
How to get an image or js from a JAR in the server in JSF (For a custom component)

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-25 15:56:10
问题 I have done a custom JSF component (it looks like a combobox (icefaces selectonemenu)) but it uses a couple of images (png) and a bit of javascript. I jar everything, so then the developers use it as a jar copied in the web-inf/lib folder. The image and the js are just for this custom component, so I can't make them put this image and js in his project, it has to be in MY jar. I jar everything and it works almost great, just the image and the JS, I do not get them to work. I do not know how

IceFaces Session Expiry causes an exception

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-25 08:48:36
问题 My IceFaces application crashes on session expiry. It's not showing the "User Session Expired" or "Network Connection Interrupted" message. My guess is the same page is loaded again, and since the backing bean code cannot find the session variables, it throws the following exception: exception javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.Exception: javax.faces.FacesException: Problem in renderResponse: /main-template.jspx: User session has expired or it was invalidated. root cause java.lang

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException with ICEFaces

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-25 03:19:15
问题 Im getting this exception when the view try to renders, im using the icefaces validators tags in a simple ice form, also im using spring to instantiate the managed beans but it is working correctly in other pages, SO i dont feel spring is the problem ... this is the exception : java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Implement SWF integration at com.icesoft.util.SeamUtilities.getSpringFlowId( at com.icesoft.faces.renderkit.dom_html_basic.FormRenderer.encodeBegin

How to add ice:selectManyCheckbox to a ice:dataTable?

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-25 02:25:00
问题 I have a <ice:dataTable> and I want to add a checkbox to each row. I tried to add a <ice:selectManyCheckbox> , but it shows an empty column and the checkboxes doesn't appear. <ice:selectManyCheckbox id="customTransChbx" partialSubmit="true"> <f:selectItems id="SlctLangItms" value="#{employee.s}" /> </ice:selectManyCheckbox> <ice:dataTable id="employeedatatable" value="#{employee.model}" var="emp" rows="5"> <ice:column> <ice:checkbox for="customTransChbx" index="#{}" rendered="true" /> <

JSF component doesn't update if changes came from grid click

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-25 02:12:59
问题 I have a JSF/IceFaces application where there is a screen divided into 3 sections. Search fields, a grid and some details fields below. Currently if I enter some data into the search fields and click on a Search button (!) the grid shows the results and a certain method is called that puts the first result record's details into the backing beans of the details fields below the grid. This shows that there is no problem with the way I put data into the details fields. However I have a

How to register a custom renderer in JSF?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-25 01:46:45
问题 We have numerical values in our database, representing a two-value-state. Of course this would perfectly match a boolean, but oracle has no such datatype. The NUMBER(1,0) type from the database is matched to a java.lang.Short type in Java (sometimes they used a NUMBER(*,0) to represent booleans, which are matched to java.math.BigDecimal). Since it is somehow obvious, I want to offer ice:selectBooleanCheckbox in the view as a value representation and UIComponent to the user. (I use IceFaces as

JSF web application with ICEfaces component

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-25 01:38:06
问题 I try to run one program in myeclipse where after creating one web project I added JSF and ICEFaces capability in the program. now after configuring Jboss web server when I start it I found following error. ERROR [[/webtest]] Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.config.JBossJSFConfigureListener com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException: CONFIGURATION FAILED! null at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigManager.initialize(ConfigManager

My first custom converter: why's not called?

孤人 提交于 2019-12-24 16:52:00
问题 I wrote my first JSF (1.2) custom converter. I declared it in faces-config.xml ( converter-id and converter-class ), wrote the Java class implementing getAsObject and getAsString methods. Then i put the converter in a page like this: <ice:selectInputDate id="ctldatanascita" value="#{beanrichiestaabilitazione.datanascita}" renderAsPopup="true"> <f:converter converterId="cisConverterDate" /> </ice:selectInputDate> The class is istantiated, but the Converter interface methods are never called.

How to get session information on xhtml jsf page from managedBean?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-24 15:22:07
问题 I have following piece of code in my jsp file which getSession information: <jsp:useBean id="bookBean" class="" scope="session"> <% bookBean.setSession( request.getSession() ); %> </jsp:useBean> now I am trying to use jsf on the page and in my managedBean I am making call to EJB and getting their references. Here is the sample: public void setSession(HttpSession session) { super.setSession(session); InitialContext ic = getInitialContext(); booksLocalOps = (

Accessing JSF nested composite component elements in JavaScript

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-24 13:52:57
问题 I am trying to DRY up popup windows in my JSF 2 project using composite components. This code base uses Icefaces 3.3.0 (with their 1.8.2 compatibility layer for historical reasons), Mojarra 2.2.7, and Glassfish 4.1. I have input.xhtml which provides a text input and uses a 2-button popup (ok/cancel), which in turn builds on the basic popup. input.xhtml: <composite:interface> <!-- ... --> <composite:editableValueHolder name="forInput" targets="theInput"/> </composite:interface> <composite