
How to create google two factor authentication using php?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-01-22 13:14:06
问题 I want to use Google 2FA in my PHP project. The user needs to enter the 6 digit 2fa code while logging in. May you draw some tips on which direction to take? 回答1: Step 1) Create a unique secret code of length 16 characters. PHPGangsta provides wrapper class for Google Authenticator. You can download using composer. curl -sS | php php composer.phar require phpgangsta/googleauthenticator:dev-master Use the below code to generate the secret code. <?php require

How to create google two factor authentication using php?

跟風遠走 提交于 2021-01-22 13:12:56
问题 I want to use Google 2FA in my PHP project. The user needs to enter the 6 digit 2fa code while logging in. May you draw some tips on which direction to take? 回答1: Step 1) Create a unique secret code of length 16 characters. PHPGangsta provides wrapper class for Google Authenticator. You can download using composer. curl -sS | php php composer.phar require phpgangsta/googleauthenticator:dev-master Use the below code to generate the secret code. <?php require

How to create google two factor authentication using php?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-01-22 13:11:20
问题 I want to use Google 2FA in my PHP project. The user needs to enter the 6 digit 2fa code while logging in. May you draw some tips on which direction to take? 回答1: Step 1) Create a unique secret code of length 16 characters. PHPGangsta provides wrapper class for Google Authenticator. You can download using composer. curl -sS | php php composer.phar require phpgangsta/googleauthenticator:dev-master Use the below code to generate the secret code. <?php require

How to create google two factor authentication using php?

前提是你 提交于 2021-01-22 13:05:14
问题 I want to use Google 2FA in my PHP project. The user needs to enter the 6 digit 2fa code while logging in. May you draw some tips on which direction to take? 回答1: Step 1) Create a unique secret code of length 16 characters. PHPGangsta provides wrapper class for Google Authenticator. You can download using composer. curl -sS | php php composer.phar require phpgangsta/googleauthenticator:dev-master Use the below code to generate the secret code. <?php require

java API for google Authenticator [closed]

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-01-02 05:44:04
问题 Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 2 years ago . Improve this question I wanna add two factor authentication using Google Authenticator and was wondering if google provides with java api's. I tried searching for it but din't find any. Can anyone point me to the java api if there are any. If not how can i go about using Google


烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-08-17 08:51:40
  如果把网站比作保险库,WordPress登录页面就是是保险库的密钥。确保其受到保护,以便只有授权用户才能登录。随着网络犯罪的增加,包括竞争对手在内的任何人都可能尝试入侵别人的网站。尽管WordPress平台本身提供了一系列安全功能,但仍然需要主动采取措施来确保登录页面的安全。主机侦探小编将提供有关WordPress网站登录如何采取防护措施的一些介绍。   秘诀1:设定强密码   超过80%的入侵事件是由于密码弱或被盗造成的。显然,需要认真对待密码的安全性!要登录WordPress网站,需要知道用户名(可以是电子邮件地址)和密码。尽管他人可能知道用户名,但除了自己外,没有人知道密码。除了使密码保密之外,拥有高强度的密码也是防止黑客入侵网站的好方法。   要创建强密码,可以使用密码生成工具,例如LastPass密码生成器,可以指定密码的长度、是否包含大小写字母以及其他用于生成安全密码的条件。还可以使用密码组合卡,使用随机组装的字符组合的方式来选择密码形式,以记住密码,另一种常见的方法是发明自己独特的密码字符组合。   以下是一些有关创建强密码的建议:   请勿包含常用字词或表达方式。   密码中没有任何个人信息,例如姓名或生日。   理想情况下,包括数字、符号和字母的随机字符。   理想的密码长度是8-12个字符。该长度难以猜测,却容易记住。  


放肆的年华 提交于 2020-08-10 05:35:00
远程工作给IT管理员带来了很多挑战,如:当用户联系管理员以远程重置或更改其AD域密码时,新凭据不会在其设备中更新,因为这些设备未连接到AD网络。 ADSelfService Plus是可以解决此类远程工作难题的解决方案,该工具以及ManageEngine的整套身份和访问管理(IAM)解决方案套件现在提供免费下载试用60天,以帮助为应对当前健康危机而切换到远程办公的企业。 让我们深入了解ADSelfService Plus如何解决远程工作难题: 借助ADSelfService Plus,管理员可以允许员工即使不在办公场所,也可以远程登录直接更改或重置密码,或解锁帐户。这些过程通过强大的多因素身份验证(MFA)措施(例如Duo Security,RSA SecurID和RADIUS)得到保护。 用户可以使用多因素身份验证安全地登录其Windows,Linux或Mac系统。用户只有在通过两种不同的因素进行身份验证后才能登录,如与YubiKey,Google Authenticator组合的密码或SMS一次性密码(OTP),从而使其安全度提高了一倍。 用户不再需要记住多个密码;ADSelfService Plus带有针对所有启用SAML的应用程序的企业单一登录(SSO)。只需登录该解决方案,用户就可以访问其所有应用程序,因为有了MFA,它会十分安全。

Generated codes do not match with PyOTP sample

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-08-09 08:50:07
问题 I was looking for a Python Time-based OTP library when I found PyOtp. I scanned the sample QR-Code using Google Authenticator and ran the associated sample code import pyotp totp = pyotp.TOTP("JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP") print("Current OTP:", However, the codes on my phones and the codes which the application generates do not match. I also tried another library (SpookyOTP) and the codes also did not match. Generating my own key with PyOTP, instead of using the sample one, also did not make

Token image in Google Authenticator or FreeOTP

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-08-05 06:12:06
问题 For a project, I implemented an OTP 2nd factor authentification. Everything is working fine, I am able to generate a QRcode for the encryption seed, read it on an Androïd smartphone and use the 6 digits generated code to authenticate in my app. I read that v1.5 of FreeOTP is now supporting addition of an image to each service, quote: On Android, we released a major release which brings many new features and UI refinements. The biggest of these is image support. Images can be selected for each

Is it possible to predict future 2FA values given older values with timestamps?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-07-03 10:01:12
问题 Is it safe to share 2FA codes? I'm talking about TOTP like Google Authenticator or Authy . For example, if i have code and generation time, is it possible to predict new codes? What if i have more than 1 pair of code+time? I think it's possible to predict new codes based on old information (code+time). So if this is possible, how do I do it? Im looking for some algorithm. Known Time period, time, code and secret length. Example: 22:20:30 561918 22:21:00 161664 22:21:30 610130 回答1: Internally,