
Is using 'forever' still the suggested approach to run nodejs as a linux/unix service?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-08 20:44:27
In the past couple of years NodeJS became a major player in the server landscape - and I really find it hard to believe that there is no decent way to have nodejs run as a service on a linux box. On Windows we have iisnode - but for non Windows environments the forever package is suggested as the way to go - instead of a real solution. Is there maybe a servicized version of nodejs out there that I could not locate? There isn't a "servicized" version of Node.js available in the sense you are thinking. Keeping your Node application running (for example in the event of a fatal error) is up to you

Is using 'forever' still the suggested approach to run nodejs as a linux/unix service?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-08 07:27:13
问题 In the past couple of years NodeJS became a major player in the server landscape - and I really find it hard to believe that there is no decent way to have nodejs run as a service on a linux box. On Windows we have iisnode - but for non Windows environments the forever package is suggested as the way to go - instead of a real solution. Is there maybe a servicized version of nodejs out there that I could not locate? 回答1: There isn't a "servicized" version of Node.js available in the sense you

Do not delete a Jenkins build if it's marked as “Keep this build forever” - Groovy script to delete Jenkins builds

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-07 18:12:29
问题 I have the following Groovy script which deletes all builds of a given Jenkins job except one build number that user provides (i.e. wants to retain). /*** BEGIN META { "name" : "Bulk Delete Builds except the given build number", "comment" : "For a given job and a given build number, delete all build except the user provided one.", "parameters" : [ 'jobName', 'buildNumber' ], "core": "1.409", "authors" : [ { name : "Arun Sangal" } ] } END META **/ // NOTE: Uncomment parameters below if not application is throwing error with forever

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-07 03:40:02
问题 I am working on a application. I am trying to run this application on Ubuntu shell with forever module of node but it is throwing an error "util.js:756 throw new TypeError('The super constructor to `inherits` must not ' + ^: The super constructor to `inherits` must not be null or undefined. at Object.exports.inherits (util.js:756:11) at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/forever/node_modules/forever-monitor/lib/forever-monitor/monitor.js:142:7) at Module._compile (module.js:435

nodejs 'forever' just doesn't do anything

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-06 18:40:28
问题 I am trying to run my nodejs app on an Amazon EC2 instance using forever. I installed nodejs npm, and then ran sudo npm install forever -g . The installation didn't return any errors, so i go ahead and try running my app using forever start server.js , but it won't do anything - no output what-so-ever, not even an error. I also tried forever --help and just forever , but none of them giving me any response... When running my app regularly using nodejs - nodejs init.js then it works as

Node - Trying to restart using Forever won't work in bash script on cronjob

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-06 13:38:53
I have a simple bash script written that auto-deploys code to my Node.js server whenever a commit is made, then restarts the server using forever. This script is run periodically on a cronjob. Oh yeah, the site is still in the dev phase before being released, hence the constant server restarting. :) The script does some other things, but the real interesting part is the following two lines of code: forever stopall forever start app.js When I run the script manually from the command-line myself, the following output occurs from those two commands: Stopping all node jobs info: Forever stopped

Remote nodejs server deployment with forever

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-06 07:04:44
I'm trying to deploy a node js server on a remote machine by a post-commit hook, which would call a script on the remote machine that does the actual deployment. The problem I'm facing is if I run the remote script on the machine it works fine, but when I try to execute the same script by an ssh command the server doesn't start. This is what my post commit hook looks like: #!/bin/bash #Connect to AWS machine and run deploy script ssh -i ~/Documents/aa-kp-inst1.pem ubuntu@<remote-ip> "sh /home/app/" #Done exit 0 Pretty straightforward. And this is what looks like: #!/bin/bash

How do I fix “Error: MONGO_URL must be set in environment” on ubuntu using forever and startup script?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-06 05:10:31
问题 I just deployed a meteor js app on an EC2 ubuntu server. I installed forever and added the following startup script to /etc/init/meteor.conf start on (local-filesystems) stop on shutdown script cd /home/ubuntu export PORT=80 MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost27017/parties ROOT_URL= exec forever start bundle/main.js end script When I go to start my app using: sudo service meteor start , it reads: meteor start/running, process 12481 ubuntu@ip-10-98-57

Do not delete a Jenkins build if it's marked as “Keep this build forever” - Groovy script to delete Jenkins builds

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-06 03:08:40
I have the following Groovy script which deletes all builds of a given Jenkins job except one build number that user provides (i.e. wants to retain). /*** BEGIN META { "name" : "Bulk Delete Builds except the given build number", "comment" : "For a given job and a given build number, delete all build except the user provided one.", "parameters" : [ 'jobName', 'buildNumber' ], "core": "1.409", "authors" : [ { name : "Arun Sangal" } ] } END META **/ // NOTE: Uncomment parameters below if not using Scriptler >= 2.0, or if you're just pasting the script in manually. // ----- Logic in this script

Use Forever with Ember-CLI

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-06 02:38:08
问题 I've set up a website using Ember-CLI and it is now ready for production, so we're looking for a way to keep it running permanently. Right now we're using $ ember serve --port 80 but obviously this only works whilst we're logged in. I've used Forever before to keep a node app running but am not sure how to make this work with Ember CLI, as the 'ember serve' command obviously does more than just running app.js? Any input would be appreciated! 回答1: Ember-CLI apps are NOT node apps, they are