
Sticker Pack Interface Builder Storyboard Compiler Error Group

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-24 03:24:02
问题 WWDC 2016 came up with a new concept of creating Sticker Pack & push it to store from iOS10 onwards. I downloaded XCode 8 Beta, & tried to create a sticker pack app for the message extensions. I did everything as explained but on building the project I am getting error Interface Builder Storyboard Compiler Error Group Strange thing is for Sticker Pack we don't need to write any code, but still it is showing error of Interface Builder. I am getting this error under build time I have also

Send URL with iMessage App

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-24 01:58:33
问题 I would like to send a link with my message to allow the user to open the app store to install the app or use a deep link to link into a certain piece of content in my app, similar to the Apple Music iMessage App. I am currently using: var messagee:MSMessage = message.url = URL(string: "") template.image = game1Image.image! template.imageTitle = "Game 1" template.imageSubtitle = "\(bestScore1[0])" But when I tap on the

iMsg extension for existing iOS app

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-23 17:52:56
问题 I'm trying to attach iMsg extension to an existing iOS app. After running an extension from xCode, I'm getting an error saying: Could not locate installed application Install claimed to have succeeded, but application could not be found on device. bundleId = 'extension bundle id' Extension appears in iMsg apps section, but I can't attach it for debug. 回答1: I changed 'Executable' in my scheme from actual extension to 'Ask on lunch' and issue disappeared 来源:

Firebase Storage not working on iMessage extension

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-23 01:37:30
问题 I am trying to integrate Firebase into an iMessage extension. As a test, I am setting up Firebase and trying to save a local file to Firebase Storage in the viewDidAppear method. The Firebase Real-time Database works fine in the code below, only the storage part does not. The exact same code works when done in a normal app ( i.e. not a iMessage extension ). I get the following error message: Error Domain=FIRStorageErrorDomain Code=-13000 "An unknown error occurred, please check the server

Creating a MSSticker with a remote image

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-22 19:01:52
问题 I am trying to figure out way to create MSStickers with images that are hosted on the web. I can create MSStickers with local images, e.g.: NSString *imagePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @"image_name" ofType: @"png"]; NSURL *imageURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: urlString]; MSSticker *sticker = [[MSSticker alloc] initWithContentsOfFileURL: stickerURL localizedDescription: @"my-sticker" error: &err]; But I cannot do something like this: NSString *imageURLString = @"https://my-cdn

How to open our app from iMessage

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-22 12:39:20
问题 I had created an app in iMessage that is work perfactly but i want to know how can i open our app from iMessage Suppose I have one app after that i added iMessage target and from iMessage I want to open my app from iMessage is it possible ? I tried with this but not succeed NSString *customURL = @"appName://"; if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:customURL]]) { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:customURL]]; } Error : 回答1: Finally

How do I send audio file send via iMessage ios 8

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-22 07:15:08
问题 As we know with the launch of ios 8 the apple allow custom Keyboard extension.In keyboard extension we can send images,gif etc in SMS by using Copy image to clipboard.code UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard]; NSData *data= UIImagePNGRepresentation([UIImage imageNamed:@"so_close_disappointed_meme.png"]); [pasteboard setData:data forPasteboardType:@"public.png"]; Now i am trying to send audio file in iMessage like this feature reference.don't know apple will allow us to

Swift 3 iMessage Extension doesn't open URL

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-21 17:54:46
问题 I am creating an iOS Application iMessage Extension. According to Example by Apple, I creating a message according to provided logic guard let url: URL = URL(string: "") else { return } let message = composeMessage(url: url) activeConversation?.insert(message, completionHandler: { [weak self] (error: Error?) in guard let error = error else { return } self?.presentAlert(error: error) }) also private func composeMessage(url: URL) -> MSMessage { let layout =

iMessage Apps - Programatically create animated sticker from .apng

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-21 09:29:30
问题 Hi has anyone tried yet to programatically create a custom sticker programmatically with an animated apng file? I've had no success but can state the following: .apng file of correct dimensions and file size (300px * 300px) and < 500kb. Can add this as a .png and it shows the first frame (not animated) Changing file name to .apng causes an error to be raised upon inserting sticker to MS Message. Have taken the approach of loading the apng into the project folder (not in Assets.xcassets) as

iOS 10 Messages Extension - Wrong Layout when using Storyboard Segue

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-21 04:20:51
问题 When using Segues in Messages Extension Application the layout gets messed up. Is there any way to solve this issue while still using storrybord segues? Screenshots: (Note: The first and second View / ViewController are identical. The segue-type doesn't matter) Expanded Presentation Style: Compact Presentation Style: Update 1: The top and bottom layout guides reset after a segue compact: top: should be: 0 but is: 20 bottom: should be: 44 but is: 0 expanded: top: should be: 86 but is: 20