
504 Gateway Time-out error using Firefox 68.9.0esr in headless mode with GeckoDriver Selenium and Python

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-16 20:35:08
问题 I made a container image with selenium. I used a ubi image from RedHat as base image. I installed the following versions of the geckodriver and Mozilla Firefox geckodriver 0.26.0 (e9783a644016 2019-10-10 13:38 +0000) Mozilla Firefox 68.9.0esr I can run a selenium test on firefox successfully. When I run a headless test, something goes wrong: Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 58, in <module> check_browser("FIREFOX") File "./", line 26, in check

Want to specify rules in VirtualService file where two or more services have same rules

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-11 14:01:32
问题 I have deployed eight services on Kubernetes with Istio sidecar injection. I want to set-up routing rules in VirtualService where three services have same rule. Rules:- - match: - headers: location: exact: pune uri: prefix: /wagholi route: - destination: host: wagholi port: number: 8080 uri: prefix: /yerwada route: - destination: host: yerwada port: number: 8080 uri: prefix: /hadapsar route: - destination: host: hadapsar port: number: 8080 - match: - headers: location: exact: mumbai uri:

Android paytm payment gateway response

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2021-01-28 12:16:12
问题 I have implemented Paytm payment system and everything is working fine with a web intent on top of my intent, money is deducted from customer's acc and its getting added on my account but after the transaction gets complete it gets stuck on a white page saying 'Redirect to app' which i believe i should write the code to redirect back to my app but i don't know how to do that because i couldn't find a onTransactionSucess() event or anything similar to that i also tried onTransactionResponse

How to send multipart/concatenated SMS to phone using AT command?

北城余情 提交于 2021-01-27 13:01:47
问题 I got a computer with a nokia hooked up to it, and using AT Commands I managed to send text messages through my C# program (using TEXT MODE AT COMMANDS, NOT PDU). It's all working fine and I can recieve messages as well. I do wish to be able to send a text thats longer than 160 characters. And for that I need to be able to send a multipart SMS. I've searched around for this and my mate has told me that I need to check the header information in bytes on my "long" message, I analyzed the header

Istio virtual service header rules are not applied

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-01-16 04:04:35
问题 So I have a very unique situation. Problem Virtual services route rules are not applied. We have a buzzfeed sso setup in our cluster. We wand to modify response headers to i.e Add header. to each request that matches the uri sign_in. Buzzfeed sso has its own namespace. Now To accomplish this I have created a virtual service. Steps to Reproduce : We used this virtual service spec to create the route rules. apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: sso-auth

Istio virtual service header rules are not applied

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-01-16 03:59:16
问题 So I have a very unique situation. Problem Virtual services route rules are not applied. We have a buzzfeed sso setup in our cluster. We wand to modify response headers to i.e Add header. to each request that matches the uri sign_in. Buzzfeed sso has its own namespace. Now To accomplish this I have created a virtual service. Steps to Reproduce : We used this virtual service spec to create the route rules. apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: sso-auth

Spring Cloud 系列之 Netflix Zuul 服务网关

北城余情 提交于 2020-04-06 16:23:30
什么是 Zuul      Zuul 是从设备和网站到应用程序后端的所有请求的前门。作为边缘服务应用程序,Zuul 旨在实现动态路由,监视,弹性和安全性。Zuul 包含了对请求的 路由 和 过滤 两个最主要的功能。   Zuul 是 Netflix 开源的微服务网关,它可以和 Eureka、Ribbon、Hystrix 等组件配合使用。Zuul 的核心是一系列的过滤器,这些过滤器可以完成以下功能: 身份认证与安全:识别每个资源的验证要求,并拒绝那些与要求不符的请求 审查与监控:在边缘位置追踪有意义的数据和统计结果,从而带来精确的生产试图 动态路由:动态地将请求路由到不同的后端集群 压力测试:逐渐增加只想集群的流量,以了解性能 负载分配:为每一种负载类型分配对应容量,并弃用超出限定值的请求 静态响应处理:在边缘位置直接建立部份响应,从而避免其转发到内部集群\ 多区域弹性:跨越AWS Region进行请求路由,旨在实现ELB(Elastic Load Balancing)使用的多样化,以及让系统的边缘更贴近系统的使用者    什么是服务网关      API Gateway(APIGW / API 网关),顾名思义,是出现在系统边界上的一个面向 API 的、串行集中式的强管控服务,这里的边界是企业 IT 系统的边界,可以理解为 企业级应用防火墙 ,主要起到 隔离外部访问与内部系统的作用

spring cloud 2.x版本 Gateway动态路由教程

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-04-01 08:06:08
摘要 本文采用的Spring cloud为2.1.8RELEASE,version=Greenwich.SR3 本文基于前面的几篇Spring cloud Gateway文章的实现。 参考 Gateway路由网关教程 Gateway自定义过滤器教程 前言 写了几篇关于Spring Cloud Gateway的文章后发现,Gateway涉及的知识范围太广了,真是深刻体会了“一入Spring cloud深似海”。 现实生产环境中,使用Spring Cloud Gateway都是作为所有流量的入口,为了保证系统的高可用,尽量避免系统的重启,所以需要Spring Cloud Gateway的动态路由来处理。之前的文章《 Gateway路由网关教程 》提供的路由配置,在系统启动时候,会将路由配置和规则加载到内存当中,无法做到不重启服务就可以动态的新增、修改、删除内存中的路由配置和规则。 简单的动态路由实现 Spring Cloud Gateway源码中提供了GatewayControllerEndpoint类来修改路由配置,但是官方文档好像并没有做详细的使用说明,只是简单介绍了几个简单的api接口。感兴趣的小伙伴可以先查看官方文档( 第11章节 Actuator API )。 引致官方文档: The /gateway actuator endpoint allows to monitor


元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-03-31 05:46:27
Workerman是一款纯PHP开发的开源高性能的PHP socket 服务器框架,而GatewayWorker则是基于Workerman开发的一个长连接框架,支持分布式部署,支持全局广播或者向任意客户端推送数据,作为快速开发TCP长连接应用非常方便; 说明,本文主要通过手动安装GatewayWorker扩展,因此拷贝vendor下的核心代码即可。暂不提供composer安装说明 第一步:下载GatewayWorker(Fork地址 第二步:将GatewayWorker文件夹中的“GatewayWorker\vendor\”下“Workerman”放入tp5项目extend目录 第三步:添加入口文件 在项目根目录 新增启动服务文件server.php,用于在cli模式下运行tp 关键代码:   ini_set('display_errors', 'on');   if(strpos(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'win') === 0){     exit("start.php not support windows.\n");   }   // 检查扩展   if(!extension_loaded('pcntl')){     exit("Please install pcntl