
Check if paypal email address is a verified user

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-03 16:58:10
问题 I would like to check if a paypal user who tries to buy something from my site has a verified account before he makes purchase. Once the user isn't verified, any payment he/she makes would fail. Funds will be returned back to user automatically. Is there any code I can add or edit to make this work due to fraud issues. Well I found this where if i replace emailhere with any email i get verified or unverified. I would like to add this to the

Check if paypal email address is a verified user

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-03 06:48:43
I would like to check if a paypal user who tries to buy something from my site has a verified account before he makes purchase. Once the user isn't verified, any payment he/she makes would fail. Funds will be returned back to user automatically. Is there any code I can add or edit to make this work due to fraud issues. Well I found this where if i replace emailhere with any email i get verified or unverified. I would like to add this to the code. Thanks If you're not already, I would recommend using the Express Checkout API . This will allow you