
git project vs repository, what's the fundamental difference?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-02 22:06:32
I have two projects that currently use SVN and I'm migrating to git, I signed up to gitorious and there's the option to create a new project or add a repository. I'm just starting out with git so I don't know what the difference is, or rather what it means if I simply use to repositories under one project. If i do that I'll end up with and If I choose to create two projects then I end up with Apart from the URL difference, will there be any implications in choosing one over

Which is the best git hosting sw? - Gitolite vs. Gitlab vs. Gitorius [closed]

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-02 14:13:47
I am looking for a git hosting environment for several users. Therefore i've searched for comparisons between Gitolite , Gitlab and Gitorius . But i get nothing what could be useful. Is there anybody, who has experiences with different hosting tools and could provide an advice? VonC Gitolite is not a git hosting environment: it is an authorization layer , which grants or denies access to a git repo. It is the https or ssh layer which allows the authentication of a user, and the git repo hosting itself. See " How do programs like gitolite work? " GitLab and Gitorious both provide git hosting,

How to specify which SSH key to use within git for git push in order to have gitorious as a mirror?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-11-28 16:12:26
I have a project hosted on (alioth) and I'd like to configure a post-receive hook to update a mirror of the repository on I suppose I'll have to use git push --mirror gitorious Now, I'll need to have Alioth authorized on gitorious for the push to succeed. How do I do that? I suppose I need to configure a user on gitorious and create a ssh key for it. And then when I do the git push in the post-receive hook, make sure this ssh key is used. I could use a ~/.ssh/config but the problem is that many users can push on alioth, and everyone would have to log in and

github linking with other repos

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-11-28 04:28:06
I have a project that relies on two repos in github to function. When I submit my project to github how do I link to these two repos? Should I duplicate the files in my own repo or link to the other repo at a specific revision as I don't want it to update and cause incompatibility. I already created my github repo what should I do? You can use git submodules to "link" to other projects. See here - gabra There is an alternative to submodules that I found out to be more practical: subtree . According to this link the advantages are: Management of a simple

Is it possible to create merge requests in pure Git from the command line?

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-11-27 11:30:53
问题 I'm using a behind-firewall install of Gitorious. I can go into the web application and create a pull request from a clone and target the master repo from which it was cloned. I'd like to be able to do this on the command line. More specifically, I'd like to be able to open merge requests from the command line from one branch to another (rather than from clone to seed repo). Since I'm not using Github, I can't use Github specific tools or libraries. Is this possible? 回答1: There is no such

github linking with other repos

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-11-27 05:21:14
问题 I have a project that relies on two repos in github to function. When I submit my project to github how do I link to these two repos? Should I duplicate the files in my own repo or link to the other repo at a specific revision as I don't want it to update and cause incompatibility. I already created my github repo what should I do? 回答1: You can use git submodules to "link" to other projects. See here - 回答2: There is an alternative to submodules that I found