
How to configure the scale label position in ILNumerics?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-11 03:38:41
问题 I draw some lines with ILLinePlot. Then I rotate the cube (with the intention to change the position of the Y scale label that starts from the top): Rotation = Matrix4.Rotation(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), ILMath.pif), It produces results like this. In this graph, I am losing the scale label in Y axis. How to configure it? So the label can be shown? Update: This question is related to : How to reverse the axis in ILNumerics At first, I have make a graph that consists some lines like this figure:

How to load big CSV file in ILArray for 3d plotting?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-11 00:30:59
问题 I have several files in csv format with scientific data to examine plotting them in 3D. The file content is organized as datetime, frequency in Hz and intensity in dB as in this example: 2014-03-15 18:00:00, 19700000.0, -30.19 2014-03-15 18:00:00, 19700781.25, -31.19 2014-03-15 18:00:00, 19701562.5, -30.43 2014-03-15 18:00:00, 19702343.75, -30.37 2014-03-15 18:00:00, 19703125.0, -27.06 For the plotting context, the 3 values represent respectively x,y,z. I would like to create a custom type

ILScene in WindowsFormsHost

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-10 21:13:58
问题 I am trying to host an ILPanel in a WindowsFormsHost Control in WPF. Here's my code: XAML: <Window x:Class="ILNumericsCharacteristicViewer.ILView" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:forms="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Forms.Integration;assembly=WindowsFormsIntegration" Title="ILView" Width="300" Height="300" Loaded="ILView_OnLoaded"> <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="*" />

ILNumerics plot a plane at specific location

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-10 19:57:15
问题 I'm currently playing around with the ILNumerics API and started to plot a few points in a cube. Then I calculated a regression plane right through those points. Now I'd like to plot the plane in the same scene plot but only with the same size than the point cloud. I got the paramters of the plane (a,b,c): f(x,y) = a*x + b*y + c; I know that only z is interesting for plotting a plane but I've got no clue how pass the right coodinates to the scene so that the plane size is about the same size

Unable to add ILNumerics controls into VS2012 toolbox manually or automatically

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-07 18:48:35
问题 I am trying to follow the instruction in to get ilnumerics working. I have so far been unable to ILnumerics controls on my toolbox. I tried all three separate package from Nuget 1) ILNumerics (AnyCPU) 2) ILNumerics.32bit 3) ILNumerics.64bit These package do get loaded to my .csproj, but the IlNumerics Controls are not listed in the toolbox. So I tried to add them manually. I right click on my tool box and select 'Choose items'.

ILNumeric continuous rendering plots

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-07 07:07:16
问题 Is there a way to continously plot changing array data? I've got a ILLinePlot to graph the line to changing data on a button event, but I would like to make it continuous. while (true) { float[] RefArray = A.GetArrayForWrite(); //RefArray[0] = 100; Shuffle<float>(ref RefArray); Console.Write(A.ToString()); scene = new ILScene(); pc = scene.Add(new ILPlotCube()); linePlot = pc.Add(new ILLinePlot(A.T, lineColor: Color.Green)); ilPanel1.Scene = scene; ilPanel1.Invalidate(); } The problem I'm

Unable to add ILNumerics controls into VS2012 toolbox manually or automatically

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-06 10:13:53
I am trying to follow the instruction in to get ilnumerics working. I have so far been unable to ILnumerics controls on my toolbox. I tried all three separate package from Nuget 1) ILNumerics (AnyCPU) 2) ILNumerics.32bit 3) ILNumerics.64bit These package do get loaded to my .csproj, but the IlNumerics Controls are not listed in the toolbox. So I tried to add them manually. I right click on my tool box and select 'Choose items'. This takes me to .Net framework components tab, where I select the Browse button and try to load the DLL.

ILNumeric continuous rendering plots

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-05 13:04:40
Is there a way to continously plot changing array data? I've got a ILLinePlot to graph the line to changing data on a button event, but I would like to make it continuous. while (true) { float[] RefArray = A.GetArrayForWrite(); //RefArray[0] = 100; Shuffle<float>(ref RefArray); Console.Write(A.ToString()); scene = new ILScene(); pc = scene.Add(new ILPlotCube()); linePlot = pc.Add(new ILLinePlot(A.T, lineColor: Color.Green)); ilPanel1.Scene = scene; ilPanel1.Invalidate(); } The problem I'm running into is that the loop runs, and i can see updates of the array, but the ILPanel does not update. I

How to convert ILArray into double[,] array?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-04 04:29:46
问题 How convert ILArray into double[,] array I have ILArray<double> A want to use A.ToArray() , but don't know how to use it I need to get a double[,] System.Array . 回答1: There is no natural support for converting an ILArray<double> into an multi dimensional System.Array double[,] in ILNumerics currently. So let's write it! private static System.Array ToSystemMatrix<T>(ILInArray<T> A) { using (ILScope.Enter(A)) { // some error checking (to be improved...) if (object.Equals(A, null)) throw new

How to reverse the axis in ILNumerics

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-02 14:26:22
问题 I want to reverse the Y axis in ILLinePlot from top to bottom (from descending become ascending). My result is like this: here is the code: scene.Add(new ILPlotCube { new ILLinePlot(ILMath.tosingle(ZDistance["1,0;:"]), markerStyle: MarkerStyle.Dot) }); How to reverse the Y axis become like this figure? 回答1: Turn the plot cube around the X axis by 180°: ilPanel1.Scene.Add(new ILPlotCube { Children = { new ILLinePlot(ILSpecialData.sincos1Df(200,1)[":;0"].T) }, Rotation = Matrix4.Rotation(new