
How to simplify multiple if-else-if statements in c++

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-12 02:17:37
问题 Suppose I have four functions for four cases: void ac() { //do something } void ad() { //do something } void bc() { //do something } void bd() { //do something } void f(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d) { if(a and c) { ac(); } else if(a and d) { ad(); } else if(b and c) { bc(); } else if(b and d){ bd(); } else { throw 1; } } For the 2 by 2 situation it's quite simple, but in more complex situations, this can get very tedious. Is there a way to simplify this? 回答1: #define A 0x1 #define B 0x2

Using xonxoff-flow control with pyserial

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-11 19:18:53
问题 I am currently trying to interface with a somewhat old old model of a HP-printer which gives me two possible methods of flow-control: No flow control at all or software-based flow control (XON/XOFF). I am initializing pySerial with the following command and just justing a plain big string to write my data to the port: serial = serial.Serial(port = '/dev/ttyUSB3', baudrate = 9600, parity = serial.PARITY_ODD, stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS) This works fine - but


Deadly 提交于 2019-12-07 14:28:47
TCP 数据传输 TCP 的数据传输分为两种,一种是交互式数据,一种是块数据,交互式数据如 Telnet ,一般都是小于 10 个字节的分组,而成块数据如 FTP 传输文件,基本都是大于 512 字节的报文,对于这两种数据, TCP 的处理机制是不一样的,算法也不相同,下面是一个 telnet 的抓包,由于此处讨论的主要是交互数据,而不是 telnet 协议,因此抓包主要集中在交互上 CentOS release 5.3 (Final) Kernel 2.6.18-128.el5 on an x86_64 login: qa Password: Last login: Fri May 13 15:35:27 from [qa@hding ~]$ ls Desktop hello socat- [qa@hding ~]$ #ls 1. IP > P 73:74(1) ack 199 win 16375 C->S ‘l’ 2. IP > P 199:200(1) ack 74 win 46 S->C ‘l’ 3. IP > 10.8

Why does else behave differently in for/while statements as opposed to if/try statements?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-07 03:22:46
问题 I have recently stumbled over a seeming inconsistency in Python's way of dealing with else clauses in different compound statements. Since Python is so well designed, I'm sure that there is a good explanation, but I can't think of it. Consider the following: if condition: do_something() else: do_something_else() Here, do_something_else() is only executed if condition is false, as expected. Similarly, in try: do_something() except someException: pass: else: do_something_else() finally: cleanup

Why does else behave differently in for/while statements as opposed to if/try statements?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-05 07:53:59
I have recently stumbled over a seeming inconsistency in Python's way of dealing with else clauses in different compound statements. Since Python is so well designed, I'm sure that there is a good explanation, but I can't think of it. Consider the following: if condition: do_something() else: do_something_else() Here, do_something_else() is only executed if condition is false, as expected. Similarly, in try: do_something() except someException: pass: else: do_something_else() finally: cleanup() do_something_else() is only executed if no exception occurred. But in for or while loops, an else

Python test if object exists

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-04 22:41:25
I consider it bad style to use try: except: for flow control, but I can't figure out how to write the following code to test if a DB field in Django exists. This is the "dirty" code which works: @receiver(pre_save, sender=UserProfile) def create_user_profile(sender, instance=None, **kwargs): try: print str(instance.bank_account) except: print 'No account' I would rather wanna do something like this, but I get an exception when the if statement is run and the object does not exist: @receiver(pre_save, sender=UserProfile) def create_user_profile(sender, instance=None, **kwargs): if instance.bank

Ruby: What is the difference between a for loop and an each loop? [duplicate]

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-04 08:52:36
Possible Duplicate: for vs each in Ruby Let's say that we have an array, like sites = %w[stackoverflow stackexchange serverfault] What's the difference between for x in sites do puts x end and sites.each do |x| puts x end ? They seem to do the same exact thing, to me, and the syntax of the for loop is clearer to me. Is there a difference? In what situations would this be a big deal? There is a subtle difference regarding scoping, but I would recommend understanding it well as it reveals some of important aspects of Ruby. for is a syntax construct, somewhat similar to if . Whatever you define

How can I execute several maven plugins within a single phase and set their respective execution order?

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-03 15:26:25
问题 I would like to breakup certain phases in the maven life cycle into sub phases. I would like to control the execution flow from one sub-phase to another, sort of like with ant dependencies. For example, I would like to use the NSIS plugin in order to package up my project into an installer at the package stage, AFTER my project had been packaged into a war file. I would like to do all that at the package phase. Is that possible? Thanks 回答1: Plugins bound to the same phase should be executed

difference between sliding window and congestion window [duplicate]

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-03 12:05:57
This question already has an answer here: TCP - difference between Congestion window and Receive window 2 answers What is the difference and connection between sliding window in flow control and congestion window in congestion control? I think both are the control size for transmitting, but what are the difference? I do not quite get the difference between flow control and congestion control too. Manoj Pandey Congestion window and flow-control are different features of TCP and their input is fed to the sliding window. The congestion-window is based on an estimation of the network sending rate.

Perl Breaking out of an If statement

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-03 10:43:00
问题 This one just came up: How do I break out of an if statement? I have a long if statement, but there is one situation where I can break out of it early on. In a loop I can do this: while (something ) { last if $some_condition; blah, blah, blah ... } However, can I do the same with an if statement? if ( some_condition ) { blah, blah, blah last if $some_other_condition; # No need to continue... blah, blah, blah ... } I know I could put the if statement inside a block, and then I can break out of