
How to read nested/child DICOM tags from sequences using fo-dicom?

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-02 08:48:02
For my project, I'm trying to read a radiation therapy plan (RT Plan) out of a DICOM file with fo-dicom 3.0.2 and C# in VS2015 (.Net 4.5.2). Thanks to a DICOM Editor, I know the values stored in the different DicomTags , but I cant get access to all Tag s. e.g I'm trying to read the DicomTag.BeamDose and I know the value isn't empty. string storedfile = file_path + file_name; Dicom.DicomFile file = Dicom.DicomFile.Open(@storedfile); MessageBox.Show(file.Dataset.Get<string>(Dicom.DicomTag.BeamDose)); Running the code throws an exception with message: (300a,0084) not found in dataset. As