

佐手、 提交于 2019-11-27 05:34:38
noHero123 / silverfish https://github.com/noHero123/silverfish/blob/master/HrtBddy/instructions.txt How to install: (- make a copy of the original defaultroutine-folder (but don save it in routines folder)) - delete the DefaultRoutine folder in Hearthbuddy/Routines - extract the stuff inside the DefaultRoutine_nH.zip to that Hearthbuddy/Routines folder (if you did it correctly you will have a Hearthbuddy/Routines/DefaultRoutine/Silverfish - folder) https://github.com/noHero123/silverfish/blob/master/HrtBddy/DefaultRoutine_nH.zip 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/11347688.html

HearthBuddy 突袭 rush

自作多情 提交于 2019-11-25 23:22:31
public enum GAME_TAG // Token: 0x0400627F RID: 25215 RUSH = 791, // Token: 0x04006280 RID: 25216 ATTACKABLE_BY_RUSH = 930, public abstract class EntityBase // Token: 0x06007471 RID: 29809 RVA: 0x000E925E File Offset: 0x000E765E public bool HasRush() { return this.HasTag(GAME_TAG.RUSH); } 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/11314665.html