
Are static c libraries created with one compiler compatible with another?

孤人 提交于 2019-12-12 11:05:51
问题 In my case I have a library built with code sourcery gcc targeting arm cortex-m4. I am trying to then link that library into a project being compiled with IAR compiler. Is it possible to do this or does the library have to be rebuilt with the new tools? What factors affect this? 回答1: Static library is bundle of several object files which are always compiler specific. So if you try to link a gcc based lib with IAR compiler, you will get error at compile time due to mismatch between object file

How to remove error “unresolved inclusion” for user defined path in eclipse IDE

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-12 02:57:20
问题 i have imported existing IAR C++ Project for ARM into eclipse IDE , with plugin added for IAR tool chain. The project got imported , but some files are not getting included. It gives error :Unresolved inclusion" and text is underlined with red color. I have added path for these files as shown below but still same error is there . Please suggest for removing this error. include "./../../../try_one/try_headers/limits.h" 回答1: You need to configure Eclipse's indexer properly. If your project's

Can't force function table to specific address with IAR ARM compiler

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-11 23:27:09
问题 I have a function table type defined like so typedef struct { uint16_t majorRevision; uint16_t minorRevision; uint8_t (*CommInit)(void *); uint8_t (*CommDeInit)(void); uint16_t (*Write)(uint8_t *, uint16_t); uint16_t (*Read)(uint8_t *, uint16_t); uint8_t (*Attached)(void); uint8_t (*ExitApp)(uint8_t); uint8_t (*Jump)(uint32_t address); uint16_t (*GetCRC)(uint8_t*, uint32_t); int (*Encrypt)(uint8_t *, uint32_t); int (*Decrypt)(uint8_t *, uint32_t); uint8_t (*Reset)(void); uint32_t (


☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-11 18:17:09
go语言的切片是动态数组,长度不固定。跟一般的数组不一样。 package main import "fmt" func main() { //Go中提供了一种灵活,功能强悍的内置类型切片("动态数组"),与数组相比切片的长度是不固定的 var numbers = make([]int,3,5) //make([]T, length, capacity)创建一个切片,capacity会动态增加。 var iar =[]int{2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} //这样写是一个数组, var siar []int //这样是定义了一个空切片,默认值是nil printSlice(numbers) printSlice(iar) printSlice(siar) //go语言数组或切片都支持这种[:]截取,类似于python中的切片操作,只是少了第2个:后面的步长。 fmt.Println("iar[:2]=",iar[:2]) fmt.Println("iar[1:6]=",iar[1:6]) siar=iar[1:3] printSlice(siar) fmt.Println("append") //append方法是追加多个元素在末尾,后面可以跟不定数目的元素。 iar=append(iar,1,2,3,4) printSlice(iar) siar=append(siar,9

How to fix a "[Lp002]: relocation failed with IAR ARM tools?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-11 05:38:59
问题 I created a small module in assembler for ARM, to be linked together with my bare-metal embedded application. Sometimes when I'm rebuilding the application, I get a "Error[Lp002]: relocation failed: valued out of range or illegal". What is even more puzzling is that I'm getting the error after commenting out some code in a C module. The IAR manual is vague about 're-ordering the section or the code.' But looking at the assembler files generated by the compiler from my .c files, I see no

Bitwise operation with (signed) enum value

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-11 03:52:54
问题 I am using enumerator values for flags: typedef enum { a = 0x00, b = 0x01u, // the u has no influence, as expected c = 0x02u, // the u has no influence, as expected ... } enum_name; volatile unsigned char* reg = SomeAddress; *reg |= b; According to MISRA-C:2004 bitwise operations shall not be done with a signed type. Unfortunately, My compiler IAR use signed int (or short or char) as underlying type of enums, and the only option I can find relates to the size, not the signedness ("--enum-is


我们两清 提交于 2019-12-11 01:04:30
查看单片机程序占用rom和ram的大小: IAR程序编译后会在Project\Debug\List文件夹下生成一个*,map文件,用文本编辑软件打开,在最后面的部分会有空间占用信息,例如下图 readonly code 和 readonly data 使用的是ROM空间, readwrite data 使用的是SRAM空间。 单片机RAM空间会被栈、全局变量占用,改变全局变量的占用会明显改变 readwrite data 的大小。 来源: CSDN 作者: zd845101500 链接: https://blog.csdn.net/zd845101500/article/details/103477867

Working with typedef enums in structs and avoiding type mixing warnings

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-10 15:19:05
问题 I am working with C99. My compiler is IAR Embedded workbench but I assume this question will be valid for some other compilers too. I have a typedef enum with a few items in it and I added an element to a struct of that new type typedef enum { foo1, foo2 } foo_t; typedef struct { foo_t my_foo; ... } bar_t; Now I want to create an instance of bar_t and initialize all of its memory to 0. bar_t bar = { 0u }; This generates a warning that I mixing an enumerated with another type. The IAR specific

Memory placements of C-function

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-08 09:38:58
问题 I would like a create a software where some functions (or block) can be programmed later on my micro controller without having to re-flash the entire software again (flash will be done by a communication interface e.g. SPI). The new blocks will all have the same API (e.g. 5 bytes as arguments, 1 byte returned). Memory architecture will be organized as shown on this picture: memory architecture To summarize, the FBL and APPL blocks will be programmed only 1 time on the MCU. Later in the

How to suppress warning (converted from error) in IAR EWARM 5.4

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-07 20:11:06
问题 I had a macro for logging that accepts a variable number of arguments. This macro will be processed by GCC in a non-embedded context, and expands to valid C code. Despite this, IAR EWARM gives the error "[Pe054]: too few arguments in macro invocation" wherever I call the macro (thousands of locations) EWARM does provide diagnostics configuration to convert these errors to warnings (and hilariously enough, the code compiles when you do this (i.e. the "error" isn't a compilation error, the