
CUDA Cooperative Groups : Linking error

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-24 07:56:37
问题 After reading about Cooperative Groups in CUDA 9, I've been trying synchronize at a grid level. I'm using Visual Studio 2017, a GTX 1060 and CUDA 9.1. I altered my code as follows: __global__ void ExplicitKernel_American(/* ... */) { int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x; auto grid = cooperative_groups::this_grid(); if (i < sizeS) { //... for (int j = 1; j < sizeT; ++j) { // ... grid.sync(); // __syncthreads(); } } } And, as stated in the documentation, I call my kernel this way :

How can using cooperative groups feature of CUDA in windows

感情迁移 提交于 2019-11-28 10:49:25
问题 My GPU is GeForce MX150, pascal architecture, CC. 6.1, CUDA 9.1, windows 10. Although my GPU is pascal but cooperative groups doesn't work. I want to use it for inter-block synchronization. I found my tcc mode doesn't active. I also found that doesn't active in wddm in windows. How can using cooperative groups? How can activate tcc mode in windows? Thanks for your reply. 回答1: You can't activate TCC on that GPU (it is not supported), and there is no way to use a cooperative launch under