
Minimize crossings in a radial graph (networkx, graphviz)

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-02-19 06:29:29
问题 I have a complicated graph that I build using the python networkx library and I am trying to draw it in an understandable way. My data is structured in a way that I always have a central node, then a set of nodes that are at distance 1 from the center, and then another set of nodes which are at distance 2 from the center. By "distance" I mean the minimum number of edges before reaching the central node. Because of this structure, I would like to draw the graph in a radial fashion, where the

Can't plot pomegranate graph (pygraphviz not found)

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-02-19 04:33:06
问题 I can't understand what is going on but I no longer seem to be able to plot a pomegranate graph from inside PyCharm. I'm using conda as package manager and have gone though the usual: conda install graphviz conda install python-graphviz but every time I call model.plot() from inside PyCharm I get Traceback (most recent call last): File "<input>", line 1, in <module> File "/Applications/", line 198, in runfile pydev_imports.execfile

Pygraphviz xlabel position and color doesn't work

风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-19 04:18:37
问题 I am using pygraphviz to create graphs for my project. I am unable to figure out how to center the xlabel of nodes and also how to change the color of xlabel. graph.add_node(row[3], color='goldenrod2', style='filled', shape='box', xlabel=round(self.pi_dict.get(row[3]), 2), fontname='calibri') I tried using xlp='10,10!' and xlabelfontcolor='red' . Both attributes don't seem to work. Where am I going wrong. As you can see in the attached fig. above, the xlabel is positioned by default towards

Pygraphviz xlabel position and color doesn't work

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-02-19 04:15:16
问题 I am using pygraphviz to create graphs for my project. I am unable to figure out how to center the xlabel of nodes and also how to change the color of xlabel. graph.add_node(row[3], color='goldenrod2', style='filled', shape='box', xlabel=round(self.pi_dict.get(row[3]), 2), fontname='calibri') I tried using xlp='10,10!' and xlabelfontcolor='red' . Both attributes don't seem to work. Where am I going wrong. As you can see in the attached fig. above, the xlabel is positioned by default towards

Arrowhead overlaps node in Graphviz

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-02-17 04:10:11
问题 When you look at the graph above you can easily see that the arrowhead from a->b overlaps the node b. The tip of the arrowhead should stop right before the b node box, like it is the case in c->d. The code that produces this result is: digraph{ node[shape="box"] a->b[color=blue, penwidth=20] c->d[color=blue] } The layout engine in use is the "dot" Layout Engine. 回答1: headclip (and tailclip) causes the center of the pen drawing the edge to stop when crossing the imaginary line drawn by the No such file or directory

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-02-17 02:14:29
问题 I've written a program to assemble .dot files, and want to use Clojure's sh to give a compile command. Specifically, I use the following function to do it: (defn compile-graphviz "Dumps graphviz-string to a file, then compiles it using dot." [graphviz-string] (do (spit "./" graphviz-string) (sh "dot -Tpng \"/\" -o\"/.tree.png\""))) However, when I run this, the second part fails, giving the following error message at the REPL: IOException error=2, No such file or directory

Python 一键转化代码为流程图

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-11 19:10:28
Graphviz是一个可以对图进行自动布局的绘图工具,由贝尔实验室开源。我们在上次 Python 快速绘制画出漂亮的系统架构图 提到的diagrams,其内部的编排逻辑就用到了这个开源工具包。 而今天我们要介绍的项目,就是基于Python和Graphviz开发的,能将源代码转化为流程图的工具:pycallgraph。 1.准备 开始之前,你要确保Python和pip已经成功安装在电脑上噢,如果没有,请访问这篇文章: 超详细Python安装指南 进行安装。如果你用Python的目的是数据分析,可以直接安装Anaconda: Python数据分析与挖掘好帮手—Anaconda Windows环境下打开Cmd(开始—运行—CMD),苹果系统环境下请打开Terminal(command+空格输入Terminal),准备开始输入命令安装依赖。 当然,我更推荐大家用VSCode编辑器,把本文代码Copy下来,在编辑器下方的终端运行命令安装 依赖模块 ,多舒服的一件事啊: Python 编程的最好搭档—VSCode 详细指南 。 在终端输入以下命令安装我们所需要的依赖模块: pip install pycallgraph 看到 Successfully installed xxx 则说明安装成功。 macOS用户请使用brew安装: brew install graphviz

Use Graphviz to show two tables adjacent to each other with lines between cells

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-10 15:43:49
问题 I would like to show the diagram below, except with the two tables on the same horizontal level. I would like the second table to be shown to the right of the first table and not below it like it is currently. The current code for graphviz that I have is: digraph G { node [shape=record, fontname="Arial"]; set1 [label = "{Blue Crosses | B1 | B2 | B3 | B4 }|{ Square |<b1> Left |<b2> Left |<b3> Right | Left }"]; set2 [label = "{Blue Crosses |<b1> B1 |<b2> B2 |<b3> B3 }|{ Coordinates | (1, 1) |

Configuring CMake with graphviz library

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-10 15:14:18
问题 I'm trying to make a function which will generate an image with graph from .dot file, so i have to use graphviz library, here is this function: #include <fstream> #include <gvc.h> bool draw_image(const string& path) { GVC_t *gvc; Agraph_t *gr; FILE *fp; gvc = gvContext(); fp = fopen((path + ".dot").c_str(), "r"); gr = agread(fp, nullptr); gvLayout(gvc, gr, "dot"); gvRender(gvc, gr, "png", fopen((path + ".png").c_str(), "w")); gvFreeLayout(gvc, gr); agclose(gr); return (gvFreeContext(gvc)); }

How to underline text as part of a label?

不羁的心 提交于 2021-02-08 19:54:26
问题 Following is code using dot language. subgraph cluster1 { node[style=filled]; color=blue; b0->b1; label ="Tada"; // I want this to show as underlined. } 回答1: You can use HTML-like labels and the <u> tag: digraph cluster1 { node[style=filled, color=blue]; b0->b1; label = <<u>Tada</u>>; // I want this to show as underlined. } This is the result: Note that your color=blue statement wasn't applied to any element. I moved it into node . As pointed out in the comments, this currently only works for