
How did I end up with a detached HEAD?

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-19 02:45:09
问题 I checked out a commit/branch from master, and then checked out back to master and wrote something. After that, I committed it, but I ended up with a detached HEAD. Why? Here is what I did: Create a new project and create git repository. git add git commit type some words git commit checkout to previous commit checkout back type some word try to commit; it prompts there is a detached head. IntelliJ IDEA's console shows: 17:08:58.143: cd C:\Users\jiahao\IdeaProjects\testtt\src 17:08:58.143:

Git create branch where detached HEAD is [duplicate]

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-18 10:19:27
问题 This question already has answers here : git: switch branch without detaching head (4 answers) Closed 5 years ago . I tried something like this: git branch temp to create a new branch but don't move the HEAD . But I get: # Not currently on any branch. I don't want to merge anything, I just want a new branch at the current HEAD . 回答1: You're sitting on a detached HEAD : git checkout <sha> You want to make a branch at that commit: git branch my-new-branch And now switch to that branch: git

How to prevent commit in detached HEAD

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-10 19:35:01
问题 Why does git allow you to commit to a detached head? Is there any pre commit hook that can disable it? What is the purpose? Many new developers do this and I'd like to find a way to disable it. 回答1: This can be only prevented by a local git pre-commit hook, so developers would need to create it. Add the your-local-project/.git/hooks/pre-commit file with the following contents: #!/bin/sh if ! git symbolic-ref HEAD &> /dev/null; then echo "You are in a detached head state! Commit has been

Switch to a remote branch getting detached head [duplicate]

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-10 13:55:50
问题 This question already has an answer here : Why does Git tell me “Not currently on any branch” after I run “git checkout origin/<branch>”? (1 answer) Closed 3 years ago . Here is a list of all my branches: $ git branch -a * temp remotes/heroku/master remotes/origin/dev remotes/origin/master When I type git checkout remotes/origin/master to switch to my origin master branch, Git switches to a detached HEAD state. Why? 回答1: This is the right behavior since you have checked out the remote branch.

Why do I have a detached HEAD after checking out the most recent commit?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-08 07:26:32
问题 Recently, while working in a git repository, I wanted to view the code at an old commit ( 68cce45 ), so I did git checkout 68cce45 After viewing the changes, I wanted to return to the current version of the repository and keep working. Since 2bcfd11 was the most recent commit, I did git checkout 2bcfd11 I then made some changes and did git add * and then git status which gave me the warning: HEAD detached at 2bcfd11 . I'm confused. I can understand why I would be in a "detached HEAD state" if

Why do I have a detached HEAD after checking out the most recent commit?

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-06 14:54:53
Recently, while working in a git repository, I wanted to view the code at an old commit ( 68cce45 ), so I did git checkout 68cce45 After viewing the changes, I wanted to return to the current version of the repository and keep working. Since 2bcfd11 was the most recent commit, I did git checkout 2bcfd11 I then made some changes and did git add * and then git status which gave me the warning: HEAD detached at 2bcfd11 . I'm confused. I can understand why I would be in a "detached HEAD state" if the last commit I checked-out was several versions ago. But since the last commit I checked-out was

Can I push a commit made in detached HEAD state

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-06 03:57:22
问题 Using git I would like to go into detached HEAD state and create a new commit. I'd then like to create a tag and push both the 'detached commit' and the tag to the remote repo. Is this possible? If I create the detached commit in my local repo and create a tag then I can checkout the tag to get back to that state. I'd like to share that with the remote repo so that other uses can clone the repo and checkout the tag and get to that same state. The reason I want to do this is because the build

How to save changes when in detached-head state?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-04 18:37:13
问题 Working with Git, I had to go back to a specific commit. I made some changes and I now want to commit them. What is a proper way of doing this? My project is now in detached-HEAD state. Will my changes be saved if I make a commit with git commit ? Otherwise, what should I do to not lose my changes? 回答1: Disclaimer: git isn't complicated, it's just versatile. Don't be scared off just because I've rambled into a long answer :) You had: master: a-b-c-d-e-f and wanted to change c . You did: * git

Git submodule detached head state [duplicate]

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-03 22:23:16
问题 This question already has answers here : Why is my GIT Submodule HEAD detached from master? (6 answers) Closed last year . I've added 2 submodules to a project, subA and subB, in externals/subA and externals/subB. Today another team member committed his code and when it is pulled, both subA and subB show detached head status when using git status within externals/subA and externals/subB. I did git submodule update first and that reported no errors. I tried then git submodule init and git

How to reconcile detached head and origin/master? Already checked out old hash

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-02 00:26:46
问题 Intro and search So I think I have made a grave mistake and I am concerned. I have parsed the forums for detached heads and I have come close to finding an answer, but the scenarios are too specific and not applicable to where I am at. If you find a specific thread that answers my question, please do link me. For example: How can I reconcile detached HEAD with master/origin? The guy has already done git rebase -i , which I have not. I've tried rebasing, but it didn't solve my issue. Little