
How to resize a tiff image with multiple channels?

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-01-24 14:07:28
问题 I have a tiff image of size 21 X 513 X 513 where (513, 513) is the height and width of the image containing 21 channels. How can I resize this image to 21 X 500 X 375? I am trying to use PILLOW to do so. But can't figure out if I am doing something wrong. >>> from PIL import Image >>> from tifffile import imread >>> img ='new.tif') >>> img <PIL.TiffImagePlugin.TiffImageFile image mode=F size=513x513 at 0x7FB0C8E5B940> >>> resized_img = img.resize((500, 375), Image.ANTIALIAS) >>>

Any recommendation to resize 3d image array which consists of only 0 and 1?

不羁的心 提交于 2020-07-22 08:29:45
问题 I want to resize(downscale) the ground truth 3d images of brain tumor segmentation. Here are some g.t. + brain images: G.t. images are 3d numpy array and consist of only 0 and 1 value(only green voxel and black voxel, brain is not included in g.t. image). def resize(img, shape, mode='nearest', orig_shape=None, order=3): """ Wrapper for scipy.ndimage.zoom suited for MRI images. """ if orig_shape == None: orig_shape = img.shape assert len(shape) == 3, "Can not have more than 3 dimensions"

ReactJS: Resize image before upload

99封情书 提交于 2020-05-17 07:06:38
问题 In my reactJs project, I need to resize image before uploading it. I am using react-image-file-resizer library which has a simple example but not working for me. I have tried this but its shows me blank result. What am I doing wrong? var imageURI = ''; const resizedImg = await Resizer.imageFileResizer( fileList.fileList[0].originFileObj, 300, 300, 'JPEG', 100, 0, uri => { imageURI = uri console.log(uri ) // this show the correct result I want but outside of this function }, 'blob' ); console