
什么是施密特触发器(Schmitt Trigger)?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-11-28 02:37:57
http://hi.baidu.com/hieda/blog/item/c996d9cc5d1a8c1400e92877.html 施密特触发器( Schmitt Trigger ),简单的说就是 具有滞后特性的数字传输门 。 (一)施密特触发器结构举例 (二)施密特触发器具体分析 (三)施密特触发器电路用途 (四)施密特触发器 相关部分总结 (五)附:用555定时器构成施密特触发器 用555定时器构成多谐振荡器 Sometimes an input signal to a digital circuit doesn't directly fit the description of a digital signal. For various reasons it may have slow rise and/or fall times, or may have acquired some noise that could be sensed by further circuitry. It may even be an analog signal whose frequency we want to measure. All of these conditions, and many others, require a specialized circuit that will