
git log --before=“4 months” show me branches that have commits from 3 weeks ago. what am I doing wrong?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-08-25 17:41:14
问题 so I have this snippet that I want to use to filter out branches that doesn't have a certain prefix and that hasn't received any commits in over 3 months so that I can remove them from our remote later on. for k in $(git branch -r | awk -Forigin !'/\/Prefix1\/|\/prefix2\//'); do if [ "$(git log -1 --before="3 month" $k)" ]; then echo "$(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%ci, %cr, " $k) $k"; fi; done The problem is currently that when I run this I see branches that have received commits 3 weeks ago,

Git says branch is merged, but changes are apparently not present

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-05-10 09:07:13
问题 I've worked myself into a situation that is not making sense to me. I'll try to describe it as best I can. I have a development branch and I've merged master into it via git checkout develpment && git merge master . I didn't get any merge conflicts here. There is a specific commit that I'm interested in, let's say it's abcd123 . When I run git branch --contains abcd123 , it reports that both development and master contain abcd123 . When I do git log , it shows abcd123 in the list of commits,