
Completely disable a handsontable

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-02-07 13:50:20
问题 I have just started using handsontable with JSON data and its working great but I need to disable all table input to certain users (read-only view). Is there a way to completely disable a handsontable so none of the inputs respond and the remove row plugin doesn't function? I have tried http://dougestep.com/dme/jquery-disabler-widget-demos which doesn't seem to work and http://malsup.com/jquery/block/#element which works but it essentially creates an iframe overlay over the controls and with

How to use the 'afterColumnResize' event with 'rhandsontable'?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-01-28 11:26:56
问题 The JavaScript library Handsontable has an event afterColumnResize, triggered when a column is manually resized. How to use it with the 'rhandsontable' package in Shiny? 回答1: Here is how: library(shiny) library(rhandsontable) library(htmlwidgets) jsCode <- c( "function(el, x) {", " Handsontable.hooks.add('afterColumnResize', function(index, size){", " Shiny.setInputValue('newsize', {index: index+1, size: size});", " });", "}" ) ui <- fluidPage( rHandsontableOutput("dataTable"), br(),

ZoneAwarePromise overwritten when adding Handsontable to Angular-CLI scripts

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2021-01-28 07:06:29
问题 I'd like to add the Handsontable library to my Angular project. Using angular-cli, I added Handsontable to the scripts section of .angular-cli.json : "scripts": [ "../node_modules/handsontable-pro/dist/handsontable.full.js" ] Webpack compiles successfully, however when loading the web application, I'm encountering the following error: VM473:34309 Unhandled promise rejection Error: Zone.js has detected that ZoneAwarePromise `(window|global).Promise` has been overwritten. Most likely cause is

Change cell background of rHandsontable with afterChange event on client side

戏子无情 提交于 2020-12-30 01:45:15
问题 I'd like to change the background color of a handsontable cell after it's been edited by the user on the client side. The handsontable is defined through a Shiny application; so this is really a question about how to define event hooks in rHandsontable in the Shiny application. The general use case that I'm trying to accomplish is: users edit cell data; the background color change to indicate that it's been changed and is pending saving to a database; the change is passed back to Shiny's

Change cell background of rHandsontable with afterChange event on client side

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-12-30 01:38:58
问题 I'd like to change the background color of a handsontable cell after it's been edited by the user on the client side. The handsontable is defined through a Shiny application; so this is really a question about how to define event hooks in rHandsontable in the Shiny application. The general use case that I'm trying to accomplish is: users edit cell data; the background color change to indicate that it's been changed and is pending saving to a database; the change is passed back to Shiny's

Change cell background of rHandsontable with afterChange event on client side

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-12-30 01:36:49
问题 I'd like to change the background color of a handsontable cell after it's been edited by the user on the client side. The handsontable is defined through a Shiny application; so this is really a question about how to define event hooks in rHandsontable in the Shiny application. The general use case that I'm trying to accomplish is: users edit cell data; the background color change to indicate that it's been changed and is pending saving to a database; the change is passed back to Shiny's

Rhandsontable conditional formatting- How to highlight rows based on specific attribute value?

不问归期 提交于 2020-05-30 10:12:49
问题 I'd like to apply color highlighting for a entire row depending on a value and retain check boxes functionality of rhandsontable. In the simple example below, I'd like row 3 to be pink and row 4 to be green. library(rhandsontable) DF = data.frame( bool = TRUE,val = 1:10, big = LETTERS[1:10], small = letters[1:10], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ###Checkboxes not Present/Entire row not highlighted rhandsontable(DF, readOnly = FALSE, width = 750, height = 300) %>% hot_cols(renderer = " function

Rhandsontable conditional formatting- How to highlight rows based on specific attribute value?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-05-30 10:12:20
问题 I'd like to apply color highlighting for a entire row depending on a value and retain check boxes functionality of rhandsontable. In the simple example below, I'd like row 3 to be pink and row 4 to be green. library(rhandsontable) DF = data.frame( bool = TRUE,val = 1:10, big = LETTERS[1:10], small = letters[1:10], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ###Checkboxes not Present/Entire row not highlighted rhandsontable(DF, readOnly = FALSE, width = 750, height = 300) %>% hot_cols(renderer = " function