
What counts as a flop?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-21 11:32:13
问题 Say I have a C program that in pseudoish is: For i=0 to 10 x++ a=2+x*5 next Is the number of FLOPs for this (1 [x++] + 1 [x*5] + 1 [2+(x+5))] * 10[loop], for 30 FLOPS? I am having trouble understanding what a flop is. Note the [...] are indicating where I am getting my counts for "operations" from. 回答1: For the purposes of FLOPS measurements, usually only additions and multiplications are included. Things like divisions, reciprocals, square roots, and transcendental functions are too

What counts as a flop?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-21 11:31:32
问题 Say I have a C program that in pseudoish is: For i=0 to 10 x++ a=2+x*5 next Is the number of FLOPs for this (1 [x++] + 1 [x*5] + 1 [2+(x+5))] * 10[loop], for 30 FLOPS? I am having trouble understanding what a flop is. Note the [...] are indicating where I am getting my counts for "operations" from. 回答1: For the purposes of FLOPS measurements, usually only additions and multiplications are included. Things like divisions, reciprocals, square roots, and transcendental functions are too

Automatic way to obtain the floating-point operation count for some piece of code

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-13 19:34:24
问题 I have some rather complex and highly templated code (C++, but this may not be very relevant) of which I'd like to know the number of adds, subs, muls, divs, and sqrts at execution. Is there an automatic way to get this information (the compiler could work it out easily)? I tried to count it myself in the assembler code generated, but got confused with jp , jmp , and call s. 回答1: I would suggest to override + , - , * , / operators and sqrt function for some float-like type, in which you can

FLOPS what really is a FLOP

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-10 21:09:25
问题 I came from this thread: FLOPS Intel core and testing it with C (innerproduct) As I began writing simple test scripts, a few questions came into my mind. Why floating point? What is so significant about floating point that we have to consider? Why not a simple int? If I want to measure FLOPS, let say I am doing the inner product of two vectors. Must the two vectors be float[] ? How will the measurement be different if I use int[]? I am not familiar with Intel architectures. Let say I have the

Estimating the efficiency of GPU in FLOPS (CUDA SAMPLES)

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-10 18:35:17
问题 It seems to me, that I don't completely understand the conception of FLOPS. In CUDA SAMPLES, there is Matrix Multiplication Example (0_Simple/matrixMul). In this example the number of FLOPs (operations with floating point) per matrix multiplication is calculated via the formula: double flopsPerMatrixMul = 2.0 * (double)dimsA.x * (double)dimsA.y * (double)dimsB.x; So, this means, that in order to multiply matrix A(n x m) over B(m x k) , we need to do: 2*n*m*k operations with floating point.

Counting Flops for a code!

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-07 06:07:30
问题 This is really taking my time. I could not find a simple way to estimate FLOPS for a following code (the loop), How much FLOPS are for a single iteration of the loop: float func(float * atominfo, float energygridItem, int xindex, int yindex) { ... for (atomid=0; atomid<numatoms*4; atomid+=4) { float dy = coory - atominfo[atomid+2]; float dysqpdzsq = (dy * dy) + atominfo[atomid+3]; float dx1 = coorx1 - atominfo[atomid+1]; float s, y, t; s = atominfo[atomid] * (1.0f / sqrtf(dx1*dx1 + dysqpdzsq)

Counting Flops for a code!

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-05 09:18:21
This is really taking my time. I could not find a simple way to estimate FLOPS for a following code (the loop), How much FLOPS are for a single iteration of the loop: float func(float * atominfo, float energygridItem, int xindex, int yindex) { ... for (atomid=0; atomid<numatoms*4; atomid+=4) { float dy = coory - atominfo[atomid+2]; float dysqpdzsq = (dy * dy) + atominfo[atomid+3]; float dx1 = coorx1 - atominfo[atomid+1]; float s, y, t; s = atominfo[atomid] * (1.0f / sqrtf(dx1*dx1 + dysqpdzsq)); y = s - energycomp1; t = energyvalx1 + y; energycomp1 = (t - energyvalx1) - y; energyvalx1 = t; } ..

What counts as a flop?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-04 06:17:06
Say I have a C program that in pseudoish is: For i=0 to 10 x++ a=2+x*5 next Is the number of FLOPs for this (1 [x++] + 1 [x*5] + 1 [2+(x+5))] * 10[loop], for 30 FLOPS? I am having trouble understanding what a flop is. Note the [...] are indicating where I am getting my counts for "operations" from. For the purposes of FLOPS measurements, usually only additions and multiplications are included. Things like divisions, reciprocals, square roots, and transcendental functions are too expensive to include as a single operation, while things like loads and stores are too trivial. In other words, your

How many FLOPS for FFT?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-03 22:53:32
问题 I would like to know how many FLOPS a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) performs. So, if I have a 1 dimensional array of N float numbers and I would like to calculate the FFT of this set of numbers, how many FLOPS need to be performed? I know that this depends on the used algorithm, but what about the fastest available? I also know that the scaling of a FFT is of the order of N*log(N) but this would not answer my question. 回答1: That depends on implementation. Fastest does not necessary mean lowest

How to compare performance of two pieces of codes

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-11-30 09:44:50
I have a friendly competition with couple of guys in the field of programming and recently we have become so interested in writing efficient code. Our challenge was to try to optimize the code (in sense of cpu time and complexity) at any cost (readability, reusability, etc). The problem is, now we need to compare our codes and see which approach is better comparing to the others but we don't know any tools for this purpose. My question is, are there some (any!) tools that takes a piece of code as input and calculates the number of flops or cpu instructions necessary for running it? Is there