
Is there an Android tool to find the name of a layout for a running app?

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-03 05:50:21
Background I have been recently hired to maintain a very large program (only two Activities, about a hundred Fragments, and several hundred layouts). Furthermore, most of the content of the layouts (images and text) as well as the order that the layouts appear is dynamically determined via the company's Web API. Unfortunately there is no documentation. No map, nada. The company hired a 3rd party to make this app long before they even had Android programmers. And the quality of the code is poor at best (even variable names are confusing and contradictory). Consequently, I spend about 70% - 90%

How to add android tools dir to windows 7 path?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-11-27 23:41:26
I like to quickly start hierarchyviewer. At the moment i use the prompt to go navigate to .... \AppData\local\android\android-sdk\tools\ and then hierarchyviewer I think i need to add something to windows 7 path, but i don't know what to do exactly. Any suggestions? regards Suppose you have download and install Android SDK, and extract it in some drive. There are two methods to set PATH: Use command prompt : set path=%path%;D:\android-sdk-windows\tools; Another is follow these steps : My Computer->Property->Advanced->Environment Variables->Edit Path Variable and add “D:\ android-sdk-windows

Can hierarchyviewer be used with a real device other than the Nexus?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-11-27 15:41:33
问题 I'd really like to use hierarchyviewer with my Samsung Galaxy S. Is there any way to turn it into a developer phone? 回答1: RomainGuy is correct, but since he had developed the debug ViewServer you can use HierarchyViewer for your own application on ANY phone now. To do this simply add RomainGuy's ViewServer into your application. https://github.com/romainguy/ViewServer From ViewServer JavaDoc: This class can be used to enable the use of HierarchyViewer inside an application. HierarchyViewer is

Does Android Studio have a Hierarchy Viewer?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-11-27 07:11:01
I tried searching on here but couldn't find the answer. I'm looking for a way to launch the Hierarchy Viewer from within Android Studio, rather than having to launch it at the command-line. I've recently migrated to Android Studio from Eclipse, and this functionality was available under the DDMS set of tools in that IDE. I've looked under the "Android" toolbar, and can see the screen-shot functionality there, but not the hierarchy viewer. I've also looked under Tools > Android in the menu system, and it's not there either. DDMS, Hierarchy Viewer, openGL Tracer etc all moved into Android Device