

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-20 08:26:04
什么是 RPC ? RPC (Remote Procedure Call)即远程过程调用,是分布式系统常见的一种通信方法,已经有 40 多年历史。当两个物理分离的子系统需要建立逻辑上的关联时,RPC 是牵线搭桥的常见技术手段之一。除 RPC 之外,常见的多系统数据交互方案还有分布式消息队列、HTTP 请求调用、数据库和分布式缓存等。 其中 RPC 和 HTTP 调用是没有经过中间件的,它们是端到端系统的直接数据交互。HTTP 调用其实也可以看成是一种特殊的 RPC,只不过传统意义上的 RPC 是指长连接数据交互,而 HTTP 一般是指即用即走的短链接。 RPC 在我们熟知的各种中间件中都有它的身影。Nginx/Redis/MySQL/Dubbo/Hadoop/Spark/Tensorflow 等重量级开源产品都是在 RPC 技术的基础上构建出来的,我们这里说的 RPC 指的是广义的 RPC,也就是分布式系统的通信技术。RPC 在技术中的地位好比我们身边的空气,它无处不在,但是又有很多人根本不知道它的存在。 本地过程调用 RPC就是要像调用本地的函数一样去调远程函数。在研究RPC前,我们先看看本地调用是怎么调的。假设我们要调用函数Multiply来计算lvalue * rvalue的结果: 1 int Multiply(int l, int r) { 2 int y = l * r;

Flatbuffers verifier behaviour

风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-10 06:56:14
问题 Is there any way to verify bytearray with flatbuffer structure in it with flatbuffer verifier if tables in schema for that two object starts from similar data types? Example schema: table AddTaskResponse{ blablabla:int; foobar:int; } table AddTaskRequest{ requestId:int; taskId:int; profileId:string; } My current experiments shows me: flatbuffers::Verifier verifier(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(data.data()),data.size()); bool isaddTaskResponse = VerifyAddTaskResponseBuffer(verifier); bool

TensorFlow Lite for Android示例

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-12-23 03:58:17
一、TensorFlow Lite TensorFlow Lite 是用于移动设备和嵌入式设备的轻量级解决方案。TensorFlow Lite 支持 Android、iOS 甚至树莓派等多种平台。 二、tflite格式 TensorFlow 生成的模型是无法直接给移动端使用的,需要离线转换成.tflite文件格式。 tflite 存储格式是 flatbuffers。 FlatBuffers 是由Google开源的一个免费软件库,用于实现序列化格式。它类似于Protocol Buffers、Thrift、Apache Avro。 因此,如果要给移动端使用的话,必须把 TensorFlow 训练好的 protobuf 模型文件转换成 FlatBuffers 格式。官方提供了 toco 来实现模型格式的转换。 三、API TensorFlow Lite 提供了 C ++ 和 Java 两种类型的 API。无论哪种 API 都需要加载模型和运行模型。 而 TensorFlow Lite 的 Java API 使用了 Interpreter 类(解释器)来完成加载模型和运行模型的任务。后面的例子会看到如何使用 Interpreter。 四、TensorFlow Lite实现手写数字识别 下面的 demo 中已经包含了 mnist.tflite 模型文件。(如果没有的话

Size of Serialized data is not reducing using flatbuffer

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-07-22 21:16:32
问题 I have written following fbs file namespace testing; table polygon { x : double; y : double; } table layer { layer_name : string; polygons : [polygon]; } root_type layer; My plan is to serialize approx 5 Million coordinates and dump it into one file. Problem is what I see is the number of bytes is increased compared to what I was expecting. I am expecting it should be arounf (5M* 16) bytes. But the size what I am getting is 140000032 bytes Here is the java code which I am using for dumping

Flatbuffers encoding then decoding C++ double array + table + union returns junk

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-15 22:26:08
问题 I'm filling out some flatbuffer messages but when I encode then decode them I get junk back out. I've not included the full message to avoid extraneous information, but I'm able to extract the enum value of the union component successfully. However, when I go to extract the type identified by the enum the double array I print out contains junk as illustrated below. Here are the important parts of the buffers: Input/Output: KukaJAVAdriver sending armposition command:[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] re

Flatbuffers encoding then decoding C++ double array + table + union returns junk

早过忘川 提交于 2020-01-15 22:26:01
问题 I'm filling out some flatbuffer messages but when I encode then decode them I get junk back out. I've not included the full message to avoid extraneous information, but I'm able to extract the enum value of the union component successfully. However, when I go to extract the type identified by the enum the double array I print out contains junk as illustrated below. Here are the important parts of the buffers: Input/Output: KukaJAVAdriver sending armposition command:[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] re

Deserialize flatbuffers binary that represents non-root table

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-13 01:33:25
问题 Is it possible to deserialize a binary flatbuffers object that represents a non-root table? Suppose the following flatbuffers schema: table Foo { ... } table Bar { value:[Foo]; } root_type Bar; Suppose we have access to the binary data that represents the Foo object. Is it possible to deserialize this binary to an object of class Foo ? Looking at my c++ generated header file, I do not see any generated function like GetFoo() . 回答1: GetFoo is just a convenience function for the declared root

How to serialize union of structs in Flatbuffers

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-11 08:35:40
问题 Suppose I have the following Flatbuffers schema file: union WeaponProperties { sword: PSword, axe: PAxe, mace: PMace, } struct PSword { length: float32; straight: bool; } struct PAxe { bearded: bool; } struct PMace { hardness: int8; } table Weapon { name: string; mindamage: int32; maxdamage: int32; swingtime: float32; weight: float32; properties: WeaponProperties; } root_type Weapon; After I run flatc compiler on this schema file, the resulting weapon_generated.h file will have roughly the

Reading Flatbuffers objects sent via ZMQ in C++ throws unhandled exception

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-05 06:45:50
问题 I am trying to send a reasonably big Flatbuffers object over the network via ZMQ and then read it using C++. When accessing the object, I get unhandled exceptions that I don't know how to solve. Even this minimal example fails: The flatbuffers schema: namespace flatbuffer; table TestBuf { testStatus:bool; testNumber:double; testInt:int; } root_type TestBuf; The main.cpp using the REP socket: int main() { zmq::context_t context(1); zmq::socket_t socket(context, ZMQ_REP); socket.bind("tcp://*