

点点圈 提交于 2020-10-01 13:53:04
  身为打麻将专业户,那Hermès全新上架的「Helios Mahjong Set」小牛皮绝对深得你心。   逢年过节三五好友相聚,可以动脑、消磨时间又能培养情感的「麻将」,就成了大伙们最爱的休闲娱乐,在马来西亚、新加坡甚至是香港电影中,都有以麻将作为主题的电影,由此可见,麻将文化对于东方人的重要性,更因此被冠上「东方国粹」的美名。         为了迎接Hermès东京丸之内店隆重开幕,品牌特地推出全新「Helios Mahjong Set」麻将组,每一颗麻将皆选用顶极小牛皮革打造,在正面、侧面还能看见牛皮的纹理,也因为全采用皮革制成,在洗牌的时候就不会发出碰撞的声响,不用再担心会被投诉。      爱马仕Helios Mahjong Set牛皮麻将组包含麻将、骰子、牌尺到红木制的木头礼盒,耗费超过2000小时,皆以纯手工打造而成,想把这组麻将带回家的你,可能要先看看银行里的存款是否够深。哈哈~       — THE END —   『 我是挑款师Anier,一个热衷奢侈品的女孩 』 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/4417309/blog/4543203

Eclipse中通过Hibernate Tools插件实现从数据库逆向生成Hibernate带注解的实体类

心已入冬 提交于 2020-08-09 18:45:43
Eclipse中通过Hibernate Tools插件实现从数据库逆向生成Hibernate带注解的实体类 一、安装hibernate tools插件 1、在线安装 通过Eclipse的Help->Install New Software 在线安装插件,插件连接为: eclipse helios(3.6)版 添加如下地址: http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/helios/ 选择性安装:hibernate tools在All Jboss tools节点下面 eclipse indigo(3.7)版 添加如下地址: http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/development/indigo/ 选择JBoss Web and Java EE Development下的Hibernate Tools。 其它版本 自行下载: http://www.jboss.org/tools/download.html 本人原来用的是eclipse 3.7版本indigo,如下图所示: 2、成功安装后,自己新建一个项目测试。 二、连接数据库的具体实现步骤采用图文结合讲解 1. 打开Window-> Show View->Other,再打开数据库管理器(Data Management)-


痴心易碎 提交于 2020-02-26 22:59:21
好的,这就是我想要的:在Eclipse包浏览器中,我看到以下内容:(点代表可单击的箭头,可用于扩展文件夹) 项目 源文件夹 包 类 包装。子包装 oo 酒吧 包。其他子包 Package.OtherSubPackage.VerySubPackage 其他包装 富巴 其他包装 巴兹 长话短说,我想在一个源文件夹(和几个源文件夹)中有很多包,每个包有很多子包,所以增加更多包将不能解决问题)-因此每个源文件夹有几百个包-十到二十个软件包,每个软件包有十五个子软件包。 因此,我希望层次结构如下所示: 项目 源文件夹 包 类 包装。子包装 oo 酒吧 包。其他子包 Package.OtherSubPackage.VerySubPackage 其他包装 富巴 其他包装 巴兹 因此我可以打开或关闭一个包并查看子包列表,而不是将包和子包都放在层次结构的同一级别上,这又会导致同时显示太多包。 注意,这 不是 关于文件系统的问题。 据我所知,文件系统可以正常工作-这只是有关Eclipse软件包浏览 器 中 视觉显示 的问题。 所以:有没有一种方法可以将层次添加到层次结构中? 谢谢!! (OS X 10.6上的Eclipse Helios) #1楼 包浏览器/查看菜单/包介绍... /分层 可以使用Ctrl + F10或Package Explorer右上角的小向下箭头图标打开“查看菜单”。 #2楼

Content Assist for JSF2 + CDI (weld) beans + Eclipse Helios

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-20 04:06:56
问题 Im trying JSF2 CDI (weld) beans in eclipse helios instead of ManagedBeans , but can't do the auto completion inside the expression language for my Named beans (the #{myNamedBean. Ctrl + Space } thingy) But OTOH with ManagedBeans, the content assist works well .. Is the content assist for CDI beans supported yet in Eclipse Helios? Anybody got experiences in this ? 回答1: Install JBoss tools. Then by adding <nature>org.jboss.tools.jsf.jsfnature</nature> to the natures section of the .project file

How to solve Unresolved inclusion: <iostream> in eclipse?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-01-13 12:07:12
问题 I built a simple program in eclipse: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "TEST" << endl; return 0; } It worked in Visual Studio and CodeBlocks, but eclipse is acting weird. it says: Unresolved inclusion: <iostream> I read here: C++ - Unresolved inclusion: <iostream> and here: Unresolved <iostream> in Eclipse, Ubuntu and neither of them worked. Here are screenshots of project properties : edit: I downloaded MinGW and now i have this under Settings : How should i

Eclipse not highlighting/jumping to row in debug view when suspending

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-05 03:11:31
问题 Environment: Eclipse Helios Service Release 2 (Build 20110218-0911) glassfish 3.0-b39 Maven 2 (SVN) JDK6 JSF2.0.0-PR LOG4J 1.2.16 We are developing a webapp using above environment and we are encountering the following hassle when debugging: First time debug after restart of Eclipse: breakpoint are recognised, suspended, and the corresponding line is jumped to and highlighted correctly. After that, anytime we try to debug, the thread suspends correctly but the row is neither jumped to nor

Eclipse not highlighting/jumping to row in debug view when suspending

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-01-05 03:11:30
问题 Environment: Eclipse Helios Service Release 2 (Build 20110218-0911) glassfish 3.0-b39 Maven 2 (SVN) JDK6 JSF2.0.0-PR LOG4J 1.2.16 We are developing a webapp using above environment and we are encountering the following hassle when debugging: First time debug after restart of Eclipse: breakpoint are recognised, suspended, and the corresponding line is jumped to and highlighted correctly. After that, anytime we try to debug, the thread suspends correctly but the row is neither jumped to nor

eclipse helios for PHP - code formatter not available

假如想象 提交于 2020-01-01 12:07:11
问题 I'm looking at my Eclipse helios (3.6) preferences page, and I can see I can set code formatting settings for the Java code, but not for PHP. How can I set the spacing for function arguments in Eclipse for PHP. It seems the changes I make for Java don't apply to the PHP code. 回答1: I know that when I got Eclipse, I downloaded the version that was specifically for PHP: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-php-developers/heliossr1 It's likely that the version you downloaded is the

Helios Annoyance: Internal error occurred during: “Cache refresh” - NullPointerException

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-24 19:55:17
问题 I am not sure what started this problem. I submitted it as a bug to Eclipse but they closed it, stating it is a JBoss extension problem. However, this problem doesn't occur in my other workspace (both utilize the JBoss tools). It occurs every time I hit Ctrl + Shift + T to open a new type. It only reports the "Cache Refresh" error. Then when I type in a search string and hit OK, it pops up both the "Cache Refresh" error and a "Items filtering" error. Both of these report NPEs. I inspected the

Errors in updating the Android's ADT Plugin for Eclipse

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-24 14:32:12
问题 I have been trying everything since 2 days now, my ADT plugin is not updating: 1)I have tried going to SDK manager in my Android SDK Windows folder, Ran it as Administrator and installed Android SDK Build-tools but going to Windows>Preferences>Android I am still getting the error on selecting this sdk as SDK Path ( This Android SDK requires Android Developer Toolkit version 22.6.2 or above. Current version is 10.0.1.v201103111512-110841. Please update ADT to the latest version. ): 2) And also