
How print every line of a python script as its being executed (including the console)?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-02-20 17:55:23
问题 I'd like to print every line of python script as it's being executed, as well as the log from the console as every line is being executed. For example, for this script: import time print 'hello' time.sleep(3) print 'goodbye' I'd like it to generate the following in the console: line 1: import time line 2: print 'hello' hello line 3: time.sleep(3) line 4: print 'goodbye' goodbye See below for my attempt import subprocess as subp python_string = """ import sys import inspect class SetTrace

How print every line of a python script as its being executed (including the console)?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-02-20 17:55:02
问题 I'd like to print every line of python script as it's being executed, as well as the log from the console as every line is being executed. For example, for this script: import time print 'hello' time.sleep(3) print 'goodbye' I'd like it to generate the following in the console: line 1: import time line 2: print 'hello' hello line 3: time.sleep(3) line 4: print 'goodbye' goodbye See below for my attempt import subprocess as subp python_string = """ import sys import inspect class SetTrace

How print every line of a python script as its being executed (including the console)?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-20 17:54:14
问题 I'd like to print every line of python script as it's being executed, as well as the log from the console as every line is being executed. For example, for this script: import time print 'hello' time.sleep(3) print 'goodbye' I'd like it to generate the following in the console: line 1: import time line 2: print 'hello' hello line 3: time.sleep(3) line 4: print 'goodbye' goodbye See below for my attempt import subprocess as subp python_string = """ import sys import inspect class SetTrace

SwiftUI: How can I detect if two views are intersecting each other?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-17 06:54:09
问题 One view is intersecting the other one. How could we detect this intersection in SwiftUI? In Swift I would reach this with a few lines of code: import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let a = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 150, height: 150)) a.backgroundColor = .purple view.addSubview(a) let b = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 150, y: 150, width: 150, height: 150)) b.backgroundColor = .orange view.addSubview(b) if a.frame

WPF: Page to page navigation from listbox menu employing frame technique?

房东的猫 提交于 2021-02-06 09:26:09
问题 I got a problem. I added a frame in the window xaml to load pages in. I can directly load a page into frame with Source tag of the frame. It works. I need to use the code in C# to refer to the link from listbox menu a poplulate an apropriate link when an listbox item is selected. My problem is that I cannot refer the frame in C# code, it just cannot be seen. I defined the frame with x:Name="ContentFrame". When I refer to in in C#, Intellisense tells that "The name "ContentFrame" does not

WPF: Page to page navigation from listbox menu employing frame technique?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-02-06 09:26:09
问题 I got a problem. I added a frame in the window xaml to load pages in. I can directly load a page into frame with Source tag of the frame. It works. I need to use the code in C# to refer to the link from listbox menu a poplulate an apropriate link when an listbox item is selected. My problem is that I cannot refer the frame in C# code, it just cannot be seen. I defined the frame with x:Name="ContentFrame". When I refer to in in C#, Intellisense tells that "The name "ContentFrame" does not

How to get the user input from the frame and save into txt file?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-05 12:32:02
问题 My programs run like this: I have a form with an add button, save button, and tabcontrol. When the add button in the form is clicked, the tabcontrol will add more tabitem. And the tabitem is basically added from myframe which includes users key-in value in a TEdit. What I want to achieve is to print all the user input from the frame to a txt file when I click on the save button(tick) in the form. This is my code in form. Can anyone please give me some hint? My frame Image: My form Image: My

Python Tkinter Label in Frame

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-05 08:33:48
问题 I want to place a label inside a frame in tkinter, but I can't figure out how to actually get it inside. import tkinter from tkinter import * W=tkinter.Tk() W.geometry("800x850+0+0") W.configure(background="lightblue") FRAME=Frame(W, width=100, height =50).place(x=700,y=0) LABEL=Label(FRAME, text="test").pack() When I run this, it doesn't place the Label inside the frame, but just places it normally on the window. What am I doing wrong? 回答1: In the line FRAME=Frame(W, width=100, height =50)

Wxpython panel is cropped with only a small box shown at the top left hand corner

别来无恙 提交于 2021-01-29 18:58:39
问题 I am using Hide() and Show() from wx to do the "next page" effect by hiding a panel and showing the next one but in the same frame (not very sure if I am doing it correctly though). At certain pages, the panel is just a small cropped version at the top left corner while some other panels can work normally (display the full thing). How do I solve this problem? I saw something on stackoverflow about child/parent of the panel or frame and tried changing my code but it does not work, not very

How can I host a FireMonkey form client aligned inside another?

无人久伴 提交于 2021-01-28 03:15:31
问题 My Delphi XE7 FireMonkey project is growing controls and naturally I've moved to using frames. Where I've used frames in the VCL there have been situations where I've simply chosen to host one (complex) VCL form inside another instead, creating and displaying it in the form's OnShow and setting it client-aligned (the benefit of this is that you don't get issues with dangling inherited controls when you edit the frame). With FireMonkey though, things have changed slightly and my attempt to get