
@font-face unicode-range attribute

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-19 07:26:46
问题 In some html documents I'm using webfonts for only a couple of words. Performance-wise loading a complete font-file seems wasteful. This is where the unicode-range parameter of the @font-face declaration comes in: With it I supposedly can define what characters of the font-file to load, thus improving performance greatly. But I just can't get it to work. And the odd thing is that it diplays all the characters in firefox, and it fails to load

Can't get @fontface CSS to work in WordPress

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-02-11 12:33:52
问题 I'm pretty sure this is what I've always done in the past, but I can't get it to work this time. The folder AFONTNAME is in the fonts folder within the active theme folder: @font-face { font-family: "A Font Name"; src: url("/fonts/AFONTNAME/AFONTNAME.ttf") format("ttf"), url("/fonts/AFONTNAME/AFONTNAME.woff") format("woff"), url("/fonts/AFONTNAME/AFONTNAME.svg") format("svg"); } .specialfont { font-family: "A Font Name" } Have tried using the full path to the fonts folder, with and without

@Font-face not working on IOS

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2021-02-10 22:18:01
问题 So I am working on a WordPress website and on each page I have an H1 tag for the title of that page. I am using a special font using @font-face and it works great on windows in every browser, but when I switch over to a mac it won't display the h1 tag its just white space. I have tested this in safari and chrome on multiple mac's and its not working on any of them. If I change the font to let say Arial it works great, if I setup to have a fall back font it does not work. If I change the h1,h2

@Font-face not working on IOS

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-10 22:01:54
问题 So I am working on a WordPress website and on each page I have an H1 tag for the title of that page. I am using a special font using @font-face and it works great on windows in every browser, but when I switch over to a mac it won't display the h1 tag its just white space. I have tested this in safari and chrome on multiple mac's and its not working on any of them. If I change the font to let say Arial it works great, if I setup to have a fall back font it does not work. If I change the h1,h2

@Font-face not working on IOS

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-02-10 22:01:47
问题 So I am working on a WordPress website and on each page I have an H1 tag for the title of that page. I am using a special font using @font-face and it works great on windows in every browser, but when I switch over to a mac it won't display the h1 tag its just white space. I have tested this in safari and chrome on multiple mac's and its not working on any of them. If I change the font to let say Arial it works great, if I setup to have a fall back font it does not work. If I change the h1,h2

How do I load fonts with filenames which begin with numbers, via the FontFace interface in Safari

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-10 17:08:51
问题 I can't get Safari(11.1) to load font files via the FontFace interface, if those files font names begin with numbers. The same files that show an error in Safari load perfectly fine in Chrome and Firefox. Here is the most simplified version I could create that still produces the error. var fonty = new FontFace('0Test', 'url(fonts/0Test.woff)'); console.log('This will only show if the Font name does not begin with a number'); Checking the Safari(11.1 is the version I'm using) console, you'll

How do I load fonts with filenames which begin with numbers, via the FontFace interface in Safari

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-10 17:04:05
问题 I can't get Safari(11.1) to load font files via the FontFace interface, if those files font names begin with numbers. The same files that show an error in Safari load perfectly fine in Chrome and Firefox. Here is the most simplified version I could create that still produces the error. var fonty = new FontFace('0Test', 'url(fonts/0Test.woff)'); console.log('This will only show if the Font name does not begin with a number'); Checking the Safari(11.1 is the version I'm using) console, you'll

Creating a Two-Color Sharp Gradient on Text With CSS3

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-02-10 07:14:41
问题 I need to create a "sharp" gradient for both the header and navigation text on a site I'm building. I'm trying to make it as pure HTML5/CSS3 as possible, and would like to stick with @font-face and not move over to Cufon. What I mean by sharp gradient is two colors, with no blending in between. Example: I found a way to do it in Cufon, but as I said, I want to stick to @font-face . Cufon gives me too much grief in IE, and I really love how

Creating a Two-Color Sharp Gradient on Text With CSS3

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-02-10 07:14:12
问题 I need to create a "sharp" gradient for both the header and navigation text on a site I'm building. I'm trying to make it as pure HTML5/CSS3 as possible, and would like to stick with @font-face and not move over to Cufon. What I mean by sharp gradient is two colors, with no blending in between. Example: I found a way to do it in Cufon, but as I said, I want to stick to @font-face . Cufon gives me too much grief in IE, and I really love how

Are SVG fonts still working in Google Chrome?

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-07 12:29:18
问题 I have been redesigning a website for a while on and off, but for the last 6 months I've been out of the loop so to speak and may have missed something important regarding svg fonts no longer working with chrome? Here is a snippet of one of my stylesheets: @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { @font-face { font-family: 'NewFont'; src: url("newfont-webfont.svg#NewFont") format("svg"); }} I've replaced the SVG with my WOFF version and the fonts look just about OK, however the