
Immutable JS OrderedMap: Insert a new entry after a given Key

99封情书 提交于 2021-02-08 07:51:14
问题 I have an Immutable OrderedMap as follows: pairs: Immutable.OrderedMap({"Key1":"Value1","Key2":"Value2","Key4":"Value4"}) I need to insert ["Key3":"Value3"] after ["Key2":"Value2"] dynamically. I thought pairs.MergeIn(['Key2'],OrderedMap({"Key3":"Value3"})) will serve the purpose but not working. I tried const newPairs=Immutable.OrderedMap(); newPairs.forEach(function(value,key,map)){ if(key=="Key4") newPairs.set('Key3','Value3') newPairs.set(key,value') }); But I know it's a stupid code

How Immutability is Implemented

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-02-07 11:45:08
问题 I am trying to grasp how the trie and such in immutability is implemented, as relates to immutability in JS. I understand how there is supposed to be significant structural sharing. My question is say you have a graph sort of structure like this: a -- b | c | d -- h | e -- i -- l | f -- j -- m | g -- k -- n So then you add an x to the system. I'll try it two different ways: a -- b | c | d -- h -- x | e -- i -- l | f -- j -- m | g -- k -- n That one is just added as a leaf node. a -- b | c | d

Is connect() in leaf-like components a sign of anti-pattern in react+redux?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-12-08 08:03:35
问题 Currently working on a react + redux project. I'm also using normalizr to handle the data structure and reselect to gather the right data for the app components. All seems to be working well. I find myself in a situation where a leaf-like component needs data from the store, and thus I need to connect() the component to implement it. As a simplified example, imagine the app is a book editing system with multiple users gathering feedback. Book Chapters Chapter Comments Comments Comments At

Is connect() in leaf-like components a sign of anti-pattern in react+redux?

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-12-08 08:03:04
问题 Currently working on a react + redux project. I'm also using normalizr to handle the data structure and reselect to gather the right data for the app components. All seems to be working well. I find myself in a situation where a leaf-like component needs data from the store, and thus I need to connect() the component to implement it. As a simplified example, imagine the app is a book editing system with multiple users gathering feedback. Book Chapters Chapter Comments Comments Comments At

Is connect() in leaf-like components a sign of anti-pattern in react+redux?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-12-08 08:02:27
问题 Currently working on a react + redux project. I'm also using normalizr to handle the data structure and reselect to gather the right data for the app components. All seems to be working well. I find myself in a situation where a leaf-like component needs data from the store, and thus I need to connect() the component to implement it. As a simplified example, imagine the app is a book editing system with multiple users gathering feedback. Book Chapters Chapter Comments Comments Comments At

Can TypeScript's `readonly` fully replace Immutable.js?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-07-06 08:19:42
问题 I have worked on a couple of projects using React.js. Some of them have used Flux, some Redux and some were just plain React apps utilizing Context. I really like the way how Redux is using functional patterns. However, there is a strong chance that developers unintentionally mutate the state. When searching for a solution, there is basically just one answer - Immutable.js. To be honest, I hate this library. It totally changes the way you use JavaScript. Moreover, it has to be implemented

[译]掌握 JavaScript 面试:什么是函数式编程

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-04-19 22:46:46
原文地址: Master the JavaScript Interview: What is Functional Programming? 原文作者: Eric Elliott 译文出自: 掘金翻译计划 本文永久链接:… 译者: zoomdong 校对者: Roc , Long Xiong 掌握 JavaScript 面试:什么是函数式编程 “掌握 JavaScript 面试” 是一系列的帖子,为了帮助求职者在面试中高级 JavaScript 职位时可能遇见的常见问题做准备。这些是我在真实面试场景中经常会问到的一些问题。 函数式编程已经成为 JavaScript 领域中一个非常热门的话题。就在几年前,甚至很少有 JavaScript 程序员知道什么是函数式编程,但是我在过去 3 年看到的每个大型应用程序代码库中都大量使用了函数式编程思想。 函数式编程 (通常缩写为 FP)是通过组合 纯函数 ,避免 状态共享 、 可变数据 和 副作用 来构建软件的过程。函数式编程是 声明式 的,而不是 命令式 的,应用程序状态通过纯函数流动。与面向对象编程不同,在面向对象编程中,应用程序状态通常与对象中的方法共享和协作。 函数式编程是一种 编程范式 ,这意味着它是一种基于一些基本的、定义性的原则(如上所列)来思考软件构建的方法

How do I make a custom immutable type using facebook/immutable-js?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-25 00:29:08
问题 I am attempting to make a simple immutable Interval type. It has a start and an end property. Is there a straightforward way to utilize the immutable-js library to create your own custom immutable types? My current attempt at using a containment pattern with Immutable.Map and Immutable.List is not working so well. difference , for example, should return an immutable list of Intervals, but because it creates new instances of Interval, the List it returns will not pass equality. It feels like I