
hmailserver error- the connection to the database is not available

佐手、 提交于 2020-01-14 22:54:38
问题 Dear Sir i try to make webmail server in my home pc. so i download and install the hmailserver. but when i try to connect it . it has eror that "the connection to the database is not available" and when i see the log file it has below error. plz help me "ERROR" 2920 "2013-10-02 01:00:58.431" "Severity: 1 (Critical), Code: HM5094, Source: MySQLInterface::Load, Description: Error:[nl]The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.[nl]hMailServer needs this file to be able to

Sending a CDO email message using an SSL connection

随声附和 提交于 2020-01-02 21:00:50
问题 I have an asp page that sends the details of a form via email using CDO. So far, I have done this using smtp port 25 over a clear connection to a hmail server. I now need to use an SSL connection. I have created a security certificate and set hmail server to use port 465 and ssl. However, for some reason when I try to send the form I get an error 500 and the email is not sent. I have tried with port 587 as well but it doesn't work either. The CDO code I use is as follows: If request.Form(

Sending a CDO email message using an SSL connection

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-01-02 20:59:46
问题 I have an asp page that sends the details of a form via email using CDO. So far, I have done this using smtp port 25 over a clear connection to a hmail server. I now need to use an SSL connection. I have created a security certificate and set hmail server to use port 465 and ssl. However, for some reason when I try to send the form I get an error 500 and the email is not sent. I have tried with port 587 as well but it doesn't work either. The CDO code I use is as follows: If request.Form(

Is it possible to capture the “Message-ID” of an email message sent with SmtpClient?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-21 01:21:43
问题 Using the SmtpClient and MailMessage classes in .NET to send emails through a local mail server (hMailServer), I currently found no way to get the Message-ID header value of a sent message. The idea behind I'm trying to programmatically track messages that are undeliverable, so I have to find a way to identify replies from the destination SMTP server that rejects a certain message. Now I thought of simply remembering the Message-ID SMTP header value and parse incoming mails for this ID. I've

Is it possible to capture the “Message-ID” of an email message sent with SmtpClient?

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-21 01:21:19
问题 Using the SmtpClient and MailMessage classes in .NET to send emails through a local mail server (hMailServer), I currently found no way to get the Message-ID header value of a sent message. The idea behind I'm trying to programmatically track messages that are undeliverable, so I have to find a way to identify replies from the destination SMTP server that rejects a certain message. Now I thought of simply remembering the Message-ID SMTP header value and parse incoming mails for this ID. I've

Sending an email from a distribution list

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-14 03:16:16
问题 I am using hMail server, and I have a distribution list within one of my accounts. I would like to know if it's possible to send an email from the distribution list, or is it not really an "account"? 回答1: My initial response would be that, being a "distribution list" - you will only be able to retrieve mail. Not send it. 回答2: I was able to send a mail from a distribution list id. Check the following link Issue with sending mails from a distribution mail id [Python] 来源: https://stackoverflow

Can we deduplicate emails retrieved through IMAP by hash?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-12 00:01:27
问题 I'm trying to achieve at-most-once processing of email messages retrieved over IMAP. (I asked a related question about it.) Is it reliable to compute a cryptographic hash code of the MIME messages retrieved over IMAP to deduplicate them? In other words, why would the same email result in a different result when retrieved over IMAP multiple times? Can an email change it's contents for example when it's moved across folders, or marked as read or for some other reason? I'm using hMailserver on

SMTP server local send mail php [duplicate]

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-11 12:12:56
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 6 years ago . Possible Duplicate: mail(): SMTP server response: 550 The address is not valid error on hmailserver I would like test my class senderMail.php. For to have, a smtp server, I use hMailServer. I have created a domaine, I have created a account, and now I configure SMTP settings. hMailServer would like a configuration "SMTP RELAYER". I test with the information: on port 587 and I enter my identifier too. When, I have

Sending a CDO email message using an SSL connection

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-06 12:05:06
I have an asp page that sends the details of a form via email using CDO. So far, I have done this using smtp port 25 over a clear connection to a hmail server. I now need to use an SSL connection. I have created a security certificate and set hmail server to use port 465 and ssl. However, for some reason when I try to send the form I get an error 500 and the email is not sent. I have tried with port 587 as well but it doesn't work either. The CDO code I use is as follows: If request.Form("submit") <> "" then Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message") myMail.Subject="xxxxxxx" myMail.From=Request

Is it possible to capture the “Message-ID” of an email message sent with SmtpClient?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-03 07:50:54
Using the SmtpClient and MailMessage classes in .NET to send emails through a local mail server ( hMailServer ), I currently found no way to get the Message-ID header value of a sent message. The idea behind I'm trying to programmatically track messages that are undeliverable, so I have to find a way to identify replies from the destination SMTP server that rejects a certain message. Now I thought of simply remembering the Message-ID SMTP header value and parse incoming mails for this ID. I've tried to inspect the Headers collection after sending the message, but I did not find any Message-ID