
postgresql数据库 TimescaleDB 定时压缩超表 删除超表(块)

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-12-25 10:01:07
** postgresql数据库 TimescaleDB 定时压缩超表 删除超表(块) ** 在工作中 使用postgresql数据库 TimescaleDB 时序库进行存储实时数据,采集的数据量过大,提供的内存不足,因此考虑如何保存数据 TimescaleDB数据库中的超级表 TimescaleDB数据库自身带着函数就可以实现 ** TimescaleDB数据库所携带函数 一 .压缩 SELECT compress_chunk() ** 为了尽量不丢失数据,避免删除数据 我首先考虑把数据压缩,用他自带的函数 SELECT compress_chunk() 1查询时间 show_chunks() CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "hrmw" . "show_chunks" ( "hypertable" regclass = NULL ::regclass , "older_than" any = NULL ::unknown , "newer_than" any = NULL ::unknown ) RETURNS SETOF "pg_catalog" . "regclass" AS '$libdir/timescaledb-1.7.1' , 'ts_chunk_show_chunks' LANGUAGE c STABLE COST 1 ROWS 1000

百度技术沙龙第 25 期 海量数据处理技术解析

邮差的信 提交于 2020-04-07 02:42:23
本文作者:HelloDeveloper 在 4 月 7 日由 @百度 主办、 @InfoQ 策划组织和实施的第 25 期百度技术沙龙活动上,来自百度数据流计算系统 DStream 项目负责人杨栋( @Sherlock__Yang)、58 同城 (58.com) 云平台技术负责人,58 同城技术中心架构部架构师徐振华( @浊者)分别分享了各自在海量数据存储和处理上取得的成果及经验,话题涉及“Hypertable Goes Realtime at Baidu”,以及“58 同城在分布式存储方面的架构实践”等。本文将对他们各自的分享做下简单的回顾,同时提供相关资料的下载。 主题一:Hypertable Goes Realtime at Baidu(微盘下载讲稿) 来自百度数据流计算系统 DStream 项目负责人杨栋第一个为大家分享,本次演讲的主要内容包括:Hypertable 能够满足应用的哪些需求、实际应用中遇到的挑战有哪些、可靠性 or 性能、如何应对这些挑战以及 Hypertable 和 HBase 有哪些异同。杨栋提到,在 Noah 系统最初建设时,主要遇到了以下的问题: MySQL Not inherently distributed(数据的无序增长、频繁地手工分配数据);表大小的限制;不够灵活的结构 Hadoop 不支持随机写入;随机读取的支持也不理想 由此

Memory Requirement/Utilization for MongoDB, Riak and HyperTable (or HBase)

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-01-04 19:47:07
问题 I've evaluated most of the NoSQL solutions and it seems that using a combination of MongoDB, Riak and HyperTable (or HBase) is the way to go. What is the minimum requirement for these databases to run comfortably? Let's say, if I deploy these databases (MongoDB, Riak and HyperTable - or HBase) - and Web Server (such as nginx or Cherokee) and Java/GlassFish - ALL on a single-machine running FreeBSD with 32 GB of RAM, how will they perform? Note that by going with this approach, the entire 32

bigtable vs cassandra vs simpledb vs dynamo vs couchdb vs hypertable vs riak vs hbase, what do they have in common?

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-20 08:43:39
问题 Sorry if this question is somewhat subjective. I am new to 'could store', 'distributed store' or some concepts like this. I really wonder what do they have in common and want to get an overview on all of them. What do I need to prepare if I want to write a product similar to this? 回答1: The NoSQL Database site summarizes the concept like this: Next Generation Databases mostly address some of the points: being non-relational, distributed, open-source and horizontal scalable. The original

bigtable vs cassandra vs simpledb vs dynamo vs couchdb vs hypertable vs riak vs hbase, what do they have in common?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-20 08:43:14
问题 Sorry if this question is somewhat subjective. I am new to 'could store', 'distributed store' or some concepts like this. I really wonder what do they have in common and want to get an overview on all of them. What do I need to prepare if I want to write a product similar to this? 回答1: The NoSQL Database site summarizes the concept like this: Next Generation Databases mostly address some of the points: being non-relational, distributed, open-source and horizontal scalable. The original

Hadoop Hypercube

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-06 11:56:30
问题 Hey, i am starting a hadoop based hypercube with a flexible number of dimensions. Does anybody know any existing approaches for this? I just found PigOLAPSketch, but there is no code to use it. Another approach is Zohmg from lastfm, which uses hbase, but seems to be very dead. I think i will start a pig solution, maybe you have some advices? 回答1: This would be very cool/useful. OpenTSDB is an HBase time-series database that might be interesting to look at, they have a clever approach to

Hadoop Hypercube

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-04 17:09:44
Hey, i am starting a hadoop based hypercube with a flexible number of dimensions. Does anybody know any existing approaches for this? I just found PigOLAPSketch , but there is no code to use it. Another approach is Zohmg from lastfm, which uses hbase, but seems to be very dead. I think i will start a pig solution, maybe you have some advices? This would be very cool/useful. OpenTSDB is an HBase time-series database that might be interesting to look at, they have a clever approach to secondary indexing. You can also look at gpu based database https://www.kinetica.com/ but this is not open

bigtable vs cassandra vs simpledb vs dynamo vs couchdb vs hypertable vs riak vs hbase, what do they have in common?

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-02 17:10:14
Sorry if this question is somewhat subjective. I am new to 'could store', 'distributed store' or some concepts like this. I really wonder what do they have in common and want to get an overview on all of them. What do I need to prepare if I want to write a product similar to this? The NoSQL Database site summarizes the concept like this: Next Generation Databases mostly address some of the points: being non-relational, distributed, open-source and horizontal scalable. The original intention has been modern web-scale databases. The movement began early 2009 and is growing rapidly. Often more