

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-03-15 14:01:00
1. 首次打开程序 第一次打开GitKraken程序时, GitKraken会提示需要登陆,可以用github.com的账号登陆,或者用邮箱创建账号登陆(如图 1‑1)。 图 1‑1登陆帐户界面 登陆时会向你推荐使用Pro版本,免费版本已经足够我们的日常使用,碰到相关的提示时选No即可。打开程序并成功登陆后显示如下界面(如图 1‑2): 图 1‑2 登陆成功界面 2. Authentication(授权) 我们一般用到比较多的情况是从服务器上clone一个已有的仓库。在clone服务器上的仓库前,首先需要设置/生成本地的加密解密密钥。 打开 GitKraken 的File => Preference => Authentication,出现如图 2‑1所示的界面: 图 2‑1 授权界面 如果你之前没有使用过GitKraken这款软件的话(或者也没有生成过SSH密钥),需要先点击图中的绿色按钮 ,生成 SSH 的公钥和私钥。 图 2‑2 公钥及私钥文件 然后点击 右侧的复制按钮 , 将公钥发送给 Git服务器管理员 ,由管理员将你的公钥添加到服务器中。那么你就可以添加远程仓库,并克隆代码到本地了。 GitKraken使用教程-基础部分(2) 来源:


限于喜欢 提交于 2020-03-12 11:28:07
Gitkraken收费问题解决 解决思路:之前用的好好的,突然私库使用收费了,那一定存在自动更新的一个程序,只要把那个自动更新的程序禁止联网就好了 ps:只用于个人学习,还是要有版权意识的 前提:安装一个可以使用私库的gitkraken版本 1. 最简单的方法360禁止某个软件联网 2.win10 系统如何禁止某个特定软件联网 来源: CSDN 作者: 袁了了 链接:

Git push working GitKraken, failing due to permissions in VS Code

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-01-25 06:49:30
问题 I am able to pull/push to GitHub via GitKraken on my Windows 10 machine but when using VS Code on the same machine I get permission errors. Any thoughts? git remote --verbose git.stage 1 git.stage.scmResources 1 git add -A -- e:\code\sportsman_cal\public_html\js\nowMe.js git status -z -u git symbolic-ref --short HEAD git rev-parse QuickUpdate1 git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name QuickUpdate1@{u} git rev-list --left-right QuickUpdate1...refs/remotes/origin/QuickUpdate1 git for-each-ref --format

Gitkraken doesn't show branches and commits

前提是你 提交于 2020-01-16 11:56:33
问题 When I try to open a repository in a xampp server with Gitkraken I can't view branches or commits, just the message "Displaying 2000 commits. Adjust this setting in Preferences". I tried to reinstall Gitkraken, reopen the repository and reboot xampp/my computer but it didn't work. My computer is a MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015) with macOS Mojave 10.14.6. 来源:

Gitkraken doesn't show branches and commits

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-16 11:51:42
问题 When I try to open a repository in a xampp server with Gitkraken I can't view branches or commits, just the message "Displaying 2000 commits. Adjust this setting in Preferences". I tried to reinstall Gitkraken, reopen the repository and reboot xampp/my computer but it didn't work. My computer is a MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015) with macOS Mojave 10.14.6. 来源:

GitKraken interoperability with git-crypt

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-01-04 02:15:08
问题 git-crypt works wonderfully when using git CLI. I have set everything up appropriately for git-crypt (.gitattributes). After creating/editing a file I want encrypted I perform: git add . The files have been staged and now I perform: git commit -m "Commit encrypted file" git push But when I use GitKraken and stage a file it does not seem to duplicate the "git add ." CLI. Has anyone successfully used GitKraken and git-crypt? 来源:

Unable to navigate to /opt/lampp/htdocs in Ubuntu after granting permissions

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-24 11:35:17
问题 Problem I installed lampp in my fresh Ubuntu 18.04 computer. I'm using Gitkraken and i want to clone a repository inside /opt/lampp/htdocs, but Gitkraken gui shows me a permission error (Could not read the contents of opt) when i try to navigate to /opt or hardcode /opt/lampp/htdocs. What i have tried 1. First i followed the steps from this question: sudo chown -R username:username /opt/lampp/htdocs 2. Then i tried chmod sudo chmod 755 -R /opt/lampp/htdocs My folder owner is correct // htdocs

GitKraken: “This repository requires LFS but you do not have LFS installed”

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-24 08:07:25
问题 For a repository on GitHub, GitKraken shows: This repository requires LFS but you do not have LFS installed. Modifying files that are tracked by LFS could potentially harm your repository. Please visit our support site for info on installing LFS. Button: Support Site However, their support site does not mention "Large File Storage". And the largest file is about 4 MB. How can modifying "large" files harm the repository - potentially corrupted binary data? And what steps are necessary to meet

GitKraken config file (Windows)

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-22 04:07:07
问题 Where can I find the config files for GitKraken on Windows? GitKraken shows many repositories, which I would not like to be listed in the "recently opened repos" list. 回答1: GitKraken saves its configuration in %AppData%/.gitkraken . Despite missing a file ending, all files here are JSON, so you can open them directly in a text editor. config for instance seems to store general settings such as window location and size. You can remove a repo from "recently opened repos" by removing it from the

GitKraken And Github - failed to get server certificate: The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-20 19:37:45
问题 I am getting this error message from GitKraken whenever I try to clone/fetch/push/push to any of my Github repositories: failed to get server certificate: The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation I have no idea why this is happening, everything was working fine with my current setup until yesterday and I have checked that GitKraken is properly authorized to connect to my Github account and my repositories. What I have tried: Remove and add my credentials, reauthorize