
Okhttp check file size without dowloading the file

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-02-18 07:42:32
问题 The common examples for okhttp cover the scenarios of get and post. But I need to get the file size of a file with a url. Since I need to inform the the user, and only after getting their approval to download the file. Currently I am using this code URL url = new URL(""); URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); urlConnection.connect(); int file_size = urlConnection.getContentLength(); mentioned in this stackoverflow question How to know the size of a file

Okhttp check file size without dowloading the file

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-18 07:42:22
问题 The common examples for okhttp cover the scenarios of get and post. But I need to get the file size of a file with a url. Since I need to inform the the user, and only after getting their approval to download the file. Currently I am using this code URL url = new URL(""); URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); urlConnection.connect(); int file_size = urlConnection.getContentLength(); mentioned in this stackoverflow question How to know the size of a file

request.getContentLength() return 0 when file size is greater than 2gb

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-01-17 13:43:29
问题 Using a file upload in my project as : <s:form id="uploadData" action="UploadAction" namespace="xyz" validateFields="false" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> But the request.getContentLength() method returns correct value for less than 2 gb and 0 for anything above it. The probable reason being datatype of the content-length as int. Is there any other way where the request parameter: content-length can be converted into long type in order to support uploads greater than 2gb. please

Xamarin Forms - Cannot set the ContentLenght of HttpWebRequest

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-05 07:22:29
问题 I tried to mke a request with GET and parameters. However, I got an exception for the WinPhone8.1 which meaned that GET was a violation protocol due to a content added in. So making a POST request is the solution. Despite my searches, I'm still not able to set the content lenght property of my HttpWebRequest.. Why? private static async void AsyncRequest(string url, string contentType, string methodType, int contentLenght, Action<Object, string> callback, Action<HttpStatusCode, JObject, Action

Xamarin Forms - Cannot set the ContentLenght of HttpWebRequest

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-01-05 07:21:09
问题 I tried to mke a request with GET and parameters. However, I got an exception for the WinPhone8.1 which meaned that GET was a violation protocol due to a content added in. So making a POST request is the solution. Despite my searches, I'm still not able to set the content lenght property of my HttpWebRequest.. Why? private static async void AsyncRequest(string url, string contentType, string methodType, int contentLenght, Action<Object, string> callback, Action<HttpStatusCode, JObject, Action

ASP.NET Web Api - the framework is not converting JSON to object when using Chunked Transfer Encoding

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-01-01 04:55:08
问题 I have an http client in Android sending HTTP PUT requests to a REST api implemented with C# and ASP.NET WebApi framework. The framework should be able to magically convert (deserialize) the JSON into a model class (plain object) as long as the JSON fields match the properties in the C# class. The problem comes when the http requests come with Chunked Transfer Encoding that makes the Content-Length = 0 (as per and the framework is not

How do I disable 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' encoding in Varnish?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-01-01 02:10:10
问题 Using Varnish 4, I have a set of backends that're responding with a valid Content-Length header and no Transfer-Encoding header. On the first hit from a client, rather than responding to the client with those headers, Varnish is dropping the Content-Length header and adding Transfer-Encoding: chunked to the response. (Interestingly, the payload doesn't appear to have any chunks in it - it's one contiguous payload). This causes serious problems for clients like Flash video players that are

WCF Content-Length HTTP header on outbound message

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-29 08:02:31
问题 I'm in a tough situation in which a Java web service endpoint hosted on an IBM HTTP Server (IHS) requires a Content-Length header, although it supposedly conforms to HTTP/1.1. If I send the header, everything works. If I leave it off, I get a 500 error response informing me that my POST entity body was empty (even though it was not). We've invested significant time into our WCF client for these services (developed by a third party) and I can't seem to find a good way to append a Content

Should newline be included in http response content length?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-23 09:19:46
问题 When sending a HTTP Response, should I conclude the response body (the content itself) with a newline (line separator)? And if so, should I include the size of the line separator (I guess increase the count with 2 if sending \r\n) in the Content-Length? 回答1: When sending a HTTP Response, should I conclude the response body (the content itself) with a newline (line separator)? And if so, should I include the size of the line separator (I guess increase the count with 2 if sending \r\n) in the