my application from android to flutter and till now i have used ListView in flutter. my question is, is there any specialized technique to handle a large amount of data in the flutter? for reference, you can look at android RecyclerView . it handles in-memory views and recycles it runtime. so how to achieve functionality like RecyclerView in Flutter? or it's not necessary for the flutter? 回答1: The easiest way is to use a ListView.builder without specifying the itemCount

Pagination / Infinite scrolling in Flutter with caching and realtime invalidation

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-02-15 06:33:41
问题 It's been a long time since I started to search for a Flutter ListView library that will allow me to use pagination in a smart way. Sadly I haven't found anything that meets my criteria: Smart pagination : the library should't simply increase a list page-by-page but must have a fixed size cache which load and keep in memory only the needed pages in the moment. Asyn loading : the library should basically accept a function which returns a future of a list representing a page. Real-time

Lazy Load VS infinite scrolling

房东的猫 提交于 2020-01-23 05:22:10
问题 I thought Lazy Loading and infinite scrolling are same things, But today I heard that these are two different things. Is that true? 回答1: Lazy loading refers to deferring loading of any kind of content until it becomes necessary. For example, on a long page, images which are not currently visible do not need to be loaded. Only when the user scrolls the page over or near them do they get fetched from the server. Infinite scrolling refers to new content being loaded when the end of the page is

Infinite Scroll functions only in the front page

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-23 03:45:10
问题 I'm using the infinite scroll plugin in a tumblr blog and everything works as it should, provided the user is in the front page- for example: "{someblog}". Starting from "{someblog}" and so on, the plugin doesn't seem to load at all (it doesn't hide the navigation elements). initialize Here's the code I use to call it: $('#container').infinitescroll({ loading: { finished: undefined, finishedMsg: "Finished", img: "preloader.gif", msg: null, msgText: "Loading...",