
Compilation failed for package ‘rgeos’ while using R-studio

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-23 04:45:29
问题 While installing R package rgeos , I typed the code below in R-studio: >install.packages("rgeos") The output shows like this: ld: framework not found R clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) make: *** [] Error 1 ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘rgeos’ * removing ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library/rgeos’ Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘rgeos’ had non-zero exit status What's wrong with

RGeo on Ruby under Windows: How to enable GEOS support?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-22 11:28:37
问题 I'm trying to do some spatial operations in Ruby with the RGeo gem. Unfortunately, a lot of operations require the GEOS library and I can't find any documentation showing how to integrate this in Windows (I am using Windows 7 64bit). I tried downloading and installing the Windows binaries of GEOS from and reinstalling the RGeo gem via gem install rgeo -- --with-geos-dir="C:\OSGeo4W64\bin (<< in this directory there is a file geos_c.dll ). Still, using RGeo::Geos

GeoDjango: How to create a circle based on point and radius

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-18 11:10:13
问题 I have the following (simplified) Model: class Zone(gismodels.Model): name = gismodels.CharField() poly = gismodels.PolygonField() I want to create and save a polygon that represents a circle, based upon a given point and radius. The only way I can figure out how to achieve this, is to call the postgis ST_Buffer function using raw SQL. I'm really hoping that there is another way. Is it possible to access the GEOS buffer methods? 回答1: Yes, it is possible to use the geos buffer method: >>> from

Shapely intersections vs shapely relationships - inexact?

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-12 17:50:21
问题 I wonder if I am thinking the wrong way or if this is a bug: I have a linestring and a polygon, I create the intersection points of the line and the polygon's boundary These intersection points should intersect (at least touch) the polygon's boundary, right? from shapely import geometry,wkt line = geometry.LineString([(13.51039642756912, 52.598912814414675), (13.525173800277184, 52.60620240344557)]) poly = geometry.Polygon ([(13.52072838433517, 52.61735554606274), (13.52233276805985, 52

GeoPHP geosInstalled returns false

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-11 07:21:30
问题 I have installed OSGeo4W on my 64-bit windows. I am trying to use GEOS functions in GeoPHP, but when I call geoPHP::geosInstalled , it returns me false . This is how I included the libraries: <?php echo "Going to load libraries...\n"; include_once("C:\\Users\\ZiZi\\Desktop\\GEOPHP\\Libs\\geoPHP-master\\"); var_dump(geoPHP::geosInstalled()); The output is: bool(false) I have installed oSGeo4W which is said here to be containing GEOS . It is installed in C:\OSGeo4W64 and I have put C:

How to install geos on debian raspberry pi

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-11 04:02:04
问题 Hi I am trying to install geos on a raspberry pi running rasbian wheezy so that I can include the shapely modules in my python scripts. I tried using: git clone git:// this downloads properly, but when I try to run my python script it gives me a traceback error saying OSError: Could not find library geos_c or load any of its variants ['', ''] have I put geos in the wrong place? is there a special way to build the files? Thanks for

Why can shapely/geos parse this 'invalid' Well Known Binary?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-11 03:54:15
问题 I am trying to parse Well Known Binary a binary encoding of geometry objects used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). I am using this spec from ESRI (same results here from esri). I have input data from Osmosis a tool to parse OpenStreetMap data, specifically the pgsimp-dump format which gives the hex represenation of the binary. The ESRI docs say that there should only be 21 bytes for a Point , 1 byte for byte order, 4 for uint32 for typeid, and 8 for double x and 8 for double y. An

How Do I Make A Rectangle in GEOS? [closed]

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-11 02:39:32
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 years ago . How do you make a rectangle using the GEOS library's C++ API? 回答1: The following implementation gets the job done in GEOS. //Compile with: g++ code.cpp -lgeos //Updated: 2019-03-31 #include <geos/geom/PrecisionModel.h> #include <geos/geom/Polygon.h> #include <geos/geom/LinearRing.h> #include <geos/geom

In PostGIS a polygon bigger than half the world is treated as it's opposite

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-10 04:26:47
问题 I'm using GeoDjango with PostGIS and trying to use a polygon to get records from a database which fall inside it. If I define a polygon which is bigger than half the area of the earth it assumes the 'inside' of my polygon is the smaller area which I intended as the 'outside' and returns only results which are outside it. I can just use this smaller, wrong area to exclude results. Polygon.area seems to know what I intend so I can use this to determine when to make my search inclusive or

Unable to install rgdal and rgeos R libraries on Red hat linux

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-10 02:19:18
问题 I have error while compiling rgdal adn rgoes package on our redhat linux machine. I tried to do some research but couldn't find a possible solution. Could you please help me with this as this is very important for me to solve. **ERROR WHILE COMPILING RGDAL in R 3.0** **strong text** * installing *source* package ârgdalâ ... ** package ârgdalâ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked configure: CC: gcc -std=gnu99 configure: CXX: g++ configure: rgdal: 0.8-10 checking for /usr/bin/svnversion..